12 research outputs found

    Scaling all-goals updates in reinforcement learning using convolutional neural networks

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    Being able to reach any desired location in the environmentcan be a valuable asset for an agent. Learning a policy to nav-igate between all pairs of states individually is often not fea-sible. Anall-goals updatingalgorithm uses each transitionto learn Q-values towards all goals simultaneously and off-policy. However the expensive numerous updates in parallellimited the approach to small tabular cases so far. To tacklethis problem we propose to use convolutional network archi-tectures to generate Q-values and updates for a large numberof goals at once. We demonstrate the accuracy and generaliza-tion qualities of the proposed method on randomly generatedmazes and Sokoban puzzles. In the case of on-screen goalcoordinates the resulting mapping from frames todistance-mapsdirectly informs the agent about which places are reach-able and in how many steps. As an example of applicationwe show that replacing the random actions inε-greedy ex-ploration by several actions towards feasible goals generatesbetter exploratory trajectories on Montezuma’s Revenge andSuper Mario All-Stars games

    Prioritizing starting states for reinforcement learning

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    Online, off-policy reinforcement learning algorithms are able to use an experience memory to remember and replay past experiences. In prior work, this approach was used to stabilize training by breaking the temporal correlations of the updates and avoiding the rapid forgetting of possibly rare experiences. In this work, we propose a conceptually simple framework that uses an experience memory to help exploration by prioritizing the starting states from which the agent starts acting in the environment, importantly, in a fashion that is also compatible with on-policy algorithms. Given the capacity to restart the agent in states corresponding to its past observations, we achieve this objective by (i) enabling the agent to restart in states belonging to significant past experiences (e.g., nearby goals), and (ii) promoting faster coverage of the state space through starting from a more diverse set of states. While, using a good priority measure to identify significant past transitions, we expect case (i) to more considerably help exploration in certain domains (e.g., sparse reward tasks), we hypothesize that case (ii) will generally be beneficial, even without any prioritization. We show empirically that our approach improves learning performance for both off-policy and on-policy deep reinforcement learning methods, with most notable gains in highly sparse reward tasks

    Q-map: A convolutional approach for goal-oriented reinforcement learning.

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    Goal-oriented learning has become a core concept in reinforcement learning (RL), extending the reward signal as a sole way to define tasks. However, as parameterizing value functions with goals increases the learning complexity, efficiently reusing past experience to update estimates towards several goals at once becomes desirable but usually requires independent updates per goal. Considering that a significant number of RL environments can support spatial coordinates as goals, such as on-screen location of the character in ATARI or SNES games, we propose a novel goal-oriented agent called Q-map that utilizes an autoencoder-like neural network to predict the minimum number of steps towards each coordinate in a single forward pass. This architecture is similar to Horde with parameter sharing and allows the agent to discover correlations between visual patterns and navigation. For example learning how to use a ladder in a game could be transferred to other ladders later. We show how this network can be efficiently trained with a 3D variant of Q-learning to update the estimates towards all goals at once. While the Q-map agent could be used for a wide range of applications, we propose a novel exploration mechanism in place of epsilon-greedy that relies on goal selection at a desired distance followed by several steps taken towards it, allowing long and coherent exploratory steps in the environment. We demonstrate the accuracy and generalization qualities of the Q-map agent on a grid-world environment and then demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed exploration mechanism on the notoriously difficult Montezuma's Revenge and Super Mario All-Stars games

    Time limits in reinforcement learning

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    In reinforcement learning, it is common to let an agent interact for a fixed amount of time with its environment before resetting it and repeating the process in a series of episodes. The task that the agent has to learn can either be to maximize its performance over (i) that fixed period, or (ii) an indefinite period where time limits are only used during training to diversify experience. In this paper, we provide a formal account for how time limits could effectively be handled in each of the two cases and explain why not doing so can cause state-aliasing and invalidation of experience re- play, leading to suboptimal policies and training instability. In case (i), we argue that the termi- nations due to time limits are in fact part of the environment, and thus a notion of the remaining time should be included as part of the agent’s in- put to avoid violation of the Markov property. In case (ii), the time limits are not part of the envi- ronment and are only used to facilitate learning. We argue that this insight should be incorporated by bootstrapping from the value of the state at the end of each partial episode. For both cases, we illustrate empirically the significance of our considerations in improving the performance and stability of existing reinforcement learning algo- rithms, showing state-of-the-art results on several control tasks

    Exploring restart distributions

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    We consider the generic approach of using an experience memory to help exploration by adapting a restart distribution. That is, given the capacity to reset the state with those corresponding to the agent's past observations, we help exploration by promoting faster state-space coverage via restarting the agent from a more diverse set of initial states, as well as allowing it to restart in states associated with significant past experiences. This approach is compatible with both on-policy and off-policy methods. However, a caveat is that altering the distribution of initial states could change the optimal policies when searching within a restricted class of policies. To reduce this unsought learning bias, we evaluate our approach in deep reinforcement learning which benefits from the high representational capacity of deep neural networks. We instantiate three variants of our approach, each inspired by an idea in the context of experience replay. Using these variants, we show that performance gains can be achieved, especially in hard exploration problems