289 research outputs found

    Transferts des deĢtenus des prisons vaudoises aux urgences du CHUV

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    Contexte L'exercice de la meĢdecine en milieu carceĢral dans le canton de Vaud est assureĢ par le Service de MeĢdecine et de Psychiatrie PeĢnitentiaires (SMPP). La population carceĢrale est d'environ 720 deĢtenus repartis dans 5 eĢtablissements, certains surpeupleĢs, dont le plus eĢloigneĢ du CHUV se trouve aĢ€ 30 kilomeĢ€tres. Le SMPP assure une prise en charge geĢneĢrale et organise preĢ€s de 700 consultations speĢcialiseĢes par anneĢe, principalement au CHUV. La prise en charge des urgences dans ces prisons donne lieu aĢ€ de nombreux transferts au service des urgences du CHUV. Ceux-laĢ€ augmentent le temps de prise en charge, sont extreĢ‚mement couĢ‚teux, ils sont risqueĢs du point de vue seĢcuritaire et souvent deĢsagreĢables pour la population carceĢrale, reconnue comme vulneĢrable du point de vue sanitaire. Les affections psychiatriques, maladies infectieuses et cardiovasculaires sont effectivement treĢ€s freĢquentes. De plus, les transferts repreĢsentent eĢgalement une charge de travail non neĢgligeable pour les urgences qui ne sont, a priori, pas entieĢ€rement preĢpareĢes aĢ€ soigner ce type de population. Objectif Nous avons souhaiteĢ deĢfinir si les transferts de 2011 aĢ€ 2013 eĢtaient ou non justifieĢs selon la nature de ceux-ci et les prises en charge possibles relateĢes dans la litteĢrature. MeĢthodologie Tout d'abord, le travail a neĢcessiteĢ une prise de connaissance du monde carceĢral vaudois et de l'organisation des soins en prison qui sont reĢgis par le SMPP. Ensuite, on s'est pencheĢ sur la litteĢrature concernant les speĢcificiteĢs de la prise en charge des urgences en milieu carceĢral. Une partie importante de ce travail est l'eĢtude reĢtrospective des dossiers des patients transfeĢreĢs aux urgences depuis les 5 prisons du canton de Vaud des anneĢes 2011 aĢ€ 2013. Les variables observeĢes sont les motifs de transfert, leur graviteĢ selon l'EĢchelle Suisse du Tri, les types d'examens effectueĢs aux urgences, les heures d'arriveĢe et les dureĢes d'hospitalisation. Principaux reĢsultats Il y a en moyenne 224 transferts par anneĢe et ils sont en constante augmentation depuis 2011. La principale cause de transfert sur les 3 anneĢes est l'ingestion de corps eĢtrangers, repreĢsentant 16,2% du total des patients transfeĢreĢs. Les autres causes souvent retrouveĢes sont les tentamens, les abus meĢdicamenteux et les douleurs abdominales. Plus de 50% des transferts sont classeĢs en degreĢs d'urgence 3 (situation semi-urgente) selon l'EĢchelle Suisse du Tri. Moins de 10% sont non-urgents selon la meĢ‚me eĢchelle. La dureĢe moyenne de seĢjour aux urgences est deux fois plus longue que pour les patients Ā« standards Ā» et 70% des transferts ne deĢbouchent que sur des examens Ā« simples Ā», soient des radiographies, examens de laboratoire et eĢlectrocardiogrammes. Conclusion Il apparaiĢ‚t qu'en regard des diffeĢrentes variables observeĢes, ces transferts sont, en l'eĢtat actuel et pour la large majoriteĢ, justifieĢs. Les diffeĢrents motifs de transferts sont difficilement comparables avec la litteĢrature, eĢtant donneĢe la reĢpartition choisie, mais neĢanmoins semblables. Si les transferts sont pour la plupart justifieĢs, ils ne seraient pas ineĢvitables dans un contexte diffeĢrent. Ainsi, on entrevoit dans ce travail plusieurs pistes d'ameĢlioration de prise en charge qui sont le renforcement du travail de preĢvention, la teĢleĢmeĢdecine et l'ameĢnagement d'outils diagnostiques en prison

    Tracking and predicting U.S. influenza activity with a real-time surveillance network

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    Each year in the United States, influenza causes illness in 9.2 to 35.6 million individuals and is responsible for 12,000 to 56,000 deaths. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks influenza activity through a national surveillance network. These data are only available after a delay of 1 to 2 weeks, and thus influenza epidemiologists and transmission modelers have explored the use of other data sources to produce more timely estimates and predictions of influenza activity. We evaluated whether data collected from a national commercial network of influenza diagnostic machines could produce valid estimates of the current burden and help to predict influenza trends in the United States. Quidel Corporation provided us with de-identified influenza test results transmitted in real-time from a national network of influenza test machines called the Influenza Test System (ITS). We used this ITS dataset to estimate and predict influenza-like illness (ILI) activity in the United States over the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 influenza seasons. First, we developed linear logistic models on national and regional geographic scales that accurately estimated two CDC influenza metrics: the proportion of influenza test results that are positive and the proportion of physician visits that are ILI-related. We then used our estimated ILI-related proportion of physician visits in transmission models to produce improved predictions of influenza trends in the United States at both the regional and national scale. These findings suggest that ITS can be leveraged to improve "nowcasts" and short-term forecasts of U.S. influenza activity

    Comparison in the immunological properties of Borrelia burgdorferi isolates from Ixodes ricinus derived from three endemic areas in Switzerland

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    Borrelia burgdorferi isolates were obtained from Ixodes ricinus from three sites in Switzerland. They were examined by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting. The phenotypes, in respect of three outer surface proteins (Osp), differed between the sites of collection. In site 1, most isolates had an OspA of 31 kDa and an OspB of 34 kDa: in site 2, isolates presenting an OspA of 33 kDa dominated and in site 3, the isolates with an OspA of 32 kDa and an OspB of 35 kDa were most frequent. This distribution differed significantly. About half of the isolates from sites 1 and 3 reacted with anti-OspA monoclonal antibody H5332 compared to 29% from site 2. Site 1 isolates reacted significantly more frequently (81 %) with another anti-OspA monoclonal antibody LA-31 than isolates from site 3 (P < 0Ā·0001). These findings have implications for the epidemiology of Lyme borreliosis, for the further development of serodiagnostic reagents and for the development of a vaccin

    Chromatin: a tunable spring at work inside chromosomes

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    This paper focuses on mechanical aspects of chromatin biological functioning. Within a basic geometric modeling of the chromatin assembly, we give for the first time the complete set of elastic constants (twist and bend persistence lengths, stretch modulus and twist-stretch coupling constant) of the so-called 30-nm chromatin fiber, in terms of DNA elastic properties and geometric properties of the fiber assembly. The computation naturally embeds the fiber within a current analytical model known as the ``extensible worm-like rope'', allowing a straightforward prediction of the force-extension curves. We show that these elastic constants are strongly sensitive to the linker length, up to 1 bp, or equivalently to its twist, and might locally reach very low values, yielding a highly flexible and extensible domain in the fiber. In particular, the twist-stretch coupling constant, reflecting the chirality of the chromatin fiber, exhibits steep variations and sign changes when the linker length is varied. We argue that this tunable elasticity might be a key feature for chromatin function, for instance in the initiation and regulation of transcription.Comment: 38 pages 15 figure

    The Vitamin A Derivative All-Trans Retinoic Acid Repairs Amyloid-Ī²-Induced Double-Strand Breaks in Neural Cells and in the Murine Neocortex.

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    The amyloid-Ī² peptide or AĪ² is the key player in the amyloid-cascade hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease. AĪ² appears to trigger cell death but also production of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in aging and Alzheimer's disease. All-trans retinoic acid (RA), a derivative of vitamin A, was already known for its neuroprotective effects against the amyloid cascade. It diminishes, for instance, the production of AĪ² peptides and their oligomerisation. In the present work we investigated the possible implication of RA receptor (RAR) in repair of AĪ²-induced DSBs. We demonstrated that RA, as well as RAR agonist Am80, but not AGN 193109 antagonist, repair AĪ²-induced DSBs in SH-SY5Y cells and an astrocytic cell line as well as in the murine cortical tissue of young and aged mice. The nonhomologous end joining pathway and the Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated kinase were shown to be involved in RA-mediated DSBs repair in the SH-SY5Y cells. Our data suggest that RA, besides increasing cell viability in the cortex of young and even of aged mice, might also result in targeted DNA repair of genes important for cell or synaptic maintenance. This phenomenon would remain functional up to a point when AĪ² increase and RA decrease probably lead to a pathological state

    Single-molecule experiments in biological physics: methods and applications

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    I review single-molecule experiments (SME) in biological physics. Recent technological developments have provided the tools to design and build scientific instruments of high enough sensitivity and precision to manipulate and visualize individual molecules and measure microscopic forces. Using SME it is possible to: manipulate molecules one at a time and measure distributions describing molecular properties; characterize the kinetics of biomolecular reactions and; detect molecular intermediates. SME provide the additional information about thermodynamics and kinetics of biomolecular processes. This complements information obtained in traditional bulk assays. In SME it is also possible to measure small energies and detect large Brownian deviations in biomolecular reactions, thereby offering new methods and systems to scrutinize the basic foundations of statistical mechanics. This review is written at a very introductory level emphasizing the importance of SME to scientists interested in knowing the common playground of ideas and the interdisciplinary topics accessible by these techniques. The review discusses SME from an experimental perspective, first exposing the most common experimental methodologies and later presenting various molecular systems where such techniques have been applied. I briefly discuss experimental techniques such as atomic-force microscopy (AFM), laser optical tweezers (LOT), magnetic tweezers (MT), biomembrane force probe (BFP) and single-molecule fluorescence (SMF). I then present several applications of SME to the study of nucleic acids (DNA, RNA and DNA condensation), proteins (protein-protein interactions, protein folding and molecular motors). Finally, I discuss applications of SME to the study of the nonequilibrium thermodynamics of small systems and the experimental verification of fluctuation theorems. I conclude with a discussion of open questions and future perspectives.Comment: Latex, 60 pages, 12 figures, Topical Review for J. Phys. C (Cond. Matt
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