176 research outputs found

    An overview of current status of carbon dioxide capture and storage technologies

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    AbstractGlobal warming and climate change concerns have triggered global efforts to reduce the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) is considered a crucial strategy for meeting CO2 emission reduction targets. In this paper, various aspects of CCS are reviewed and discussed including the state of the art technologies for CO2 capture, separation, transport, storage, leakage, monitoring, and life cycle analysis. The selection of specific CO2 capture technology heavily depends on the type of CO2 generating plant and fuel used. Among those CO2 separation processes, absorption is the most mature and commonly adopted due to its higher efficiency and lower cost. Pipeline is considered to be the most viable solution for large volume of CO2 transport. Among those geological formations for CO2 storage, enhanced oil recovery is mature and has been practiced for many years but its economical viability for anthropogenic sources needs to be demonstrated. There are growing interests in CO2 storage in saline aquifers due to their enormous potential storage capacity and several projects are in the pipeline for demonstration of its viability. There are multiple hurdles to CCS deployment including the absence of a clear business case for CCS investment and the absence of robust economic incentives to support the additional high capital and operating costs of the whole CCS process

    Implicações das prioridades de gasto do estado sobre a dinâmica econômica brasileira

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    XX Encontro Nacional de Economia Política: desenvolvimento Latino-Americano, Integração e Inserção Internacional - UNILA, Foz do Iguaçu, 26 a 29 de maio de 2015A sociedade brasileira tem passado, nas últimas décadas, por transformações importantes em seu contexto político e econômico. Este artigo trata principalmente de dois fatos que ainda, atualmente, impactam na dinâmica do gasto público. O processo de redemocratização, em fi nais dos anos de 1980 e a globalização econômica com a consequente fi nanceirização dos mercados. Estas transformações infl uenciam a forma de atuação do Estado na economia, principalmente no que se refere à defi nição de alocação de recursos públicos. Assim, este artigo aprofunda o entendimento da evolução das despesas públicas na esfera federal, pela análise dos gastos sociais bem como da dívida pública, constatando os impactos econômicos destas despesas e levantando conclusões sobre a viabilidade de determinados gastos governamentais sob a dinâmica econômica e social do país. A realização deste estudo contribui para o debate sobre as estratégias de política fi scal que vêm sendo adotadas e o impacto de priorização de determinados gastos, sobre o crescimento econômico do paísBanco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES); Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu (ITAIPU); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    Having a family doctor is associated with some better patient-reported outcomes of primary care consultations

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    <b>Background</b> Hong Kong (HK) has pluralistic primary care that is provided by a variety of doctors. The aim of our study was to assess patient-reported outcomes of primary care consultations in HK and whether having a family doctor (FD) made any difference.<p></p> <b>Methods</b> We interviewed by telephone 3148 subjects from 5174 contacted households (response rate 60.8%) randomly selected from the general population of HK about the experience of their last primary care consultations in September 2007 and April 2008. We compared the patient-reported outcomes (PRO) and patient-centered process of care in those with a FD, those with other types of regular primary care doctors (ORD) and those without any regular primary care doctor (NRD). PRO included patient enablement, global improvement in health, overall satisfaction, and likelihood of recommending their doctors to family and friends. Patient-centered process of care indicators was explanations about the illness, and address of patient’s concerns.<p></p> <b>Results</b> One thousand one hundred fifty, 746, and 1157 reported to have FD, ORD, and NRD, respectively. Over 80% of those with FD consulted their usual primary care doctors in the last consultation compared with 27% of those with NRD. Compared with subjects having ORD or NRD, subjects with FD reported being more enabled after the consultation and were more likely to recommend their doctors to family and friends. Subjects with FD and ORD were more likely than those having NRD to report a global improvement in health and satisfaction. FD group was more likely than the other two groups to report receiving an explanation on the diagnosis, nature, and expected course of the illness, and having their concerns addressed. Patient enablement was associated with explanation of diagnosis, nature, and expected course of illness, and address of patient’s concerns.<p></p> <b>Conclusion</b> People with a regular FD were more likely to feel being enabled and to experience patient-centered care in consultations

    Respiratory Infections during SARS Outbreak, Hong Kong, 2003

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    The effect of community hygienic measures during the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong was studied by comparing the proportion of positive specimens of various respiratory viruses in 2003 with those from 1998 to 2002. Community hygienic measures significantly reduced the incidence of various respiratory viral infections

    BTZ-copolymer loaded graphene aerogel as new type Green and metal-freevisible light photocatalyst

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    This paper reports a new class of efficient, green and metal-free visible-light photocatalyst made from graphene aerogel (GA) doped with a conjugated porous polymer (CMPs). Hence, we report the synthesis of a benzothiadiazole (BTZ)-based CMP loaded into GA via a one-step hydrothermal reaction between 2D graphene oxide (GO) and the CMP, performed through a green process and under mild conditions. The as-prepared GA showed a bathochromic shift in the UV–vis diffraction reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) absorption edge to 628.5 nm, demonstrating its ability to absorb light in the visible region. SEM, TEM, XPS, EDX mapping results further showed the successful loading of the BTZ-based CMP in the GA array. The synthesized GA was used as a 3D structured photocatalyst for the visible-light-driven photodecomposition of methyl orange (MO) with an efficiency of 89.2% (5 wt% CMP). When compared to that of the pure CMP (86.9%), a comparable yet small increase in the efficiency was observed. This is due to a synergistic effect between GO and loaded polymer in GA array upon the formation of CMPGA hybrid structure via chemical interaction between BTZ-Py and GO throughout the mild hydrothermal reaction, and the enhanced photocatalytic activity exhibited from 1 mg equivalent polymer in the CMPGA2 hybrid when compared to the 20 mg pure polymer. Upon repeated use, the depreciation in photocatalytic activity was low with a <5% drop over 3 cycles. These results showed the CMP-loaded GA as an efficient metal-free photocatalyst and a promising material for further investigation into other photocatalytic applications

    Dispersion of a single hole in the t-J model

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    The dispersion of a single hole in the t-J model obtained by the exact result of 32 sites and the results obtained by self-consistent Born approximation and the Green function Monte Carlo method can be simply derived by a mean-field theory with d-RVB and antiferromagnetic order parameters. In addition, it offers a simple explanation for the difference observed between those results. The presence of the extended van Hove region at (pi,0) is a consequence of the d-RVB pairing independenct of the antiferromagnetic order. Results including t' and t" are also presented and explained consistently in a similar way.Comment: LaTex file, 5 pages with 5 embedded eps figure

    Flexible hydrogen fuel cell fabricated on paper with embedded aluminium foil

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    Direct hydrogen fuel cells are generally heavy and rigid systems based on metal or plastic materials, which are not suitable for various miniwatt and flexible devices. In this study, we have developed a lightweight and flexible fuel cell based on paper substrate embedded with an Al foil inside, which is used as an in-situ hydrogen source by reaction with an electrolyte solution during operation. Benefited from the inhibited hydroxyl transportation by the porous cellulose network, the vigorous Al corrosion reaction is well controlled even though strong alkaline electrolyte is adopted, so that the fuel cell can be discharged for more than 5 hours at 1 mA cm-2 (0.83 V) with only 3.5 mg Al foil. The corresponding faradaic and energy efficiencies are as high as 72% and 18.3%, respectively. The fuel cell flexibility is also quite good when facing different bending angles. Considering its moderate power output, this flexible paper-based hydrogen fuel cell is especially suitable for powering various miniwatt and flexible devices, such as wearable electronics, biosensors, RFID tags, etc. However, higher power can be obtained by suitable stacking of the fuel cell

    A switchable pH-differential unitized regenerative fuel cell with high performance

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    Regenerative fuel cells are a potential candidate for future energy storage, but their applications are limited by the high cost and poor round-trip efficiency. Here we present a switchable pH-differential unitized regenerative fuel cell capable of addressing both the obstacles. Relying on a membraneless laminar flow-based design, pH environments in the cell are optimized independently for different electrode reactions and are switchable together with the cell process to ensure always favorable thermodynamics for each electrode reaction. Benefiting from the thermodynamic advantages of the switchable pH-differential arrangement, the cell allows water electrolysis at a voltage of 0.57 V, and a fuel cell open circuit voltage of 1.89 V, rendering round-trip efficiencies up to 74%. Under room conditions, operating the cell in fuel cell mode yields a power density of 1.3 W cm¯², which is the highest performance to date for laminar flow-based cells and is comparable to state-of-the-art polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells

    Measurement of Cosmic-ray Muon-induced Spallation Neutrons in the Aberdeen Tunnel Underground Laboratory

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    AbstractMuon-induced neutrons are one of the major backgrounds to various underground experiments, such as dark matter searches, low-energy neutrino oscillation experiments and neutrino-less double beta-decay experiments. Previous experiments on the underground production rate of muon-induced neutrons were mostly carried out either at shallow sites or at very deep sites. The Aberdeen Tunnel experiment aims to measure the neutron production rate at a moderate depth of 611 meters water equivalent. Our apparatus comprises of six layers of plastic-scintillator hodoscopes for tracking the incident cosmic-ray muons, and 760 L of gadolinium-doped liquid-scintillator for both neutron production and detection targets. In this paper, we describe the design and the performance of the apparatus. The preliminary result on the measurement of neutron production rate is also presented