197 research outputs found

    Progressive Fracture of Fiber Composite Build-Up Structures

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    Damage progression and fracture of built-up composite structures is evaluated by using computational simulation. The objective is to examine the behavior and response of a stiffened composite (0 +/-45/90)(sub s6) laminate panel by simulating the damage initiation, growth, accumulation, progression and propagation to structural collapse. An integrated computer code CODSTRAN was augmented for the simulation of the progressive damage and fracture of built-up composite structures under mechanical loading. Results show that damage initiation and progression to have significant effect on the structural response. Influence of the type of loading is investigated on the damage initiation, propagation and final fracture of the build-up composite panel

    Progressive Fracture of Fiber Composite Thin Shell Structures Under Internal Pressure and Axial Loads

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    Graphite/epoxy composite thin shell structures were simulated to investigate damage and fracture progression due to internal pressure and axial loading. Defective and defect-free structures (thin cylinders) were examined. The three different laminates examined had fiber orientations of (90/0/+/-0)(sub s), where 0 is 45, 60, and 75 deg. CODSTRAN, an integrated computer code that scales up constituent level properties to the structural level and accounts for all possible failure modes, was used to simulate composite degradation under loading. Damage initiation, growth, accumulation, and propagation to fracture were included in the simulation. Burst pressures for defective and defect-free shells were compared to evaluate damage tolerance. The results showed that damage initiation began with matrix failure whereas damage and/or fracture progression occurred as a result of additional matrix failure and fiber fracture. In both thin cylinder cases examined (defective and defect-free), the optimum layup configuration was (90/0/+/-60)(sub s) because it had the best damage tolerance with respect to the burst pressure

    Progressive Fracture and Damage Tolerance of Composite Pressure Vessels

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    Structural performance (integrity, durability and damage tolerance) of fiber reinforced composite pressure vessels, designed for pressured shelters for planetary exploration, is investigated via computational simulation. An integrated computer code is utilized for the simulation of damage initiation, growth, and propagation under pressure. Aramid fibers are considered in a rubbery polymer matrix for the composite system. Effects of fiber orientation and fabrication defect/accidental damages are investigated with regard to the safety and durability of the shelter. Results show the viability of fiber reinforced pressure vessels as damage tolerant shelters for planetary colonization

    Progressive Fracture of Fiber Composite Builtup Structures

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    The damage progression and fracture of builtup composite structures was evaluated by using computational simulation to examine the behavior and response of a stiffened composite (0 +/- 45/90)(sub s6) laminate panel subjected to a bending load. The damage initiation, growth, accumulation, progression, and propagation to structural collapse were simulated. An integrated computer code (CODSTRAN) was augmented for the simulation of the progressive damage and fracture of builtup composite structures under mechanical loading. Results showed that damage initiation and progression have a significant effect on the structural response. Also investigated was the influence of different types of bending load on the damage initiation, propagation, and final fracture of the builtup composite panel

    Progressive Fracture of Fiber Composite Build-Up Structures

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    Damage progression and fracture of built-up composite structures is evaluated by using computational simulation. The objective is to examine the behavior and response of a stiffened composite (0/ +/- 45/90)(sub s6) laminate panel by simulating the damage initiation, growth, accumulation, progression and propagation to structural collapse. An integrated computer code, CODSTRAN, was augmented for the simulation of the progressive damage and fracture of built-up composite structures under mechanical loading. Results show that damage initiation and progression have significant effect on the structural response. Influence of the type of loading is investigated on the damage initiation, propagation and final fracture of the build-up composite panel

    Generation and sampling of quantum states of light in a silicon chip

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    Implementing large instances of quantum algorithms requires the processing of many quantum information carriers in a hardware platform that supports the integration of different components. While established semiconductor fabrication processes can integrate many photonic components, the generation and algorithmic processing of many photons has been a bottleneck in integrated photonics. Here we report the on-chip generation and processing of quantum states of light with up to eight photons in quantum sampling algorithms. Switching between different optical pumping regimes, we implement the Scattershot, Gaussian and standard boson sampling protocols in the same silicon chip, which integrates linear and nonlinear photonic circuitry. We use these results to benchmark a quantum algorithm for calculating molecular vibronic spectra. Our techniques can be readily scaled for the on-chip implementation of specialised quantum algorithms with tens of photons, pointing the way to efficiency advantages over conventional computers

    Role of Systemic Vasoconstruction in Regulatory Installation of Blood Circulation

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    The aim of our study was an anthropophysiological justification for the hemodynamic basis of the pressor (hyperresistive) installation in the circulatory state of the cardio-vascular system (CVS). Materials and methods. For the analysis, prefabricated materials were used according to agespecific blood pressure standards (BP), supplemented with their calculated data on the yearly increase in blood pressure values and were combined with the stages of postnatal adaptation of the CVS for the gravitational factor of the blood circulation. Based on the clinical observational study, an anthropophysiological diagnosis of the circulatory state of the CVS with a systemic assessment of the arterial impedance were carried out for the main circulatory blocks of the blood circulation (head, lungs, abdomen, pelvis, thigh, shin). Results. It was shown that with a permanent increase in blood pressure during postnatal ontogenesis, its highest increments were noted at the initial stages of the formation of the upright. This dynamic was based on a system pressor set in the regulation of the circulatory state of the CVS, which manifested itself, especially when standing, in the prevalence of hyperresistive syndromes of arterial vessels. The most pronounced throughout postnatal ontogenesis, hyperresistant syndromes in the standing position were manifested in the pelvis and lower limbs regions. Conclusions. Anthropophysiological approach, including syndromic analysis, were allowed early diagnosis of circulatory conditions that underlie circulatory failure