394 research outputs found

    Quantum transport in weakly coupled superlattices at low temperature

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    We report on the study of the electrical current flowing in weakly coupled superlattice (SL) structures under an applied electric field at very low temperature, i.e. in the tunneling regime. This low temperature transport is characterized by an extremely low tunneling probability between adjacent wells. Experimentally, I(V) curves at low temperature display a striking feature, i.e a plateau or null differential conductance. A theoretical model based on the evaluation of scattering rates is developed in order to understand this behaviour, exploring the different scattering mechanisms in AlGaAs alloys. The dominant interaction in usual experimental conditions such as ours is found to be the electron-ionized donors scattering. The existence of the plateau in the I(V) characteristics is physically explained by a competition between the electric field localization of the Wannier-Stark electron states in the weakly coupled quantum wells and the electric field assisted tunneling between adjacent wells. The influence of the doping concentration and profile as well as the presence of impurities inside the barrier are discussed

    A study of long range order in certain two-dimensional frustrated lattices

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    We have studied the Heisenberg antiferromagnets on two-dimensional frustrated lattices, triangular and kagome lattices using linear spin-wave theory. A collinear ground state ordering is possible if one of the three bonds in each triangular plaquette of the lattice becomes weaker or frustrated. We study spiral order in the Heisenberg model along with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction and in the presence of a magnetic field. The quantum corrections to the ground state energy and sublattice magnetization are calculated analytically in the case of triangular lattice with nearesr-neighbour interaction. The corrections depend on the DM interaction strength and the magnetic field. We find that the DM interaction stabilizes the long-range order, reducing the effect of quantum fluctuations. Similar conclusions are reached for the kagome lattice. We work out the linear spin-wave theory at first with only nearest-neighbour (nn) terms for the kagome lattice. We find that the nn interaction is not sufficient to remove the effects of low energy fluctuations. The flat branch in the excitation spectrum becomes dispersive on addition of furthet neighbour interactions. The ground state energy and the excitation spectrum have been obtained for various cases.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Extended Quantum Dimer Model and novel valence-bond phases

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    We extend the quantum dimer model (QDM) introduced by Rokhsar and Kivelson so as to construct a concrete example of the model which exhibits the first-order phase transition between different valence-bond solids suggested recently by Batista and Trugman and look for the possibility of other exotic dimer states. We show that our model contains three exotic valence-bond phases (herringbone, checkerboard and dimer smectic) in the ground-state phase diagram and that it realizes the phase transition from the staggered valence-bond solid to the herringbone one. The checkerboard phase has four-fold rotational symmetry, while the dimer smectic, in the absence of quantum fluctuations, has massive degeneracy originating from partial ordering only in one of the two spatial directions. A resonance process involving three dimers resolves this massive degeneracy and dimer smectic gets ordered (order from disorder).Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in J. Stat. Mec

    A proposed search for a fourth neutrino with a PBq antineutrino source

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    Several observed anomalies in neutrino oscillation data can be explained by a hypothetical fourth neutrino separated from the three standard neutrinos by a squared mass difference of a few eV^2. We show that this hypothesis can be tested with a PBq (ten kilocurie scale) 144Ce or 106Ru antineutrino beta-source deployed at the center of a large low background liquid scintillator detector. In particular, the compact size of such a source could yield an energy-dependent oscillating pattern in event spatial distribution that would unabiguously determine neutrino mass differences and mixing angles.Comment: 4 pages ; 1 table ; 4 figures - Add energy spectrum shape only analysis + referee comments/suggestion

    High‐Latitude Geomagnetic Secular Variation at the End of the Cretaceous Normal Superchron Recorded by Volcanic Flows From the Okhotsk‐Chukotka Volcanic Belt

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    The Cretaceous Normal Superchron (CNS, 84–121 Ma) is a singular period of the geodynamo's history, identified by a prolonged absence of polarity reversals. To better characterize the paleosecular variation (PSV) of the geomagnetic field at the end of this interval, we sampled seven continuous sequences of lava flows from the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanic Belt, emplaced 84–89 Ma in the vicinity of the Kupol ore deposit (NE Russia). From a collection of 1,024 paleomagnetic cores out of 82 investigated lava flows, we successfully determined the paleodirections of 78 lava flows, which led to 57 directional groups after removing the serial correlations. The resulting paleomagnetic pole is located at 170.0°E, 76.8°N (A95 = 5.2°, N = 57), in good agreement with previous estimates for north-eastern Eurasia. Aiming at quantifying PSV at a reconstructed paleolatitude (λ) of ∼80°N, we obtained a virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) scatter , the value of which was corrected for within-site dispersion and is little dependent on the choice of the selection criteria. Compared to previous paleodirectional data sets characterizing PSV at various paleolatitudes during the CNS, our Sb estimate confirms a relative latitudinal increase Sb(λ = 90°)/Sb(λ = 0°) on the order of 2–2.5. Focusing on PSV at high paleolatitude within the 70°–90° range, we show that Sb was ∼15% lower at the end of the CNS than during the past 10 Myr, confirming that the singular polarity regime of the geodynamo observed during the CNS is likely accompanied with reduced PSV

    Intermittence and peculiarities of a statistic characteristic of the geomagnetic field in geodynamo models

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The analysis of the statistical characteristics of the geomagnetic field generated in the numerical geodynamo models has shown that the distribution of the spherical harmonic coefficients in some cases is not Gaussian but, instead, has much in common with the Laplace distribution. The shape of the corresponding histograms depends on the time scale, which allows interpreting the obtained data in terms of a mixture of Gaussian distributions. The similar effects associated with the intermittence were observed in the experiments in a turbulent fluid flow. Hence, the behavior of secular variations in the magnetic field of the Earth should perhaps be described in terms of a mixture of several Gaussian stationary processes corresponding to switching between the different regimes of geodynamo generation

    Ultimate performance of Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors in the tunneling regime

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    Thanks to their wavelength diversity and to their excellent uniformity, Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors (QWIP) emerge as potential candidates for astronomical or defense applications in the very long wavelength infrared (VLWIR) spectral domain. However, these applications deal with very low backgrounds and are very stringent on dark current requirements. In this paper, we present the full electro-optical characterization of a 15 micrometer QWIP, with emphasis on the dark current measurements. Data exhibit striking features, such as a plateau regime in the IV curves at low temperature (4 to 25 K). We show that present theories fail to describe this phenomenon and establish the need for a fully microscopic approach

    Modified spin-wave theory with ordering vector optimization I: frustrated bosons on the spatially anisotropic triangular lattice

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    We investigate a system of frustrated hardcore bosons, modeled by an XY antiferromagnet on the spatially anisotropic triangular lattice, using Takahashi's modified spin-wave (MSW) theory. In particular we implement ordering vector optimization on the ordered reference state of MSW theory, which leads to significant improvement of the theory and accounts for quantum corrections to the classically ordered state. The MSW results at zero temperature compare favorably to exact diagonalization (ED) and projected entangled-pair state (PEPS) calculations. The resulting zero-temperature phase diagram includes a 1D quasi-ordered phase, a 2D Neel ordered phase, and a 2D spiraling ordered phase. We have strong indications that the various ordered or quasi-ordered phases are separated by spin-liquid phases with short-range correlations, in analogy to what has been predicted for the Heisenberg model on the same lattice. Within MSW theory we also explore the finite-temperature phase diagram. We find that the zero-temperature long-range-ordered phases turn into quasi-ordered phases (up to a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature), while zero-temperature quasi-ordered phases become short-range correlated at finite temperature. These results show that modified spin-wave theory is very well suited for describing ordered and quasi-ordered phases of frustrated XY spins (or, equivalently, of frustrated lattice bosons) both at zero and finite temperatures. While MSW theory, just as other theoretical methods, cannot describe spin-liquid phases, its breakdown provides a fast method for singling out Hamiltonians which may feature these intriguing quantum phases. We thus suggest a tool for guiding our search for interesting systems whose properties are necessarily studied with a physical quantum simulator.Comment: 40 pages, 16 figure

    Properties and Detection of Spin Nematic Order in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems

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    A spin nematic is a state which breaks spin SU(2) symmetry while preserving translational and time reversal symmetries. Spin nematic order can arise naturally from charge fluctuations of a spin stripe state. Focusing on the possible existence of such a state in strongly correlated electron systems, we build a nematic wave function starting from a t-J type model. The nematic is a spin-two operator, and therefore does not couple directly to neutrons. However, we show that neutron scattering and Knight shift experiments can detect the spin anisotropy of electrons moving in a nematic background. We find the mean field phase diagram for the nematic taking into account spin-orbit effects.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures. (v2) References adde

    On the origin of the reactor antineutrino anomalies in light of a new summation model with parameterized β\beta^{-} transitions

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    We investigate the possible origins of the norm and shape reactor antineutrino anomalies in the framework of a summation model (SM) where β\beta^{-} transitions are simulated by a phenomenological Gamow-Teller β\beta-decay strength model. The general trends of the discrepancies to the Huber-Mueller model on the antineutrino side can be reproduced both in norm and shape. From the exact electron-antineutrino correspondence of the SM model, we predict similar distortions in the electron spectra, suggesting that biases on the reference fission-electron spectra could be at the origin of the anomalies