24,620 research outputs found

    Further industrial tests of ceramic thermal barrier coatings

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    The NASA Lewis Research Center made technical assistance arrangements (contracts) with several commercial organizations under which Lewis designed plasma-sprayed thermal-barrier coatings (TBC) for their products. Lewis was then furnished with the test conditions and evaluations of coating usefulness. The coating systems were developed and sprayed at Lewis. All of the systems incorporated a two-layer, ceramic-bond coating concept. Coating thickness and chemical composition were varied to fit three applications: the leading edges of first-stage turbine vanes for an advanced gas turbine engine; the flame impingement surfaces of a combustor transition section; and diesel engine valves and head surfaces. The TBC incorporated yytria-stabilized zirconia, which lowered metal temperatures, protected metal parts, and increased metal part life. In some cases metal burning, melting, and warping were eliminated. Additional benefits were realized from these endeavors: hands-on experience with thermal-barrier coatings was provided to industry; the success of these endeavors encourages these and other organizations to accelerate the implementation of TBC technology

    The structure of lightning flashes HF-UHF: 12 September 1975, Atlanta, Georgia

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    Simultaneous measurement of sferics at 3, 30, 139, and 295 MHz were made during thunderstorms. Wideband electronics and an analogue tape recorder continuously recorded the radiation from lightning with about 300 kHz of bandwidth. The data were obtained during the passage of a cold front. Flashing rate, burst rate and the structure of individual flashes were recorded. The record of a typical flash begins with a sudden burst of closely spaced pulses whose temporal structure is typical of the stepped leader, and ends in a large pulse suggestive of a first return stroke. The remainder of the flash consists of a sequence of pulses of varying amplitude separated by quiet periods of the order of milliseconds. The shape of these pulses and the temporal structure suggest that the first few large pulses are return strokes. Other discharges begin with widely spaced discrete pulses and resemble the preceding discharge less the leader and return stroke phase. The radiation exhibits a similar structure, at each of the frequencies monitored

    Performance of two transferred modules in the Lagunera Region: Water relations

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    Water policy / Performance / Privatization / Irrigation systems / Operations / Maintenance / Irrigation efficiency / Water users' associations / Water rights / Water allocation / Water supply / Water distribution

    Exact renormalization-group analysis of first order phase transitions in clock models

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    We analyze the exact behavior of the renormalization group flow in one-dimensional clock-models which undergo first order phase transitions by the presence of complex interactions. The flow, defined by decimation, is shown to be single-valued and continuous throughout its domain of definition, which contains the transition points. This fact is in disagreement with a recently proposed scenario for first order phase transitions claiming the existence of discontinuities of the renormalization group. The results are in partial agreement with the standard scenario. However in the vicinity of some fixed points of the critical surface the renormalized measure does not correspond to a renormalized Hamiltonian for some choices of renormalization blocks. These pathologies although similar to Griffiths-Pearce pathologies have a different physical origin: the complex character of the interactions. We elucidate the dynamical reason for such a pathological behavior: entire regions of coupling constants blow up under the renormalization group transformation. The flows provide non-perturbative patterns for the renormalization group behavior of electric conductivities in the quantum Hall effect.Comment: 13 pages + 3 ps figures not included, TeX, DFTUZ 91.3

    Weak Charge Quantization as an Instanton of Interacting sigma-model

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    Coulomb blockade in a quantum dot attached to a diffusive conductor is considered in the framework of the non-linear sigma-model. It is shown that the weak charge quantization on the dot is associated with instanton configurations of the Q-field in the conductor. The instantons have a finite action and are replica non--symmetric. It is argued that such instantons may play a role in the transition regime to the interacting insulator.Comment: 4 pages. The 2D case substantially modifie

    The mechanical response of semiflexible networks to localized perturbations

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    Previous research on semiflexible polymers including cytoskeletal networks in cells has suggested the existence of distinct regimes of elastic response, in which the strain field is either uniform (affine) or non-uniform (non-affine) under external stress. Associated with these regimes, it has been further suggested that a new fundamental length scale emerges, which characterizes the scale for the crossover from non-affine to affine deformations. Here, we extend these studies by probing the response to localized forces and force dipoles. We show that the previously identified nonaffinity length [D.A. Head et al. PRE 68, 061907 (2003).] controls the mesoscopic response to point forces and the crossover to continuum elastic behavior at large distances.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures; substantial changes to text and figures to clarify the crossover to continuum elasticity and the role of finite-size effect

    State-to-State Differential and Relative Integral Cross Sections for Rotationally Inelastic Scattering of H2O by Hydrogen

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    State-to-state differential cross sections (DCSs) for rotationally inelastic scattering of H2O by H2 have been measured at 71.2 meV (574 cm-1) and 44.8 meV (361 cm-1) collision energy using crossed molecular beams combined with velocity map imaging. A molecular beam containing variable compositions of the (J = 0, 1, 2) rotational states of hydrogen collides with a molecular beam of argon seeded with water vapor that is cooled by supersonic expansion to its lowest para or ortho rotational levels (JKaKc= 000 and 101, respectively). Angular speed distributions of fully specified rotationally excited final states are obtained using velocity map imaging. Relative integral cross sections are obtained by integrating the DCSs taken with the same experimental conditions. Experimental state-specific DCSs are compared with predictions from fully quantum scattering calculations on the most complete H2O-H2 potential energy surface. Comparison of relative total cross sections and state-specific DCSs show excellent agreement with theory in almost all detailsComment: 46 page