1,538 research outputs found

    New features of scattering from a one-dimensional non-Hermitian (complex) potential

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    For complex one-dimensional potentials, we propose the asymmetry of both reflectivity and transmitivity under time-reversal: R(k)R(k)R(-k)\ne R(k) and T(k)T(k)T(-k) \ne T(k), unless the potentials are real or PT-symmetric. For complex PT-symmetric scattering potentials, we propose that Rleft(k)=Rright(k)R_{left}(-k)=R_{right}(k) and T(k)=T(k)T(-k)=T(k). So far, the spectral singularities (SS) of a one-dimensional non-Hermitian scattering potential are witnessed/conjectured to be at most one. We present a new non-Hermitian parametrization of Scarf II potential to reveal its four new features. Firstly, it displays the just acclaimed (in)variances. Secondly, it can support two spectral singularities at two pre-assigned real energies (E=α2,β2E_*=\alpha^2,\beta^2) either in T(k)T(k) or in T(k)T(-k), when αβ>0\alpha\beta>0. Thirdly, when αβ<0\alpha \beta <0 it possesses one SS in T(k)T(k) and the other in T(k)T(-k). Fourthly, when the potential becomes PT-symmetric [(α+β)=0][(\alpha+\beta)=0], we get T(k)=T(k)T(k)=T(-k), it possesses a unique SS at E=α2E=\alpha^2 in both T(k)T(-k) and T(k)T(k). Lastly, for completeness, when α=iγ\alpha=i\gamma and β=iδ\beta=i\delta, there are no SS, instead we get two negative energies γ2-\gamma^2 and δ2-\delta^2 of the complex PT-symmetric Scarf II belonging to the two well-known branches of discrete bound state eigenvalues and no spectral singularity exists in this case. We find them as EM+=(γM)2E^{+}_{M}=-(\gamma-M)^2 and EN=(δN)2E^{-}_{N}=-(\delta-N)^2; M(N)=0,1,2,...M(N)=0,1,2,... with 0M(N)<γ(δ)0 \le M (N)< \gamma (\delta). {PACS: 03.65.Nk,11.30.Er,42.25.Bs}Comment: 10 pages, one Table, one Figure, important changes, appeared as an FTC (J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45(2012) 032004

    Is Strangeness Still Strange at the LHC?

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    Strangeness production is calculated in a pQCD-based model (including nuclear effects) in the high transverse momentum sector, where pQCD is expected to work well. We investigate pion, kaon, proton and lambda production in pp and heavy-ion collisions. Parton energy loss in AA collisions is taken into account. We compare strange-to-non-strange meson and baryon ratios to data at RHIC, and make predictions for the LHC. We find that these ratios significantly deviate from unity not only at RHIC but also at the LHC, indicating the special role of strangeness at both energies.Comment: Contribution to SQM 2007, 6 pages 2 figure

    Breaking so(4) symmetry without degeneracy lift

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    We argue that in the quantum motion of a scalar particle of mass "m" on S^3_R perturbed by the trigonometric Scarf potential (Scarf I) with one internal quantized dimensionless parameter, \ell, the 3D orbital angular momentum, and another, an external scale introducing continuous parameter, B, a loss of the geometric hyper-spherical so(4) symmetry of the free motion can occur that leaves intact the unperturbed {\mathcal N}^2-fold degeneracy patterns, with {\mathcal N}=(\ell +n+1) and n denoting the nodes number of the wave function. Our point is that although the number of degenerate states for any {\mathcal N} matches dimensionality of an irreducible so(4) representation space, the corresponding set of wave functions do not transform irreducibly under any so(4). Indeed, in expanding the Scarf I wave functions in the basis of properly identified so(4) representation functions, we find power series in the perturbation parameter, B, where 4D angular momenta K\in [\ell , {\mathcal N}-1] contribute up to the order \left(\frac{2mR^2B}{\hbar^2}\right)^{{\mathcal N}-1-K}. In this fashion, we work out an explicit example on a symmetry breakdown by external scales that retains the degeneracy. The scheme extends to so(d+2) for any d.Comment: Prepared for the proceedings of the conference "Lie Theory and Its Applications In Physics", June 17-23, 2013, Varna, Bulgari

    Method for Generating Additive Shape Invariant Potentials from an Euler Equation

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    In the supersymmetric quantum mechanics formalism, the shape invariance condition provides a sufficient constraint to make a quantum mechanical problem solvable; i.e., we can determine its eigenvalues and eigenfunctions algebraically. Since shape invariance relates superpotentials and their derivatives at two different values of the parameter aa, it is a non-local condition in the coordinate-parameter (x,a)(x, a) space. We transform the shape invariance condition for additive shape invariant superpotentials into two local partial differential equations. One of these equations is equivalent to the one-dimensional Euler equation expressing momentum conservation for inviscid fluid flow. The second equation provides the constraint that helps us determine unique solutions. We solve these equations to generate the set of all known \hbar-independent shape invariant superpotentials and show that there are no others. We then develop an algorithm for generating additive shape invariant superpotentials including those that depend on \hbar explicitly, and derive a new \hbar-dependent superpotential by expanding a Scarf superpotential.Comment: 1 figure, 4 tables, 18 page

    Pauli equation and the method of supersymmetric factorization

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    We consider different variants of factorization of a 2x2 matrix Schroedinger/Pauli operator in two spatial dimensions. They allow to relate its spectrum to the sum of spectra of two scalar Schroedinger operators, in a manner similar to one-dimensional Darboux transformations. We consider both the case when such factorization is reduced to the ordinary 2-dimensional SUSY QM quasifactorization and a more general case which involves covariant derivatives. The admissible classes of electromagnetic fields are described and some illustrative examples are given.Comment: 18 pages, Late

    Probing the QCD Equation of State

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    We propose a novel quasiparticle interpretation of the equation of state of deconfined QCD at finite temperature. Using appropriate thermal masses, we introduce a phenomenological parametrisation of the onset of confinement in the vicinity of the phase transition. Lattice results of bulk thermodynamic quantities are well reproduced, the extension to small quark chemical potential is also successful. We then apply the model to dilepton production and charm suppression in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures. Invited talk presented by R. A. Schneider at the XVI International Conference on Particles and Nuclei (PANIC02), Osaka, Japan, September 30 - October 4, 200