13 research outputs found

    Neurologic outcomes of toxic oil syndrome patients 18 years after the epidemic.

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    Toxic oil syndrome (TOS) resulted from consumption of rapeseed oil denatured with 2% aniline and affected more than 20,000 persons. Eighteen years after the epidemic, many patients continue to report neurologic symptoms that are difficult to evaluate using conventional techniques. We conducted an epidemiologic study to determine whether an exposure to toxic oil 18 years ago was associated with current adverse neurobehavioral effects. We studied a case group of 80 adults exposed to toxic oil 18 years ago and a referent group of 79 adult age- and sex-frequency-matched unexposed subjects. We interviewed subjects for demographics, health status, exposures to neurotoxicants, and responses to the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT), Programa Integrado de Exploracion Neuropsicologica (PIEN), and Goldberg depression questionnaires and administered quantitative neurobehavioral and neurophysiologic tests by computer or trained nurses. The groups did not differ with respect to educational background or other critical variables. We examined associations between case and referent groups and the neurobehavioral and neurophysiologic outcomes of interest. Decreased distal strength of the dominant and nondominant hands and increased vibrotactile thresholds of the fingers and toes were significantly associated with exposure to toxic oil. Finger tapping, simple reaction time latency, sequence B latency, symbol digit latency, and auditory digit span were also significantly associated with exposure. Case subjects also had statistically significantly more neuropsychologic symptoms compared with referents. Using quantitative neurologic tests, we found significant adverse central and peripheral neurologic effects in a group of TOS patients 18 years after exposure to toxic oil when compared with a nonexposed referent group. These effects were not documented by standard clinical examination and were found more frequently in women

    Tolerance of mefloquine by SwissAir trainee pilots

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    Due to presumed adverse performance impact, a World Health Organization clause currently restricts the use of mefloquine malaria chemoprophylaxis in individuals requiring fine coordination and spatial discrimination. We conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study to quantitatively assess the effects of mefloquine at steady state on performance in 23 trainee airline pilots. Flying performance was assessed using a flight simulator, psychomotor function was evaluated, sleep and wake cycles were monitored, and symptoms and moods were assessed using standardized questionnaires. A simplified postural sway meter recorded sway in three test positions. In the mefloquine loading dose phase, there was one withdrawal due to dizziness, diarrhea, and flu-like symptoms, and three volunteers reported nonserious, sleep-related adverse events. There was no significant difference in flying performance, psychomotor functions, or mean sway for any test position. Nonsignificant reductions in mean total nocturnal sleep (mefloquine = 450 min versus placebo = 484 min) and poorer sleep quality were detected in the mefloquine phases. The mood findings indicated a predominance of positive states, with vigor the predominant mood in all phases. No significant performance deficit was documented under laboratory conditions during use of mefloquine at steady state