236 research outputs found

    Uniqueness results for convex Hamilton-Jacobi equations under p>1p>1 growth conditions on data

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    Unbounded stochastic control problems may lead to Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations whose Hamiltonians are not always defined, especially when the diffusion term is unbounded with respect to the control. We obtain existence and uniqueness of viscosity solutions growing at most like o(1+∣x∣p)o(1+|x|^p) at infinity for such HJB equations and more generally for degenerate parabolic equations with a superlinear convex gradient nonlinearity. If the corresponding control problem has a bounded diffusion with respect to the control, then our results apply to a larger class of solutions, namely those growing like O(1+∣x∣p)O(1+|x|^p) at infinity. This latter case encompasses some equations related to backward stochastic differential equations

    Gradient bounds for nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations and application to large time behavior of systems

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    We obtain new oscillation and gradient bounds for the viscosity solutions of fully nonlinear degenerate elliptic equations where the Hamiltonian is a sum of a sublinear and a superlinear part in the sense of Barles and Souganidis (2001). We use these bounds to study the asymptotic behavior of weakly coupled systems of fully nonlinear parabolic equations. Our results apply to some "asymmetric systems" where some equations contain a sublinear Hamiltonian whereas the others contain a superlinear one. Moreover, we can deal with some particular case of systems containing some degenerate equations using a generalization of the strong maximum principle for systems

    Lipschitz regularity results for nonlinear strictly elliptic equations and applications

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    Most of lipschitz regularity results for nonlinear strictly elliptic equations are obtained for a suitable growth power of the nonlinearity with respect to the gradient variable (subquadratic for instance). For equations with superquadratic growth power in gradient, one usually uses weak Bernstein-type arguments which require regularity and/or convex-type assumptions on the gradient nonlinearity. In this article, we obtain new Lipschitz regularity results for a large class of nonlinear strictly elliptic equations with possibly arbitrary growth power of the Hamiltonian with respect to the gradient variable using some ideas coming from Ishii-Lions' method. We use these bounds to solve an ergodic problem and to study the regularity and the large time behavior of the solution of the evolution equation

    Large time behavior for some nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations

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    We study the asymptotic behavior of Lipschitz continuous solutions of nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations in the periodic setting. Our results apply to a large class of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. Defining S as the set where the diffusion vanishes, i.e., where the equation is totally degenerate, we obtain the convergence when the equation is uniformly parabolic outside S and, on S, the Hamiltonian is either strictly convex or satisfies an assumption similar of the one introduced by Barles-Souganidis (2000) for first-order Hamilton-Jacobi equations. This latter assumption allows to deal with equations with nonconvex Hamiltonians. We can also release the uniform parabolic requirement outside S. As a consequence, we prove the convergence of some everywhere degenerate second-order equations

    Lipschitz regularity for integro-differential equations with coercive hamiltonians and application to large time behavior

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    In this paper, we provide suitable adaptations of the "weak version of Bernstein method" introduced by the first author in 1991, in order to obtain Lipschitz regularity results and Lipschitz estimates for nonlinear integro-differential elliptic and parabolic equations set in the whole space. Our interest is to obtain such Lipschitz results to possibly degenerate equations, or to equations which are indeed "uniformly el-liptic" (maybe in the nonlocal sense) but which do not satisfy the usual "growth condition" on the gradient term allowing to use (for example) the Ishii-Lions' method. We treat the case of a model equation with a superlinear coercivity on the gradient term which has a leading role in the equation. This regularity result together with comparison principle provided for the problem allow to obtain the ergodic large time behavior of the evolution problem in the periodic setting

    Uniqueness Results for Second Order Bellman-Isaacs Equations under Quadratic Growth Assumptions and Applications

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    In this paper, we prove a comparison result between semicontinuous viscosity sub and supersolutions growing at most quadratically of second-order degenerate parabolic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman and Isaacs equations. As an application, we characterize the value function of a finite horizon stochastic control problem with unbounded controls as the unique viscosity solution of the corresponding dynamic programming equation

    Regularity Results and Large Time Behavior for Integro-Differential Equations with Coercive Hamiltonians

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    In this paper we obtain regularity results for elliptic integro-differential equations driven by the stronger effect of coercive gradient terms. This feature allows us to construct suitable strict supersolutions from which we conclude H\"older estimates for bounded subsolutions. In many interesting situations, this gives way to a priori estimates for subsolutions. We apply this regularity results to obtain the ergodic asymptotic behavior of the associated evolution problem in the case of superlinear equations. One of the surprising features in our proof is that it avoids the key ingredient which are usually necessary to use the Strong Maximum Principle: linearization based on the Lipschitz regularity of the solution of the ergodic problem. The proof entirely relies on the H\"older regularity
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