41 research outputs found

    Anorthosites: Classification, mythology, trivia, and a simple unified theory

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    An overview was presented of anorthosites. They were classified into six types: (1) Archean megacrystic, (2) Proterozoic massif-type, (3) stratiform, (4) oceanic, (5) inclusions, and (6) extraterrestrial. Some of the anorthosite mythology was discussed, such as the existence of a distinct, catastrophic anorthosite event in the late Proterozoic, the misconception that anorthosite is a major constituent of the lower continental crust, and the misconception that Archean anorthosites represent metamorphosed equivalents of mafic layered intrusions such as Bushveld or Stillwater. A general statement was offered about the origin of all anorthosites: They are cumulates of plagioclase from mantle-derived basaltic magmas

    Heat transfer by fluids in granulite metamorphism

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    The thermal role of fluids in granulite metamorphism was presented. It was shown that for granulites to be formed in the middle crust, heat must be advected by either magma or by volatile fluids, such as water or CO2. Models of channelized fluid flow indicate that there is little thermal difference between channelized and pervasive fluid flow, for the same total fluid flux, unless the channel spacing is of the same order or greater than the thickness of the layer through which the fluids flow. The volumes of volatile fluids required are very large and are only likely to be found associated with dehydration of a subducting slab, if volatile fluids are the sole heat source for granulite metamorphism

    Workshop on the Growth of Continental Crust

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    Constraints and observations were discussed on a fundamental unsolved problem of global scale relating to the growth of planetary crusts. All of the terrestrial planets were considered, but emphasis was placed on the Earth's continental crust. The title of each session is: (1) Extraterrestrial crustal growth and destruction; (2) Constraints for observations and measurements of terrestrial rocks; (3) Models of crustal growth and destruction; and (4) Process of crustal growth and destruction

    Workshop on Techtonic Evolution of Greenstone Belts

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    Topics addressed include: greenstone belt externalities; boundaries; rock terranes; synthesis and destiny; tectonic evolution; rock components and structure; sedimentology; stratigraphy; volcanism; metamorphism; and geophysics

    An investigation of the 27 July 2018 bolide and meteorite fall over Benenitra, southwestern Madagascar

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    Several dozen stones of an ordinary chondrite meteorite fell in and around the town of Benenitra in southwestern Madagascar during the early evening of 27 July 2018, minutes after a widely observed meteor fireball (bolide) transit and detonation. The event was confirmed by low-frequency infrasound recordings received at ~17h15 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time; 19h15 local time) at the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) infrasound station I33MG near Antananarivo, 542 km north-northeast of Benenitra. An energy release equivalent to 2.038 kt of TNT was calculated from the infrasound signals. Seismograph readings at the SKRH station 77 km north-northwest of Benenitra recorded a twostage signal consistent with the arrivals of an initial air-coupled ground wave at 16h48:08 UTC and a stronger pulse at 16h49:22 UTC linked directly to the atmospheric pressure wave. The infrasound and seismic signal arrival times suggest that the bolide entry and detonation occurred at approximately 18h46 local time (16h46 UTC), entry was from the northwest, and the detonation hypocentre was located within ~20 km of Benenitra. Despite meteorite debris being found among buildings within Benenitra, there was no damage to structures or injuries reported. Eyewitness accounts and photographic records indicate that approximately 75 mostly intact stones were collected; however, the remoteness of the area, the rugged nature of the terrain and sales of fragments to meteorite collectors have limited scientific analysis of the fall and the extent of the strewn field. The total mass of recovered stones is estimated at between 20 kg and 30 kg, with one fragment of 11.2 kg and several of ~1 kg. Petrographic and mineral chemical analyses indicate that the stones belong to the L6 class of ordinary chondrites. Cosmogenic radionuclide analysis confirms that the fall is linked to the bolide event. The name Benenitra has been officially accepted by the Meteoritical Bulletin Database.Significance: Eyewitness reports, CTBTO infrasound records, seismograph records and cosmogenic radionuclide analysis confirm a meteorite fall over Benenitra on 27 July 2018. Petrographic and geochemical analyses confirm that the meteorite is an L6 ordinary chondrite. Recovery of meteorite falls is rare; this is Madagascar’s second known meteorite fall and the first that can be linked to a bolide. Regional and global science monitoring networks can be interrogated to improve the understanding of bolide events. Interaction of scientists with local communities is important to dispel misunderstandings around scientific phenomena, and can improve collection of data

    Continental crust beneath southeast Iceland

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    The magmatic activity (0–16 Ma) in Iceland is linked to a deep mantle plume that has been active for the past 62 My. Icelandic and northeast Atlantic basalts contain variable proportions of two enriched components, interpreted as recycled oceanic crust supplied by the plume, and subcontinental lithospheric mantle derived from the nearby continental margins. A restricted area in southeast Iceland—and especially the Öræfajökull volcano—is characterized by a unique enriched-mantle component (EM2-like) with elevated 87Sr/86Sr and 207Pb/204Pb. Here, we demonstrate through modeling of Sr–Nd–Pb abundances and isotope ratios that the primitive Öræfajökull melts could have assimilated 2–6% of underlying continental crust before differentiating to more evolved melts. From inversion of gravity anomaly data (crustal thickness), analysis of regional magnetic data, and plate reconstructions, we propose that continental crust beneath southeast Iceland is part of ∼350-km-long and 70-km-wide extension of the Jan Mayen Microcontinent (JMM). The extended JMM was marginal to East Greenland but detached in the Early Eocene (between 52 and 47 Mya); by the Oligocene (27 Mya), all parts of the JMM permanently became part of the Eurasian plate following a westward ridge jump in the direction of the Iceland plume

    Isotopic Evidence for a Lithospheric Origin of Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites: An Example from Southern Africa

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    Alkaline rocks and carbonatites, including nepheline syenites, are well established as mantle-derived magmatic products, but the nature and location of their mantle sources is debated. Some workers have used isotopic compositions to infer mixed mantle plume type sources such as EM1, HIMU, and FOZO, implying derivation from the subcontinental asthenosphere. Other models favour an entirely lithospheric source, whereby the magmas, originally formed during intracontinental rifting, became deformed and subducted into the mantle lithosphere during later continental collisions, and constituted part of a source component for later rift-related alkaline and carbonatite magmatism. We tested this model using Sr, Nd, and Hf isotopic compositions of deformed and undeformed nepheline syenites and carbonatites from three occurrences in southern Africa, representing emplacement over a ~1 Ga time span. These include Bull’s Run, South Africa (1134 Ma); Tambani, Malawi (726 Ma); and the Chilwa Alkaline Province, Malawi (130 Ma). Mixing modelling indicates that the isotopic compositions of the early Cretaceous Chilwa samples can be accounted for if their source consisted of a blend of ~99% depleted subcontinental mantle lithosphere and ~0.5%–1% of a subducted component similar to the Neoproterozoic Bull’s Run nepheline syenites. We do not consider the Bull’s Run material specifically as the component involved in the Chilwa source, but our model illustrates an example of how recycled, older, alkaline magmatic rocks can contribute to the mantle sources of younger alkaline rock and carbonatite magmatism. This model accounts for the observation of recurrent alkaline rock and carbonatite magmatism over hundreds of millions of years in spatially restricted areas like southern Africa. Carbonatite and related alkaline magmatic rocks, therefore, need not owe their origin to deep, sublithospheric melting processes