558 research outputs found

    The Influence of Anthropomorphic Chatbot Design on Consumer Tolerance of Service Failures: The Mediating Roles of Attachment and Cognitive Dissonance

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    Problem statement: The widespread use of chatbots in hospitality and tourism leads to inevitable service failures. Although research has investigated the influence of chatbots` anthropomorphic cues, comprehending how distinct anthropomorphic cues influence user behavior in service failure is still limited. Methodology: To explore how the anthropomorphic design of chatbots affect user`s tolerance for service failure, this research conducts a 2 (anthropomorphic appearance: 3D vs. 2D) x 2 (language style: informal vs. formal) x 2 (interdependent self-construal: high vs. low) between-subject online experiment. Result: Results show that the congruent anthropomorphic cues of chatbots can significantly improve consumers \u27 tolerance, where attachment mediates this process positively. Additionally, the interdependent self-construal level plays a positive moderating role in this process. Implications: This study contributes theoretically by explicating anthropomorphism in attachment and cognitive dissonance theory and extending the understanding of self-construal theory. Moreover, the study provides recommendations for managers to design effective anthropopathic chatbots

    Interpretation of Forest Resources at the Individual Tree Level at Purple Mountain, Nanjing City, China, Using WorldView-2 Imagery by Combining GPS, RS and GIS Technologies

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    This study attempted to measure forest resources at the individual tree level using high-resolution images by combining GPS, RS, and Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies. The images were acquired by the WorldView-2 satellite with a resolution of 0.5 m in the panchromatic band and 2.0 m in the multispectral bands. Field data of 90 plots were used to verify the interpreted accuracy. The tops of trees in three groups, namely 10 cm, 15 cm, and 20 cm DBH (diameter at breast height), were extracted by the individual tree crown (ITC) approach using filters with moving windows of 3 x 3 pixels, 5 x 5 pixels and 7 x 7 pixels, respectively. In the study area, there were 1,203,970 trees of DBH over 10 cm, and the interpreted accuracy was 73.68 +/- 15.14% averaged over the 90 plots. The numbers of the trees that were 15 cm and 20 cm DBH were 727,887 and 548,919, with an average accuracy of 68.74 +/- 17.21% and 71.92 +/- 18.03%, respectively. The pixel-based classification showed that the classified accuracies of the 16 classes obtained using the eight multispectral bands were higher than those obtained using only the four standard bands. The increments ranged from 0.1% for the water class to 17.0% for Metasequoia glyptostroboides, with an average value of 4.8% for the 16 classes. In addition, to overcome the mixed pixels problem, a crown-based supervised classification, which can improve the classified accuracy of both dominant species and smaller classes, was used for generating a thematic map of tree species. The improvements of the crown- to pixel-based classification ranged from -1.6% for the open forest class to 34.3% for Metasequoia glyptostroboides, with an average value of 20.3% for the 10 classes. All tree tops were then annotated with the species attributes from the map, and a tree count of different species indicated that the forest of Purple Mountain is mainly dominated by Quercus acutissima, Liquidambar formosana and Pinus massoniana. The findings from this study lead to the recommendation of using the crown-based instead of the pixel-based classification approach in classifying mixed forests.ArticleREMOTE SENSING. 6(1):87-110 (2014)journal articl

    Optical limiting using Laguerre-Gaussian beams

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    We demonstrate optical limiting using the self-lensing effect of a higher-order Laguerre-Gaussian beam in a thin dye-doped polymer sample, which we find is consistent with our model using Gaussian decomposition. The peak phase shift in the sample required for limiting is smaller than for a fundamental Gaussian beam with the added flexibility that the nonlinear medium can be placed either in front of or behind the beam focus.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    2-(Methoxy­meth­yl)adamantan-2-yl 2-methyl­acrylate

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    The title compound, C16H24O3, has a cage-type mol­ecular structure and is of inter­est with respect to its photochemical properties. The structure displays non-classical inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonding, which links the mol­ecules into a three-dimensional network

    Arsenic bioleaching in medical realgar ore and arsenicbearing refractory gold ore by combination of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans

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    Purpose: To develop a novel biotechnological method for removing toxic arsenic from two kinds of representative arsenic-containing ores using different mixed mesophilic acidophiles.Methods: Bioleaching of the two types of arsenic-containing ores by mixed arsenic-unadapted Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans or mixed arsenic-adapted cultures, were carried out. Arsenic bioleaching ratios in the various leachates were determined and compared.Results: The results showed that the maximum arsenic leaching ratio obtained from realgar in the presence of mixed adapted cultures was 28.6 %. However, the maximum arsenic leaching ratio from realgar in the presence of mixed unadapted strains was only 12.4 %. Besides, maximum arsenic leaching ratios from arsenic-bearing refractory gold ore by mixed adapted strains or unadapted strains were 45.0 and 22.9 %, respectively. Oxidation of these two ores by sulfuric acid was insignificant, as maximum arsenic leaching ratios of realgar and arsenic-bearing refractory gold ore in the absence of any bacterium were only 2.8 and 11.2 %, respectively.Conclusion: Arsenic leaching ratio of realgar and refractory gold ore can be enhanced significantly in the presence of arsenic-adapted mesophilic acidophiles.Keywords: Adaptation, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, Realgar, Arsenicbearing refractory gold ore, Arsenic leaching rati

    Stormwater Quality Characteristics and Reuse Analysis of Different Underlying Surfaces at Wanzhou North Station

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    In response to the water shortage in Wanzhou North Station (WNS), the authors investigated the stormwater quality characteristics with different underlying surfaces of WNS and carried out stormwater reuse analysis in conjunction with the InfoWorks ICM model. The results show that during heavy, torrential, and moderate rainfall, the road stormwater runoff has the highest concentrations of pollutants, with an average EMC (event mean concentration) value of 206 mg/L for COD. For the square runoff, the average EMC values of COD, SS, TN, and TP are 108 mg/L, 395 mg/L, 2.113 mg/L, and 0.128 mg/L, in comparison, the average EMC values of the corresponding indexes for the roof runoff are 65 mg/L, 212 mg/L, 1.449 mg/L, and 0.086 mg/L, respectively, demonstrating their potential for reuse. The R2 (coefficient of determination) of SS and COD in both roof and square runoff are greater than 0.85, with a good correlation, indicating that SS removal is the key to stormwater purification. InfoWorks ICM analysis shows that the recyclable volume of rainwater from WNS in 2018 is 29,410 m3 , accounting for 61.8% of the total annual rainfall. This study is expected to provide an ideal reference for the stormwater management of public buildings in mountainous areas