27 research outputs found

    An Approximate Analytical Method for Studying Atmosphere Entry of Vehicles with Modulated Aerodynamic Forces

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    The dimensionless, transformed, nonlinear differential equation developed in NASA TR R-11 for describing the approximate motion and heating during entry into planetary atmospheres for constant aerodynamic coefficients and vehicle shape has been modified to include entries during which the aerodynamic coefficients and the vehicle shape are varied. The generality of the application of the original equation to vehicles of arbitrary weight, size, and shape and to arbitrary atmospheres is retained. A closed-form solution for the motion, heating, and the variation of drag loading parameter m/C(D)A has been obtained for the case of constant maximum resultant deceleration during nonlifting entries. This solution requires certain simplifying assumptions which do not compromise the accuracy of the results. The closed-form solution has been used to determine the variation of m/C(D)A required to reduce peak decelerations and to broaden the corridor for nonlifting entry into the earth's atmosphere at escape velocity. The attendant heating penalty is also studied

    The Use of Drag Modulation to Limit the Rate at Which Deceleration Increases During Nonlifting Entry

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    The method developed in NASA TN D-319 for studying the atmosphere entry of vehicles with varying aerodynamic forces has been applied to obtain a closed-form solution for the motion, heating, range, and variation of the vehicle parameter m/C(D)A for nonlifting entries during which the rate of increase of deceleration is limited. The solution is applicable to vehicles of arbitrary weight, size, and shape, and to arbitrary atmospheres. Results have been obtained for entries into the earth's atmosphere at escape velocity during which the maximum deceleration and the rate at which deceleration increases were limited. A comparison of these results with those of NASA TN D-319, in which only the maximum deceleration was limited, indicates that for a given corridor depth, limiting the rate of increase of deceleration and the maximum deceleration requires an increase in the magnitude of the change in M/C(D)A and results in increases in maximum heating rate, total heat absorbed at the stagnation point, and range

    Effects of Sting-Support Diameter on the Base Pressures of an Elliptic Cone at Mach Numbers from 0.60 to 1.40

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    Measurements were made to determine the effects of sting-support diameter on the base pressures of an elliptic cone with ratio of cross-section thickness to width of 1/3 and a plan-form, semi-apex angle of 15 deg. The investigation was made for model angles of attack from -2 deg to +20 deg at Mach numbers from 0.60 to 1.40, and for a constant Reynolds number of 1.4 million, based on the length of the model. The results indicated that the sting interference decreased the base axial-force coefficients by substantial amounts up to a maximum of about one-third the value of the coefficient for no sting interference. There was no practical diameter of the sting for which the effects of the sting on the base pressures would be negligible throughout the Mach number and angle-of-attack ranges of the investigation

    A Numerical Method for Calculating the Wave Drag of a Configuration from the Second Derivative of the Area Distribution of a Series of Equivalent Bodies of Revolution

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    A method based on linearized and slender-body theories, which is easily adapted to electronic-machine computing equipment, is developed for calculating the zero-lift wave drag of single- and multiple-component configurations from a knowledge of the second derivative of the area distribution of a series of equivalent bodies of revolution. The accuracy and computational time required of the method to calculate zero-lift wave drag is evaluated relative to another numerical method which employs the Tchebichef form of harmonic analysis of the area distribution of a series of equivalent bodies of revolution. The results of the evaluation indicate that the total zero-lift wave drag of a multiple-component configuration can generally be calculated most accurately as the sum of the zero-lift wave drag of each component alone plus the zero-lift interference wave drag between all pairs of components. The accuracy and computational time required of both methods to calculate total zero-lift wave drag at supersonic Mach numbers is comparable for airplane-type configurations. For systems of bodies of revolution both methods yield similar results with comparable accuracy; however, the present method only requires up to 60 percent of the computing time required of the harmonic-analysis method for two bodies of revolution and less time for a larger number of bodies

    Atmosphere Entries with Vehicle Lift-Drag Ratio Modulated to Limit Deceleration and Rate of Deceleration: Vehicles with Maximum Lift-Drag Ratio of 0.5

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    An analysis has been made of atmosphere entries for which the vehicle lift-drag ratio was modulated to maintain specified maximum decelerations and/or maximum deceleration rates. The part of the vehicle drag polar used during modulation was from maximum lift coefficient to minimum drag coefficient. The entries were at parabolic velocity and the vehicle maximum lift-drag ratio was 0.5. Two-dimensional trajectory calculations were made for a nonrotating, spherical earth with an exponential atmosphere. The results of the analysis indicate that for a given initial flight-path angle, modulation generally resulted in a reduction of the maximum deceleration to 60 percent of the unmodulated value or a reduction of maximum deceleration rate to less than 50 percent of the unmodulated rate. These results were equivalent, for a maximum deceleration of 10 g, to lowering the undershoot boundary 24 miles with a resulting decrease in total convective heating to the stagnation point of 22 percent. However, the maximum convective heating rate was increased 18 percent; the maximum radiative heating rate and total radiative heating were each increased about 10 percent

    Investigation of sonic boom for the Space Shuttle: High cross-range orbiter

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    Recent studies of a proposed low cross-range straight-wing space shuttle orbiter have shown that the sonic boom created during reentry may be objectionable, particularly at low supersonic Mach number. Because of this, additional tests have been conducted to determine the sonic-boom overpressure for a blended wing-body shape proposed for use as a high cross-range shuttle orbiter. Two mission profiles, in which a constant angle of attack was held during the supersonic portion of the flight, were studied. In one case the angle of attack was 60 degrees; in the other 25 degrees. The sonic-boom pressure signatures were measured in a wind tunnel and used to estimate overpressures for both missions. A technique for alleviating the boom is indicated