21 research outputs found

    Multiple ITS Copies Reveal Extensive Hybridization within Rheum (Polygonaceae), a Genus That Has Undergone Rapid Radiation

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    During adaptive radiation events, characters can arise multiple times due to parallel evolution, but transfer of traits through hybridization provides an alternative explanation for the same character appearing in apparently non-sister lineages. The signature of hybridization can be detected in incongruence between phylogenies derived from different markers, or from the presence of two divergent versions of a nuclear marker such as ITS within one individual.In this study, we cloned and sequenced ITS regions for 30 species of the genus Rheum, and compared them with a cpDNA phylogeny. Seven species contained two divergent copies of ITS that resolved in different clades from one another in each case, indicating hybridization events too recent for concerted evolution to have homogenised the ITS sequences. Hybridization was also indicated in at least two further species via incongruence in their position between ITS and cpDNA phylogenies. None of the ITS sequences present in these nine species matched those detected in any other species, which provides tentative evidence against recent introgression as an explanation. Rheum globulosum, previously indicated by cpDNA to represent an independent origin of decumbent habit, is indicated by ITS to be part of clade of decumbent species, which acquired cpDNA of another clade via hybridization. However decumbent and glasshouse morphology are confirmed to have arisen three and two times, respectively.These findings suggested that hybridization among QTP species of Rheum has been extensive, and that a role of hybridization in diversification of Rheum requires investigation

    Two sympatric spotted gum species are molecularly homogeneous

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    Large fruited spotted gum eucalypt Corymbia henryi occurs sympatrically with small fruited spotted gum Corymbia citriodora subspecies variegata over a large portion of its range on the east coast of Australia. The two taxa are interfertile, have overlapping flowering times and share a common set of insect and vertebrate pollinators. Previous genetic analysis of both taxa from two geographically remote sites suggested that the two were morphotypes rather than genetically distinct species. In this study we further explore this hypothesis of genic species by expanding sampling broadly through their sympatric locations and examine local-scale spatial genetic structure in stands that differ in species and age composition. Delineation of populations at five microsatellite loci, using an individual-based approach and Bayesian modelling, as well as clustering of individuals based on allele frequencies showed the two species to be molecularly homogeneous. Genetic structure aligned largely with geographic areas of origin, and followed an isolation-by-distance model, where proximal populations were generally less differentiated than more distant ones. At the stand level, spotted gums also generally showed little structure consistent with the high levels of gene flow inferred across the species range. Disturbances in the uniformity of structuring were detected, however, and attributed to localised events giving rise to even aged stands, probably due to regeneration from a few individuals following fire

    Evolution of enhanced reproduction in the hybrid-derived invasive, California wild radish (Raphanus sativus)

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    Evolution is receiving increased attention as a potentially important factor in invasions. For example, hybridization may have stimulated the evolution of invasiveness in several well-known plant pests. However, the mechanism for success of such hybrid-derived lineages remains unknown in the majority of the cases studied. Here we ask whether increased reproductive success (in terms of maternal fitness) has evolved in an invasive lineage with confirmed hybrid ancestry. We compare the relative fitness of the non-native, hybrid-derived California wild radish (Raphanus sativus) to that of its two progenitor species in field experiments at different sites and in different years. We found that California wild radish has high survivorship and produces more fruits per plant and more seeds per plant than either of its progenitors in several environments. Furthermore, populations of California wild radish display a strong genotype-by-environment interaction, indicating that maintenance of genetic and phenotypic diversity between populations may be responsible for the weed’s ability to invade a wide breadth of California habitats. Our results suggest that hybridization may contribute the evolution of enhanced invasiveness and, also, that by limiting the introduction and subsequent hybridization of congeners, we may be able to prevent the evolution of new invasive lineages