1,115 research outputs found

    The Influence of Increasing Transaction Price to Facilitate Direct Charitable Contribution on Consumer Product Choice

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    The study of embedding direct charitable contributions into a purchase transaction through increasing product price can enhance opportunities for charitable organizations to proactively approach companies with cause marketing proposals. Typically the case for cause marketing is built on goodwill and the potential for future revenue or profits for the partner company. If increasing product price to include a direct donation can be shown to possess consumer utility, business cases for cause marketing activities are enhanced for all parties involved. The basis for this research is the convergence between the concepts of cause marketing, individual giving, donation behavior, the shopping process and utility created by product characteristics. Eight different food products were presented to a national sample of consumers with choice options between current market price and current market price plus 5% price premium with premium going directly to charity. The same eight products were studied with identical choice sets but with the “organic” label attached as well as adjusted market prices reflecting organic products. While considerable interest was found for embedded donation with price increase the influence of “organic” labeling had no statistical effect on choice of donation embedded products and actually qualitatively decreased interest

    Lifestyle Bundles: A Between-Category Product Evaluation Study of Affluent Consumer Behavior

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    Bundling is a well established pricing strategy that is ubiquitous in its application by marketers. Although bundling is common, high-involvement multi-category bundles are uncommon and little academic research has been devoted to such combinations. The concept of lifestyle bundles is introduced and evaluated through specific product combinations intended to represent a particular lifestyle. Lifestyle bundles are a way of life that individuals express by choosing to allocate their time and personal resources to a single package of two or more goods or services that they believe represent their current or desired way of life. A combined offering of home, vehicle, and vacation club, with multi-cycle purchase commitments are evaluated by affluent consumers with household incomes of $150,000 or greater. Overall concept interest is tested as well as concept interest with price premiums and restricted brand choice. Underlying motivations for concept interest are also considered. Through conjoint and segmentation analyses, a cluster of consumers with strong interest in the concept are identified

    Structure of prominence legs: Plasma and magnetic field

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    We investigate the properties of a `solar tornado' observed on 15 July 2014, and aim to link the behaviour of the plasma to the internal magnetic field structure of the associated prominence. We made multi-wavelength observations with high spatial resolution and high cadence using SDO/AIA, the IRIS spectrograph and the Hinode/SOT instrument. Along with spectropolarimetry provided by the THEMIS telescope we have coverage of both optically thick emission lines and magnetic field information. AIA reveals that the two legs of the prominence are strongly absorbing structures which look like they are rotating, or oscillating in the plane of the sky. The two prominence legs, which are both very bright in Ca II (SOT), are not visible in the IRIS Mg II slit-jaw images. This is explained by the large optical thickness of the structures in Mg II which leads to reversed profiles, and hence to lower integrated intensities at these locations than in the surroundings. Using lines formed at temperatures lower than 1 MK, we measure relatively low Doppler shifts on the order of +/- 10 km/s in the tornado-like structure. Between the two legs we see loops in Mg II, with material flowing from one leg to the other, as well as counterstreaming. It is difficult to interpret our data as showing two rotating, vertical structures which are unrelated to the loops. This kind of `tornado' scenario does not fit with our observations. The magnetic field in the two legs of the prominence is found to be preferentially horizontal.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, one tabl

    When Sheridan Was in Oregon

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    "This article was obtained for the Washington Historical Quarterly by Mrs. Lulu D. Crandall, of The Dalles, Oregon, a pioneer who remembers Turner Fenner Levens from childhood. She says that the father of the author, Dr. H.F. Levens, was a prominent man and, in addition to being sheriff of Skamania County, as here told by the son, was for a time Commissioner of Wasco county on the Oregon side of the Columbia.

    Brand Evaluations across Age Cohorts and Ethnic Groups: Convergence in the Youth Segment?

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    Research indicates a general consensus that ethnicity does influence consumption behavior, consumer experience, marketing response and media selection. It is, however, unclear as to the extent of that influence and the nature of the difference from segmenting consumers on some other criteria such as needs. Businesses have approached ethnic marketing in different ways ranging from a targeted effort at distinct ethnic markets to a more multi-cultural theme that is shared across many different groups. Today’s youth are often considered to view the world from a diverse perspective such that youth and diversity are often considered synonymous. An assessment of brand evaluation measures is used to explore the nature of the ethnic youth market in contrast to other ethnic and age segments

    Hα Doppler shifts in a tornado in the solar corona

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    Context. High resolution movies in 193 Å from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) show apparent rotation in the leg of a prominence observed during a coordinated campaign. Such structures are commonly referred to as tornadoes. Time-distance intensity diagrams of the AIA data show the existence of oscillations suggesting that the structure is rotating. Aims. The aim of this paper is to understand if the cool plasma at chromospheric temperatures inside the tornado is rotating around its central axis. Methods. The tornado was also observed in Hα with a cadence of 30 s by the MSDP spectrograph, operating at the Solar Tower in Meudon. The MSDP provides sequences of simultaneous spectra in a 2D field of view from which a cube of Doppler velocity maps is retrieved. Results. The Hα Doppler maps show a pattern with alternatively blueshifted and redshifted areas of 5 to 10′′ wide. Over time the blueshifted areas become redshifted and vice versa, with a quasi-periodicity of 40 to 60 min. Weaker amplitude oscillations with periods of 4 to 6 min are superimposed onto these large period oscillations. Conclusions. The Doppler pattern observed in Hα cannot be interpreted as rotation of the cool plasma inside the tornado. The Hα velocity observations give strong constraints on the possible interpretations of the AIA tornado

    Magnetic field in atypical prominence structures: Bubble, tornado and eruption

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    Spectropolarimetric observations of prominences have been obtained with the THEMIS telescope during four years of coordinated campaigns. Our aim is now to understand the conditions of the cool plasma and magnetism in `atypical' prominences, namely when the measured inclination of the magnetic field departs, to some extent, from the predominantly horizontal field found in `typical' prominences. What is the role of the magnetic field in these prominence types? Are plasma dynamics more important in these cases than the magnetic support? We focus our study on three types of `atypical' prominences (tornadoes, bubbles and jet-like prominence eruptions) that have all been observed by THEMIS in the He I D_3 line, from which the Stokes parameters can be derived. The magnetic field strength, inclination and azimuth in each pixel are obtained by using the Principal Component Analysis inversion method on a model of single scattering in the presence of the Hanle effect. The magnetic field in tornadoes is found to be more or less horizontal, whereas for the eruptive prominence it is mostly vertical. We estimate a tendency towards higher values of magnetic field strength inside the bubbles than outside in the surrounding prominence. In all of the models in our database, only one magnetic field orientation is considered for each pixel. While sufficient for most of the main prominence body, this assumption appears to be oversimplified in atypical prominence structures. We should consider these observations as the result of superposition of multiple magnetic fields, possibly even with a turbulent field component.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Modelling of Mg II lines in solar prominences

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    Observations of the Mg II h and k lines in solar prominences with IRIS reveal a wide range of line shapes from simple non-reversed profiles to typical double-peaked reversed profiles with many other complex line shapes possible. The physical conditions responsible for this variety are not well understood. Our aim is to understand how physical conditions inside a prominence slab influence shapes and properties of emergent Mg II line profiles. We compute the spectrum of Mg II lines using a one-dimensional non-LTE radiative transfer code for two large grids of model atmospheres (isothermal isobaric, and with a transition region). The influence of the plasma parameters on the emergent spectrum is discussed in detail. Our results agree with previous studies. We present several dependencies between observables and prominence parameters which will help with interpretation of observations. A comparison with known limits of observed line parameters suggests that most observed prominences emitting in Mg II h and k lines are cold, low pressure, and optically thick structures. Our results indicate that there are good correlations between the Mg II k line intensities and the intensities of hydrogen lines, as well as the emission measure. One-dimensional non-LTE radiative transfer codes are well-suited to understand the main characteristics of the Mg II h and k line profiles in solar prominences, but more advanced codes will be necessary for detailed comparisons.Comment: To appear in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Version 2 contains minor language editin

    Impedance and Instability Studies in LEIR with Xenon

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    In 2017, the LEIR accelerator has been operated with Xe39+ beam for fixed target experiments in the SPS North Area. The different ion species, with respect to the standard Pb54+, allowed for additional comparative measurements of tune shift versus intensity at injection energy both in coasting and bunched beams. The fast transverse instability observed for high accumulated intensities has been as well characterized and additional observations relevant to impedance have been collected from longitudinal Schottky signal and BTF measurements. The results of these measurements are summarised and compared to the currently developed machine impedance model
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