42 research outputs found

    Epigenetic mechanisms of gene expression regulation

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    В работе изложены определение эпигенетики как научного направления, а также эпигенетические механизмы регуляции работы генов, такие как гистоновые метки (метилирование, ацетилирование, убиквитирование), импринтинг генов, РНК-интерференция, хромосомный сайленсинг. Подчеркивается, что в реализации наследственной информации, которая запрограммирована в ДНК, важную роль играет пространственная организация хроматина и взаимодействие всех его компонентов.The work expounds the definitions of epigenetics as a scientific direction, as well as epigenetic mechanisms of regulation of gene expression, such as histone marks (methylation, acetylation, ubiquitination), gene imprinting, RNA-interference, chromosomal silencing. The chromatin spatial organization and interaction of its components are pointed out to play an important role in realization of the hereditary information that is programmed in DNA

    Prevalence of mutations associated with drug resistance in Beijing and non-Beijing Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains from the Southern Ukraine

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    Tuberculosis (TB) incidence in Ukraine has virtually doubled since 1992, reaching 77.5/100 000 in 2003. Recent studies have demonstrated that Beijing strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis dominate in certain regions of Russia and some countries of the former Soviet Union (FSU). The spread of Beijing strains and their strong association with high levels of drug resistance are believed to be major factors contributing to the TB epidemic in the FSU. Limited data regarding drug resistance rates are available only for selected regions of Ukraine and the prevalence of different genotypes and their contribution to the TB epidemic in Ukraine is unknown. Materials and methods: Total of 110 Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated from patients with pulmonary TB from Odessa and Nikolaev oblasts were analysed. Beijing strains were identified using spoligotyping. The prevalence of mutations in rpoB, katG and inhA associated with rifampicin and isoniazid resistance was evaluated using a dot-blot hybridization macroarray based on reverse hybridization of biotin-labelled PCR products to oligonucleotide probes immobilized on membranes

    Optimization of etiotropic therapy of chrohic purulent maxillary sinusitis considering microbiological characteristics of the inflammatory site

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    Наведені дані ефективності консервативного лікування у 114 хворих на хронічний верхньощелепний синуїт, у яких антибіотики призначались без врахування видового та кількісного складу мікрофлори ексудату, та у 37 хворих з визначенням цих показників і призначенням раціональної етіотропної терапії. Результати консервативного лікування ефективніші, якщо враховувати видову мікробіологічну характеристику ділянки запалення.The experimental finding concerning the effectiveness of non-surgical treatment of chronic maxillary sinusitis were obtained. Two groups of patients were investigated. The first, group consisting of 114 patients received antibiotics without taking into account the specific quantitative structure of microphlora of maxillary aspirates. The second group (37 patients), in which these indices were taken into account was administered rational therapy. The results of the conservative treatment were much more better in the second group, taking into account the microbiological characteristic of the inflammatory area