2,519,555 research outputs found

    Feshbach resonances in mixtures of ultracold 6^6Li and 87^{87}Rb gases

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    We report on the observation of two Feshbach resonances in collisions between ultracold 6^6Li and 87^{87}Rb atoms in their respective hyperfine ground states F,mF>=1/2,1/2>|F,m_F>=|1/2,1/2> and 1,1>|1,1>. The resonances show up as trap losses for the 6^6Li cloud induced by inelastic Li-Rb-Rb three-body collisions. The magnetic field values where they occur represent important benchmarks for an accurate determination of the interspecies interaction potentials. A broad Feshbach resonance located at 1066.92 G opens interesting prospects for the creation of ultracold heteronuclear molecules. We furthermore observe a strong enhancement of the narrow p-wave Feshbach resonance in collisions of 6^6Li atoms at 158.55 G in the presence of a dense 87^{87}Rb cloud. The effect of the 87^{87}Rb cloud is to introduce Li-Li-Rb three-body collisions occurring at a higher rate than Li-Li-Li collisions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Spectroscopic Study of IRAS 19285+0517(PDS 100): A Rapidly Rotating Li-Rich K Giant

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    We report on photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy for IRAS 19285+0517. The spectral energy distribution based on visible and near-IR photometry and far-IR fluxes shows that the star is surrounded by dust at a temperature of TdT_{\rm {d}} \sim 250 K. Spectral line analysis shows that the star is a K giant with a projected rotational velocity vsiniv sin i = 9 ±\pm 2 km s1^{-1}. We determined the atmospheric parameters: TeffT_{\rm {eff}} = 4500 K, log gg = 2.5, ξt\xi_{t} = 1.5 km s1^{-1}, and [Fe/H] = 0.14 dex. The LTE abundance analysis shows that the star is Li-rich (log ϵ\epsilon(Li) = 2.5±\pm0.15), but with essentially normal C, N, and O, and metal abundances. Spectral synthesis of molecular CN lines yields the carbon isotopic ratio 12^{12}C/13^{13}C = 9 ±\pm3, a signature of post-main sequence evolution and dredge-up on the RGB. Analysis of the Li resonance line at 6707 \AA for different ratios 6^{6}Li/7^{7}Li shows that the Li profile can be fitted best with a predicted profile for pure 7^{7}Li. Far-IR excess, large Li abundance, and rapid rotation suggest that a planet has been swallowed or, perhaps, that an instability in the RGB outer layers triggered a sudden enrichment of Li and caused mass-loss.Comment: To appear in AJ; 40 pages, 9 figure

    Three Li-rich K giants: IRAS 12327-6523, IRAS 13539-4153, and IRAS 17596-3952

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    We report on spectroscopic analyses of three K giants previously suggested to be Li-rich: IRAS 12327-6523, IRAS 13539-4153, and IRAS 17596-3952. High-resolution optical spectra and the LTE model atmospheres are used to derive the stellar parameters: (TeffT_{\rm eff}, log gg, [Fe/H]), elemental abundances, and the isotopic ratio 12^{12}C/13^{13}C. IRAS 13539-4153 shows an extremely high Li abundance of logϵ\log\epsilon(Li) \approx 4.2, a value ten times more than the present Li abundance in the local interstellar medium. This is the third highest Li abundance yet reported for a K giant. IRAS 12327-6523 shows a Li abundances of logϵ\log\epsilon(Li)\approx 1.4. IRAS 17596-3952 is a rapidly rotating (VsiniV{\sin i} \approx 35 km s1^{-1}) K giant with logϵ\log\epsilon(Li) \approx 2.2. Infrared photometry which shows the presence of an IR excess suggesting mass-loss. A comparison is made between these three stars and previously recognized Li-rich giants.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, accepted for A

    New Keck Observations of Lithium in Very Metal-poor Stars

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    Lithium abundances have been determined in more than 100 metal-poor halo stars both in the field and in clusters. From these data we find trends of Li with both temperature and metallicity and a real dispersion in Li abundances in the Spite Li plateau. We attribute this dispersion primarily to Li depletion (presumably due to extra mixing induced by stellar rotation) and to Galactic chemical evolution. We derive a primordial Li of 2.44 ±\pm0.18 for A(Li)p_p = log N(Li/H) + 12.00. This agrees with the Li abundances predicted by the WMAPWMAP results. For stars cooler than the Li plateau we have evidence that Li depletion sets in at hotter temperatures for the higher metallicity stars than for the low-metal stars. This is the opposite sense of predictions from stellar models. The smooth transition of the Li content from the Li plateau stars to the cool stars adds weight to the inference of Li depletion in the plateau stars.Comment: Invited talk for IAU Symposium 228 "From Lithium to Uranium..." held in Paris in May, 2005. 6 pages, 6 figure

    Unbound exotic nuclei studied by transfer to the continuum reactions

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    In this paper we show that the theory of transfer reactions from bound to continuum states is well suited to extract structure information from data obtained by performing "spectroscopy in the continuum". The low energy unbound states of nuclei such as 10^{10}Li and 5^{5}He can be analyzed and the neutron-core interaction, necessary to describe the corresponding borromean nuclei 11^{11}Li and 6^{6}He can be determined in a semi-phenomenological way. An application to the study of 10^{10}Li is then discussed and it is shown that the scattering length for s-states at threshold can be obtained from the ratio of experimental and theoretical cross sections. The scattering single particle states of the system n+9^{9}Li are obtained in a potential model. The corresponding S-matrix is used to calculate the transfer cross section as a function of the neutron continuum energy with respect to 9^{9}Li. Three different reactions are calculated 9Li(d,p)10Li^{9}Li(d,p)^{10}Li, 9Li(9Be,8Be)10Li^{9}Li(^{9}Be,^{8}Be)^{10}Li, 9Li(13C,12C)10Li^{9}Li(^{13}C,^{12}C)^{10}Li, to check the sensitivity of the results to the target used and in particular to the transfer matching conditions. Thus the sensitivity of the structure information extracted from experimental data on the reaction mechanism is assessed.Comment: 21 pages, 5 ps figures, accepted for publication on Nucl. Phys.