546 research outputs found

    Semiconductor Microstructure in a Squeezed Vacuum: Electron-Hole Plasma Luminescence

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    We consider a semiconductor quantum-well placed in a wave guide microcavity and interacting with the broadband squeezed vacuum radiation, which fills one mode of the wave guide with a large average occupation. The wave guide modifies the optical density of states so that the quantum well interacts mostly with the squeezed vacuum. The vacuum is squeezed around the externally controlled central frequency \om_0, which is tuned above the electron-hole gap EgE_g, and induces fluctuations in the interband polarization of the quantum-well. The power spectrum of scattered light exhibits a peak around \om_0, which is moreover non-Lorentzian and is a result of both the squeezing and the particle-hole continuum. The squeezing spectrum is qualitatively different from the atomic case. We discuss the possibility to observe the above phenomena in the presence of additional non-radiative (e-e, phonon) dephasing.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Translation of Levchenko, N. G. 1962. Infection by sarcosporidia (genus \u3ci\u3eSarcocystis\u3c/i\u3e) in farm animals of southeast Kazakhstan [=Porazhenie sarkosporidiyami (roda \u3ci\u3eSarcocystis\u3c/i\u3e) sel\u27skokhozyaistvennykh zhivotnykh yugo-vostoka Kazakhstana]. In Boev, S. N. et al., editors. \u3ci\u3eParasites of farm animals in Kazakhstan\u3c/i\u3e, I. [= \u3ci\u3eParazity sel\u27skhokozyaistvennykh zhivotnykh Kazakhstana\u3c/i\u3e, I]. \u3ci\u3eIzdat. Akademie Nauk Kazakh SSR\u3c/i\u3e, Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR, pp. 56-62

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    Conclusions Farm animals in southeast Kazakhstan are widely infected with sarcosporidia: 96.9% of the sheep, 88% of the cattle, 70% of the camels, and 40% of the swine. The muscles most often and most heavily infected are: in sheep, the heart, diaphragm, and median buttock muscle; in cattle, the heart and esophagus; in camels, the esophagus, diaphragm, and median buttock muscle; in swine, the heart, diaphragm, and median buttock. The most objective data on infection of animals can be obtained by studying a minimum of 3 or 4 muscles of different muscular systems simultaneously. Heavy infection of muscles by sarcosporidia, especially in the cardiac muscle, cannot but exercise a destructive effect on the body as a whole. Translation 22, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, United States, December 17, 1969 (10 pages) Translation of Levchenko, N. G. 1962. Infection by sarcosporidia (genus Sarcocystis) in farm animals of southeast Kazakhstan [=Porazhenie sarkosporidiyami (roda Sarcocystis) sel\u27skokhozyaistvennykh zhivotnykh yugo-vostoka Kazakhstana]. In Boev, S. N. et al., editors. Parasites of farm animals in Kazakhstan, I. [= Parazity sel\u27skhokozyaistvennykh zhivotnykh Kazakhstana, I]. Izdat. Akademie Nauk Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR, pp. 56-62 Translated from Russian to English by Frederick K. Plous, Jr., and edited by Norman D. Levine (notated NDL:cml

    Translation of Levit, A. V. 1962. Some results of a study of domestic animals for toxoplasmosis in the Alma-Ata Oblast [= Obsledovaniya no toksoplazmoz domashnikh zhivotnykh v Alma-Atinstoi Oblasti]. In Boev, S. N., et al., editors. \u3ci\u3eParasites of farm animals in Kazakhstan\u3c/i\u3e, I [= \u3ci\u3eParazity sel\u27skhozyaistvennykh zhivotnykh Kazakhstana\u3c/i\u3e, I]. \u3ci\u3eIzdat. Akademie Nauk Kazakh SSR\u3c/i\u3e, Alma-Ata, pp. 20-25

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    Conclusions 1. Group biological probes on white mice were used to examine 64 dogs and 224 domestic cats. Toxoplasma was isolated from dogs in one test and from cats in another. In one case Toxoplasma was observed in a cerebrospinal fluid precipitate from cats. 2. In a CFR examination of blood sera from 1,132 domestic animals for toxoplasmosis, positive results were obtained from 25 (37.5%) dog sera, 28 (57.1%) rabbit sera, and 260 (33.4%) cattle sera. 3. In a CFR investigation of sera. from white mice used in bioprobes on domestic cats, toxoplasmosis antibodies were observed in 8 out of 31 bioprobes. Translation number 20, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, United States, December 5, 1969 (9 pages) Translation of Levit, A. V. 1962. Some results of a study of domestic animals for toxoplasmosis in the Alma-Ata Oblast [= Obsledovaniya no toksoplazmoz domashnikh zhivotnykh v Alma-Atinstoi Oblasti]. In Boev, S. N., et al., editors. Parasites of farm animals in Kazakhstan, I [= Parazity sel\u27skhozyaistvennykh zhivotnykh Kazakhstana, I]. Izdat. Akademie Nauk Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata, pp. 20~25 Translated from Russian to English by Freerick K. Plous, Jr., and edited by Norman D. Levine (notated NDL:cml

    FPGA based data acquisition system for COMPASS experiment

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    This paper discusses the present data acquisition system (DAQ) of the COMPASS experiment at CERN and presents development of a new DAQ. The new DAQ must preserve present data format and be able to communicate with FPGA cards. Parts of the new DAQ are based on state machines and they are implemented in C++ with usage of the QT framework, the DIM library, and the IPBus technology. Prototype of the system is prepared and communication through DIM between parts was tested. An implementation of the IPBus technology was prepared and tested. The new DAQ proved to be able to fulfill requirements.Comment: 8 pages, CHEP 201

    The effects of interstitial content and annealing on the flow and fracture behavior on polycrystalline beta-NiAl

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    The strain behavior of three polycrystalline NiAl alloys has been investigated at temperatures between 300 and 1200 K. Yield stress plateaus, yield stress transients upon a ten-fold increase in strain rate, work hardening peaks, and dips in the strain rate sensitivity (SRS) have been observed between 700 and 800 K. These observations are indicative of dynamic strain aging (DSA) and are discussed in terms of conventional strain aging theories


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    В статье исследуется вопрос определения характера изменений, требующихся бренду при редизайне его айдентики с целью выбора наиболее приемлемых средств решения поставленной задачи. Выделены две основных группы причин, определяющих необходимость редизайна. Сформулированы основные направления, способы и средства редизайна в зависимости от типа задачи.The article examines the issue of determining the nature of the changes required by the brand during the redesign of its identity in order to choose the most appropriate means of solving the task. Two main groups of reasons determining the need for a redesign are identifi ed. The main directions, methods and means of redesign are formulated depending on the type of task

    Coherent optical control of correlation waves of spins in semiconductors

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    We calculate the dynamical fluctuation spectrum of electronic spins in a semiconductor under a steady-state illumination by light containing polarization squeezing correlations. Taking into account quasi-particle lifetime and spin relaxation for this non-equilibrium situation we consider up to fourth order optical effects which are sensitive to the squeezing phases. We demonstrate the possibility to control the spin fluctuations by optically modulating these phases as a function of frequency, leading to a non-Lorentzian spectrum which is very different from the thermal equilibrium fluctuations in n-doped semiconductors. Specifically, in the time-domain spin-spin correlation can exhibit time delays and sign flips originating from the phase modulations and correlations of polarizations, respectively. For higher light intensity we expect a regime where the squeezing correlations will dominate the spectrum.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    TEM Study of Precipitation in a NiAl-3Ti-0.5Hf Single-Crystal Alloy

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    Samples for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were prepared from 3 mm diameter cylinders electro-discharge machined from the heat-treated ingots. Slices sectioned from the cylinders were mechanically ground and electrochemically thinned in a twinjet Tenupol-3 polisher. Microstructural and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) studies were conducted in a Philips 400T TEM equipped with a double tilt goniometer and a KEVEX Si/Li X-ray detector

    Fragment-based approach to novel bioactive purine derivatives

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    Using purine as a scaffold, the methods for preparation of novel 2-aminopurine and purine derivatives substituted at position C6 by the fragments of natural amino acids, short peptides, andN-heterocycles, including enantiopure ones, have been proposed. The methods for determination of the enantiomeric purity of the obtained chiral compounds have been developed. Conjugates exhibiting high antimycobacterial or antiherpesvirus activity against both laboratory and multidrug-resistant strains were revealed among the obtained compounds. © 2020 De Gruyter. All rights reserved.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 19-13-00231Funding : The reviewed studies were financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project no. 19-13-00231)