11 research outputs found

    Spectral signature of nonlinear effects in semiconductor optical amplifiers

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    Optical spectra of signals at the output of semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) provide useful insight into amplifier nonlinearities. In this work, we determine the parameters of an analytical SOA model with a pump-probe experiment by evaluating the measured spectra of the pump and probe pulses at the SOA output. The analytical lumped SOA model considers carrier depletion, carrier recovery, spectral hole burning, two-photon absorption, and we include an additional effect termed ‘two-photon induced free-carrier absorption’, that is responsible for creating an identifiable blue-shifted component in the spectra. We are able to relate the underlying physical nonlinear effects to the spectral peculiarities of the output pump and probe spectra, and give guidelines for the exploitation of these nonlinear effects for optical signal processing. In addition, with a much-simplified SOA model and by replacing the pump pulse with modulated data we show that the output spectrum is altered in a manner consistent with phase patterning effects

    Sol-gel Barium Titanate Nanohole Array as a Nonlinear Metasurface and a Photonic Crystal

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    The quest of a nonlinear optical material that can be easily nanostructured over a large surface area is still ongoing. Here, we demonstrate a nanoimprinted nonlinear barium titanate 2D nanohole array that shows optical properties of a 2D photonic crystal and metasurface, depending on the direction of the optical axis. The challenge of nanostructuring the inert metal-oxide is resolved by direct soft nanoimprint lithography with sol-gel derived barium titanate enabling critical dimensions of 120 nm with aspect ratios of 5. The nanohole array exhibits a photonic bandgap in the infrared range when probed along the slab axis while lattice resonant states are observed in out-of-plane transmission configuration. The enhanced light-matter interaction from the resonant structure enables to increase the second-harmonic generation in the near-UV by a factor of 18 illustrating the potential in the flexible fabrication technique for barium titanate photonic devices

    Optical properties of highly nonlinear silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) waveguide geometries

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    Geometry, nonlinearity, dispersion and two-photon absorption figure of merit of three basic silicon-organic hybrid waveguide designs are compared. Four-wave mixing and heterodyne pump-probe measurements show that all designs achieve high nonlinearities. The fundamental limitation of two-photon absorption in silicon is overcome using silicon-organic hybrid integration, with a five-fold improvement for the figure of merit (FOM). The value of FOM = 2.19 measured for silicon-compatible nonlinear slot waveguides is the highest value published. (C) 2009 Optical Society of Americ

    Micro and nano fabrication: tools and processes

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    For Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) and Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS) production, each product requires a unique process technology. This book provides a comprehensive insight into the tools necessary for fabricating MEMS/NEMS and the process technologies applied. Besides, it describes enabling technologies which are necessary for a successful production, i.e., wafer planarization and bonding, as well as contamination control

    Sol-Gel Barium Titanate Nanohole Array as a Nonlinear Metasurface and a Photonic Crystal

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    The quest of a nonlinear optical material that can be easily nanostructured over a large surface area is still ongoing. Here, we demonstrate a nanoimprinted nonlinear barium titanate 2D nanohole array that shows the optical properties of a 2D photonic crystal and a metasurface, depending on the direction of the optical axis. The challenge of nanostructuring the inert metal-oxide is resolved by direct soft nanoimprint lithography with sol-gel derived barium titanate enabling critical dimensions of 120 nm with aspect ratios of five. The nanohole array exhibits a photonic bandgap in the infrared range when probed along the slab axis, while lattice resonant states are observed in out-of-plane transmission configuration. The enhanced light-matter interaction from the resonant structure enables to increase in the second-harmonic generation in the near-ultraviolet by a factor of 18 illustrating the potential in the flexible fabrication technique for barium titanate photonic devices.ISSN:1613-6810ISSN:1613-682

    Silicon organic hybrid technology: a platform for practical nonlinear optics

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    A cost-effective route to build electrically as well as optically controlled modulators in silicon photonics is reviewed. The technology enables modulation at bit rates beyond 100 Gbit/s. This platform relies on the well-established silicon-based complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor processing technology for fabricating silicon-on-insulator (Sol) waveguides, while an organic cladding layer adds the required nonlinearity. The strength of this hybrid technology is discussed, and two key devices in communications are exemplarily regarded in more detail. The first device demonstrates demultiplexing of a 120 Gbit/s signal by means of four-wave mixing in a slot-waveguide that has been filled with a highly nonlinear chi((3))-organic material. The second device is a 100 Gbit/s/1 V electrooptic modulator based on a slow-light Sol photonic crystal covered with a chi((2))-nonlinear organic material

    Large-Scale Bottom-Up Fabricated 3D Nonlinear Photonic Crystals

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    Nonlinear optical effects are used to generate coherent light at wavelengths difficult to reach with lasers. Materials periodically poled or nanostructured in the nonlinear susceptibility in three spatial directions are called 3D nonlinear photonic crystals (NPhCs). They enable enhanced nonlinear optical conversion efficiencies, emission control, and simultaneous generation of nonlinear wavelengths. The chemical inertness of efficient second-order nonlinear materials (χ(2)\chi^{(2)}) prohibited their nanofabrication until 2018. The current method is restricted to top-down laser-based techniques limiting the periodicity along z-axis to 10 um. We demonstrate the first bottom-up fabricated 3D NPhC in sol-gel derived barium titanate by soft-nanoimprint lithography: a woodpile with eight layers and periodicities of 1 um (xy-plane) and 300 nm (z-plane). The surface areas exceed 5.31045.3\cdot 10^4 um^2, which is two orders of magnitude larger than the state-of-the-art. This study is expected to initiate bottom-up fabrication of 3D NPhCs with a supremely strong and versatile nonlinear response