769 research outputs found

    Hu Ying. Tales of translation : composing the new woman in China, 1899-1918

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    Telegram from Letty and Bert Pogrebin, Founding Editors of Ms. Magazine, to Geraldine Ferraro

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    Congratulatory telegram from Letty and Bert Pogrebin, founding editors of Ms. Magazine, to Geraldine Ferraro. Includes standard response letter from Ferraro and data entry sheet.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/vice_presidential_campaign_correspondence_1984_new_york/1287/thumbnail.jp

    PAGA Saves the Day Against Forced Arbitration

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    Arbitration agreements are becoming increasingly common in the employment setting, with over 60 million Americans being bound by one. In the private sector, 56.2 percent of nonunion employees are bound by mandatory arbitration agreements. In California, 67.4 percent of workplaces are subject to mandatory arbitration. Employees are less likely to win their cases in arbitration than in court. The increase in PAGA lawsuits in recent years is likely associated to the increase in mandatory arbitration agreements. As more employees find themselves without access to the courts, PAGA claims offer the only remaining recourse for employees to have their day in court

    Bisphenol-A and its Harmful Effects on Human Development

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    Bisphenol-A and its Harmful Effects on Human Development

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    An ongoing concern in the scientific community is the effect of prenatal and childhood exposure to BPA and other endocrine-disrupting chemicals (“EDCs”). The relation of these chemicals to “abnormalities in human sexuality, gender development and behaviors, reproductive capabilities, and sex ratios” is a major distress among scientists. Although high-level exposure to EDCs clearly has gender-related effects on human development, today’s debate centers around low-dose exposures, “generally defined as doses that approximate environmentally relevant levels.” BPA studies have demonstrated that exposure at quantities lower than the EPA’s reference dose has detrimental effects on fetal development. Additionally, the possibility that harmful effects from exposure to EDCs can be passed down through generations is extremely alarming

    I’ve heard that SNC is the only Norbertine college in the world. Can that really be true?

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    Abbot Pennings answers a question about the St. Norbert College\u27s in the world, archived from the SNC website

    Model Kolaborasi Multipihak Pengelolaan Perikanan Rajungan (Portunus pelagicus Linn.) Berkelanjutan

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    Keberlanjutan perikanan rajungan saat ini terancam jika tidak ditangani secara serius. Sifat sumberdaya rajungan yang open access, membuat masalah penanganan rajungan semakin kompleks. Dibutuhkan upaya-upaya kolaborasi multipihak yang bersinergi dan saling membutuhkan untuk menyelamatkan rajungan di Kabupaten Barru. Selanjutnya, disusun suatu strategi pengelolaan rajungan berkelanjuta

    Understanding the dynamics of multi-stakeholder innovation systems and the opportunities for joint learning by small scale farmers

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    Through a European Union funded project called JOLISAA (Joint Learning in Innovation Systems in African Agriculture), the nature of smallholder  oriented innovation systems have been explored in terms of partnerships, triggers that have given rise to them and the nature of the innovations themselves. The main objective was to analyse a broad diversity of multi-stakeholder agricultural innovation processes involving smallholders. The analysis of 11 cases documented comprises innovation bundles composed of technical, organisational and institutional innovations. The eleven cases documented showed that six exhibited non-technical innovation processes frequently related to market access as well as to inputs and services. Triggers that drive smallholders and other stakeholders to initiate  innovation processes include environment stress, introduction of new  technologies, identification of market change as well as policy or regulatory changes. The cases that have been documented show a variation of  stakeholders responsible for initiating the process. In some cases it was smallholders approaching other stakeholders for assistance with addressing a challenge, while in other cases it was researchers or extensionists who undertook to develop an innovation to address a challenge that they had encountered through their interaction with smallholders. All documented cases have involved the contribution of ideas, knowledge and skills by at least three different types of stakeholders and the role of local knowledge has been acknowledge through the study. Out of the eleven cases three cases have been selected for a collaborative case assessment which strives to assess further key issues such as actual roles and contributions of various role-players, the dynamics of the innovation process and outcome. Several opportunities arise for joint learning with small scale farmers
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