156 research outputs found

    Kínai geopolitikai gondolkodásmód és az "Egy övezet egy út" kezdeményezés

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    In the 20-21th century the geopolitics became one of the most important strategic view of the countries in Europe and the United States of America. Most of the paper are writing about the western view of the geopolitical theorys, however, China became one of the biggest geostrategical country in the World by the „One Belt, One Road”. How was the developing of the geopolitical theorys in China, what are the differences between the western and the Chinese philosophy of the geopilitical view. Do China had geopolitical thinking before? Do they use geostrategic thinking during the building of the „One Belt, One Road”. The paper is giving answere for these questions by introducing the ancient Chinese philosophy and comparing it with the „One Belt, One Road

    Kína geopolitikai szerepe a Kelet-Közép-Európai régióban

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    In 2018, China celebrated the 40th anniversary of the “Reform and Opening” policy. 40 years ago, China began to build the new international relationships and also supported Chinese companies to internationalize, Chinese students to go abroad to study. In 2019, China celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and also celebrated the 70th anniversary of the diplomatic relations establishment with several Central and Eastern European countries. Since 1949, China had friendly relations with the countries of the CEE region, but the formal multilateral relations, the 16+1 cooperation were only established in 2012, while other multilateral cooperation was established in the 1990s and early 2000s. Western Europe view China's regional expansion in Central and Eastern Europe with concern, refer to the 16+1 cooperation as a Trojan horse, fear of dividing Europe or even buying political influence. In my study, I compare China-CEE cooperation with other multilateral relations in terms of Chinese FDI and Chinese foreign policy in order to consider 16+1 cooperation in the multilateral relations system of China. Furthermore, I compare the amount of Chinese FDI to European countries in order to quantify the Chinese push in the CEE region. With these comparisons, I am looking for the answer to what is really a concern about China’s presence in the region and how important the China-CEE cooperation for China

    A kínai geopolitikai gondolkodásmód és az „Egy övezet egy út” kezdeményezés

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    In the 20-21th century the geopolitics became one of the most important strategic view of the countries in Europe and the United States of America. Most of the paper are writing about the western view of the geopolitical theorys, however, China became one of the biggest geostrategical country in the World by the „One Belt, One Road”.How was the developing of the geopolitical theorys in China, what are the differences between the western and the Chinese philosophy of the geopilitical view. Do China had geopolitical thinking before? Do they use geostrategic thinking during the building of the „One Belt, One Road”.The paper is giving answere for these questions by introducing the ancient Chinese philosophy and comparing it with the „One Belt, One Road

    Földrajzi analógia alkalmazása klímaszcenáriók elemzésében és értékelésében

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    Az időjárás egy meghatározott helyen és időszakban értelmezett „szokásos alakulását”, amit az egyes meteorológiai paraméterek várható értékeivel jellemezhetünk, az adott terület és időszak klímájának nevezzük. A klíma alapvetően meghatározza a kérdéses földrajzi terület ökológiai létviszonyait, jellemző potenciális vegetációtípusát, flóráját és faunáját, az ott hosszabbtávon kialakuló talajtípusokat és azok aktuális állapotát, valamint (részben az előbbieken keresztül is) az adott területen lehetséges emberi tevékenységek kereteit is. A kérdéses területen történetileg kialakult emberi tevékenységek a társadalomnak a klímához való alkalmazkodását fejezik ki. A főbb társadalmi szintű emberi tevékenységek többsége valamilyen mértékben függ az uralkodó klímától, de ezek klímaérzékenysége jelentősen eltér egymástól. A klímára leginkább érzékeny tevékenységeknek az alábbiakat tekinthetjük: 1. mezőgazdaság, 2. erdőgazdálkodás, 3. vízgazdálkodás, 4. környezet- és természetvédelem, 5. humán- és állategészségügy

    Effect of N,N'-Dicyclohexyl Terephthalic Dihydrazide on the Crystallization and Properties of Isotactic Polypropylene

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    Application of nucleating agents is a common way to manipulate the structure and properties of crystalline polymers. Our goal was to synthesize N,N'-dicyclohexyl terephthalic dihydrazide (DCTDH) and study it from the viewpoint of applicability as a nucleating agent for isotactic polypropylene (iPP). We used differential scanning calorimetry to investigate the efficiency of DCTDH in samples containing the nucleating agent in a wide concentration range. We used polarized light microscopy to study the crystalline morphology developed in the presence of this nucleating agent. To characterize the mechanical properties of the nucleated samples, we performed tensile and impact tests on injection molded specimens. DCTDH proved to be a non-soluble α-nucleating agent in iPP, with a saturation concentration around 300 ppm. The nucleating agent has a significant effect on the crystalline structure of iPP, microspherulitic structure forms in its presence. Owing to the different structure, a considerable change in the mechanical properties is observable: with increasing nucleating agent content the tensile modulus increases, while impact resistance has a maximum value around 300 ppm nucleating agent content

    Impact of climate change on the potential distribution of Mediterranean pines

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    The impact of climate change on the potential distribution of four Mediterranean pine species – Pinus brutia Ten., Pinus halepensis Mill., Pinus pinaster Aiton, and Pinus pinea L. – was studied by the Climate Envelope Model (CEM) to examine whether these species are suitable for the use as ornamental plants without frost protection in the Carpathian Basin. The model was supported by EUFORGEN digital area database (distribution maps), ESRI ArcGIS 10 software’s Spatial Analyst module (modeling environment), PAST (calibration of the model with statistical method), and REMO regional climate model (climatic data). The climate data were available in a 25 km resolution grid for the reference period (1961–1990) and two future periods (2011–2040, 2041–2070). The regional climate model was based on the IPCC SRES A1B scenario. While the potential distribution of P. brutia was not predicted to expand remarkably, an explicit shift of the distribution of the other three species was shown. Northwestern African distribution segments seem to become abandoned in the future. Current distribution of P. brutia may be highly endangered by the climate change. P. halepensis in the southern part and P. pinaster in the western part of the Carpathian Basin may find suitable climatic conditions in the period of 2041–2070

    The effect of climate change on the potential distribution of the European Phlebotomus species

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    Our study intended to explore the potential distributionshif of Phlebotomusariasi, P. neglectus, P. perfiliewi, P. perniciosus, and P. tobbi, and some other sandfly species: P. papatasi, P. sergenti, and P. similis. We used climate envelope modeling (CEM) method to determine the ecological requirements of the species and to model the potential distribution for three periods (1961-1990, 2011-2040, and 2041- 2070). We found that by the end of the 2060’s the Southern UK, Germany, entire France and also the western part of Poland can be colonized by sandfly species, mostly by P. ariasi and P. pernicosus. P. ariasishowe the greatest potential northward expansion, from 49°N to 59°N. For all of the studied sand fly species the entire Mediterranean Basin, the Balkan Peninsula, the Carpathian Basin, and northern coastline of the Black Sea are potentially suitable. The length of the predicted active period of the vectors will increase with one or two months