1,013 research outputs found

    Las estancias de Nuestra Señora de los Reyes de Yapeyú: tenencia de la tierra por uso cotidiano, acuerdo interétnico y derecho natural (Misiones jesuíticas del Paraguay)

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    La conformación de la estructura socio-espacial misionera del pueblo de Yapeyú, una de las llamadas misiones jesuíticas de indios guaraníes, tuvo una evolución particular. En ella incidieron los esfuerzos de la propia comunidad yapeyuana y los lazos de parentesco y reciprocidad creados con grupos étnicos circundantes. El objetivo de este trabajo es señalar como fundamento del proceso el carácter étnicamente heterogéneo de los yapeyuanos y sus relaciones interétnicas con grupos nómadas.The constitution of the missionary social-spatial structure of the Yapeyú town, one of the so-called jesuitical missions of guaraní aborigines, had gone through a particular evolution. It was influenced by the efforts of the community of Yapeyú itself and the bonds of relationships and reciprocity created with the surrounding ethnical groups. The aim of this project is to pinpoint the ethnically heterogenic character of the people from Yapeyú and their interethnic relationships with nomad groups as the grounds of this process

    Llegar a ser Simone de Beauvoir

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    This article shows how Simone de Beauvoir´s work was crucial in helping to understand female subjectivity as a process dominated by the prevailing cultural values. Her writings represent a statement against invisibility of women as subjects and anticipate most of what decades later will be called “gender”. Although “The Second Sex”, is a controversial work, with many different readings and with opinions we might not share on some occasions, it was also a driving force that explained how the shortage of women´s representation is a result of having read the difference of sex as an absolute asymmetry. The article analyses Simone de Beauvoir´ essays, her autobiographical novels and the numerous interviews she granted, in search for ele¬ments that might help us understand how the life and thoughts of this woman were shaped. Through a series of quotes from three of Simone de Beauvoir´s autobiographical works, the article contributes to identify some features in the construction of Beauvoir´s subjectivity through her writings about her father and mother, her contradictory relationship with them, her experiences as the eldest child and other childhood memories.A la manera de un Psicoanálisis aplicado a la obra de Simone de Beauvoir se señalan algunos aspectos cruciales que reflejan cómo se va configurando la vida y el pensamiento de una mujer que encarnó, para muchas de nosotras, un modelo de identificación. Su trabajo es en este sentido un espejo y una valiosa muestra de la naturaleza proyectiva de muchos de sus enunciados, donde a partir de su irreemplazable experiencia Simone arriba a conclusiones en las que podemos seguir el rastro de sus vivencias personales. En el contexto singular de su historia personal y en cómo es relatada. Al exponer su vida en sus libros y en numerosas entrevistas concedidas a distintos medios, ha dado lugar a que surgieran diferentes interpretaciones, por lo tanto a que sus palabras y argumentos puedan, como en este artículo, ser utilizados, contrastados entre sí y sometidos a exploración

    Nutrition and food limitation of deposit-feeders. II. Differential effects of Hydrobia totteni and Ilyanassa obsoleta on the microbial community

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    We examined the effects of the mud snails Hydrobia totteni and Ilyanassa obsoleta on microbial communities of sediments in microcosms. Varying density of Hydrobia, and the presence of Ilyanassa, exerted no effect on steady state bacterial standing stock. This is probably related to the rapid recovery rate of bacteria, despite efficient grazing...

    Nutrition and food limitation of deposit-feeders. I. The role of microbes in the growth of mod snails (Hydrobiidae)

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    A series of laboratory microcosm experiments demonstrate that somatic growth of the deposit-feeding gastropod, Hydrobia totteni, is related strongly to microalgal standing stock. Microalgal standing stock is, in turn, determined by the relative rates of grazing and recovery...

    The importance of microalgae, bacteria and particulate organic matter in the somatic growth of Hydrobia totteni

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    Laboratory microcosm experiments reveal that benthic microalgae (filamentous blue-green and diatoms) probably constitute the bulk of nutrition in the somatic growth of the deposit feeding mud snail Hydrobia totteni. Despite an apparent excess of nitrogen in the particulate fraction of the sediment, H. totteni grows only about 42% as much in the dark as in the light. Growth in the dark is probably explained by the utilization of filamentous blue greens and, to a lesser extent, bacteria. The additional growth in the light is probably explained by benthic diatoms, as shown in previous studies. Standing-stocks of micro-organisms (bacteria and microalgae) and snail densities (0.5 cm–2, 2.0 cm–2) in laboratory treatments lie within the range of field conditions. A comparison of snail growth in oxidized and nonoxidized sediments, shows that particulate organic matter typically found in salt marsh sediments does not contribute substantially to somatic growth in H. totteni. Added rations of the seaweed Ulva rotundata also did not affect snail growth. Much of the available nitrogen may have been mineralized into the water column because Ulva is readily decomposed

    Vivienda y vida privada: la transformación de los conceptos por la acción evangelizadora de la Compañía de Jesús (provincia Jesuítica de Paraguay, 1604-1767)

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    The autor studies the evolution of houses form between Guaraníes Indians from the architectural point of view. He remarks how tecnics introduced by Jesuits imply changes in the idea of the domestic life.El autor estudia, desde el punto de vista arquitectónico, la evolución de las viviendas entre los indios guaraníes. Observa cómo las técnicas introducidas entre ellos por los jesuitas implicaban cambios en la concepción de la vida doméstica

    Haciendo las valijas: el caso Southern Winds y la creación de una nueva fuerza policial

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    En 2005, tras la difusión de un resonante caso de narcotráfico —el caso Southern Winds—, el Poder Ejecutivo interviene y luego disuelve a la Policía Aeronáutica Nacional (PAN) la cual es reemplazada por una nueva fuerza que se diferencia de las policías tradicionales, la Policía de Seguridad Aeroportuaria (PSA). Este trabajo busca describir y explicar este cambio institucional en el ámbito aeroportuario partiendo de la hipótesis de que dicho cambio se explicaría por la combinación de un factor inmediato (la atención publica que provoca el caso Southern Winds) y una serie de factores antecedentes (la importancia de la seguridad y la corrupción como temas de agenda, la consolidación de nuevas amenazas a la seguridad, y el desajuste normativo de la PAN)

    Proyecto Ecocasa : 1ra parte

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    La Ecocasa es un prototipo de vivienda que pretende contribuir con una solución de autogestión, autónoma y barrial a problemas tales como la contaminación de napas, de tierras por desechos y desperdicios, el agotamiento de la capa de humus y la contaminación del aire. Este proyecto prevé la reparación y preparación de los territorios sobre los que se irán expandiendo las ciudades, ante el crecimiento demográfico en conurbanos. Es parte de un Ecocentro conurbano, espacio de investigación y ensayo, destinado a demostrar que la biodeversidad aún es posible de recrear.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    La micro-región: espacio y tiempo en la cartografía producida por la interacción jesuítico-guaraní

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    The cultural interaction between the Jesuits and the Guarani Indians appears silently in many of the practices realized in the missionary villages. In some topics a relative adjustment of the priests is visualized like being an Indian custom and in others, is a possible to interpret a process indigenous to reintepretation of their own customs previous to the contact. Regarding the cartography related to the process of configuration of the microregions corresponding to every accession, is a sample of these exchanges.La interacción cultural entre los jesuitas y los indios guaraníes aparece subrepticiamente en muchas de las prácticas realizadas en los pueblos misioneros. En algunos temas se visualiza una adaptación relativa de los sacerdotes a la manera de ser indígena y en otros, es posible interpretar un proceso indígena de reinterpretación de sus propias costumbres anteriores al contacto. Al respecto, la cartografía relacionada con el proceso de configuración de la micro-región correspondiente a cada asentamiento, es una muestra de estos intercambios

    Joseph Cataldini and the foundation of villages in Guayra for successive approaches: knowing understanding

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    The foundations of reductions in the Guayra region followed a methodology based on the understanding of the way of being of indigenous groups. In this context there was absolute respect for the typologies of indigenous spaces and the pre-existing conformity of social hierarchies. This was made possible essentially by the understand-ing of Guarani language and that of the Gualachos or Ibirajaras. Understanding the meaning of a word could be the difference between life and death. The Jesuits and the Indians exchanged knowledge. The technological contribution was important, essential-ly the iron wedges. But it was also the implementation of agricultural techniques and, therefore, the realization of new crops such as sugar cane and cotton. To realize these innovations it was necessary to know the earth, the water and the plants. The introduc-tion of cattle with the provision of milk and the manufacture of butter and cheeses sub-stantially modified the diet. The construction of roads changed the structure of space. What was the ideology that supported the organization of space?We think that there was a philosophy of conformation of the missionary space as a sum of places that can be linked with the ideas of Leibniz. Although this one broke in a few years later in the world of the ideas we maintain that some concepts of the metaphysics of the space of this author could be instrumented some years before in the formation of the Jesuits in the level of the noviciado or later. To continuously fold and unfold the subregions, that is what we call successive approximations. We will analyze these no-tions and the role of Father Joseph Cataldini in his conformation.</p