6 research outputs found

    Standardization of an experimental model of intradural injection after spinal cord injury in rats

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    OBJECTIVES: The intrathecal route has not yet been thoroughly standardized and evaluated in an experimental model of spinal cord injury (SCI) in Wistar rats. The objective of this study was to standardize and evaluate the effect of intradural injection in this animal model. METHOD: The animals were divided into 6 groups: 1) laminectomy and intradural catheter; 2) laminectomy, intradural catheter and infusion; 3) only SCI; 4) SCI and intradural catheter; 5) SCI, intradural catheter and infusion; and 6) control (laminectomy only). Motor evaluations were performed using the Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan (BBB) scale and the horizontal ladder test; motor evoked potentials were measured for functional evaluation, and histological evaluation was performed as well. All experimental data underwent statistical analysis. RESULTS: Regarding motor evoked potentials, the groups with experimental SCI had worse results than those without, but neither dural puncture nor the injection of intrathecal solution aggravated the effects of isolated SCI. Regarding histology, adverse tissue effects were observed in animals with SCI. On average, the BBB scores had the same statistical behaviour as the horizontal ladder results, and at every evaluated timepoint, the groups without SCI presented scored significantly better than those with SCI (po0.05). The difference in performance on motor tests between rats with and without experimental SCI persisted from the first to the last test. CONCLUSIONS: The present work standardizes the model of intradural injection in experimental SCI in rats. Intrathecal puncture and injection did not independently cause significant functional or histological changes

    Scoliosis Research Society survey: brace management in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    Purpose: While the Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) has established criteria for brace initiation in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), there are no recommendations concerning other management issues. As the BrAIST study reinforced the utility of bracing, the SRS Non-Operative Management Committee decided to evaluate the consensus or discord in AIS brace management. Methods: 1200 SRS members were sent an online survey in 2017, which included 21 items concerning demographics, bracing indications, management, and monitoring. Free-text responses were analyzed and collated into common themes. Data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2013. Results: Of 218 respondents; 207 regularly evaluate and manage patients with AIS, and 205 currently prescribe bracing. 99% of respondents use bracing for AIS and the majority (89%) use the published SRS criteria, or a modified version, to initiate bracing. 85% do not use brace monitoring and 66% use both %-Cobb correction and fit criteria to evaluate brace adequacy. In contrast, other aspects of brace management demonstrated a high degree of practice variability. This was seen with a radiographic assessment of maturity level, hours prescribed, timing and frequency of radiographic evaluation, the use of nighttime bracing only, and the method and timing of brace discontinuation. Conclusion: Although there is consensus in brace management amongst SRS members with respect to brace initiation and evaluation of adequacy, there is striking variability in how bracing for AIS is used. This variability may impact the overall efficacy of brace treatment and may be decreased with more robust guidelines from the SRS. Level of evidence: III.</p

    Análise tomográfica dos parâmetros anatômicos do áxis de crianças Tomographic analysis of anatomical parameters of the axis in children

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    OBJETIVO: Estudo anatômico do áxis através de tomografia computadorizada (TC) em crianças de dois a dez anos de idade, mensurando a angulação das lâminas, espessura e comprimento de lâminas e pedículos e espessura da massa lateral. MÉTODOS: Estudou-se 64 TCs da coluna cervical de indivíduos com idades entre 24 e 120 meses, de ambos os sexos e sem deformidades cervicais. Correlacionaram-se as variáveis estudadas com os grupos etários e sexo dos pacientes. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio do teste t. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que na faixa etária entre 24-48 meses, 5,5% das lâminas e 8,3% dos pedículos possuem espessura menores do que 3,5mm, espessura necessária para colocação de um parafuso. Entre 49-120 meses não há lâminas com espessuras menores do que 3,5mm e 1,2% dos pedículos possuem espessura menor do que 3,5mm. Em ambos os grupos etários não há comprimento de lâminas e pedículos menores do que 12 mm e massas laterais maiores do que 12 mm. CONCLUSÃO: A análise das dimensões obtidas no estudo permite, na maioria dos casos, a colocação de parafusos de 3,5mm nas lâminas e pedículos do áxis de crianças. Nível de Evidência II, Desenvolvimento de critérios diagnósticos em pacientes consecutivos.<br>OBJECTIVE: To carry out an anatomical study of the axis with the use of computed tomography (CT) in children aged from two to ten years, measuring the lamina angle, lamina and pedicle length and thickness, and lateral mass length. METHODS: Sixty-four CTs were studied from patients aged 24 to 120 months old, of both sexes and without any cervical anomaly. The measurements obtained were correlated with the data on age and sex of the patients. Statistical analysis was performed using the Students "t" tests. RESULTS: We found that within the age range 24-48 months, 5.5% of the lamina and 8.3% of the pedicles had thicknesses of less than 3.5mm, which is the minimum thickness needed for insertion of the screw. Between 49 and 120 months, there were no lamina thicknesses of less than 3.5mm, and 1.2% of the pedicle thicknesses were less than 3.5mm values. Neither of the age groups had any lamina and pedicle lengths of less than 12mm, or lateral mass lengths greater than 12mm. CONCLUSION: The analysis of the data obtained demonstrates that most of the time, is possible to use a 3.5mm pedicle screw in the laminas and pedicles of the axis in children. Level of Evidence: II, Development of diagnostic criteria in consecutive patients

    Espondilolistese traumática do áxis: epidemiologia, conduta e evolução Traumatic spondylolisthesis of the axis: epidemiology, management and outcome

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar casos de espondilolistese traumática do áxis e descrevê-los com relação à epidemiologia, classificação, déficit neurológico, tempo de consolidação e tratamento. MÉTODO: Análise retrospectiva dos prontuários dos pacientes tratado de 2002 a 2010 no IOT-HCFMUSP. Critério de inclusão: fratura da pars interarticularis de C2. RESULTADOS: 68% dos pacientes do sexo masculino com idade média de 39,1 anos. Utilizamos a classificação de Effendi, modificada por Levine-Edwards. Observamos fratura do tipo I em cinco pacientes (31,2%) e tipo II em oito pacientes (50%). Apenas três pacientes (18%) apresentaram fratura do tipo IIa. Não houve casos do tipo III. Mecanismo: Oito acidentes automobilísticos e quatro quedas. Outros mecanismos: atropelamento e mergulho. Tratamento: tração com halo craniano em onze pacientes. Foram usados gesso minerva e halo-gesso. Tempo de consolidação: 3,6 meses. Tempo de seguimento: 9,6 meses. DISCUSSÃO: Nossos resultados confirmam que fratura do enforcado apresenta bom prognóstico. Não houve necessidade de cirurgia em nenhum caso. A incidência de déficit neurológico é baixa. Nenhum paciente apresentou fratura instável, tipo III. CONCLUSÃO: Este trabalho sugere que a espondilolistese traumática do áxis continua sendo uma lesão satisfatoriamente tratada de forma conservadora na maioria dos casos. Nível de Evidência IV, Série de casos.<br>OBJECTIVE: To evaluate cases of traumatic spondylolisthesis of the axis and describe them in relation to epidemiology, classification, neurological deficit, healing time and treatment method. METHOD: A retrospective analysis of the medical records of patients treated between 2002 and 2010 at IOT-FMUSP. Inclusion criteria: pars interarticularis fracture of C2. RESULTS: 68% were male patients, with a mean age of 39.1 years. We used the classification by Effendi, modified by Levine-Edwards. Type I fractures were observed in five patients (31.2%) and type II in eight patients (50%). Only three patients (18%) had type IIa fracture. There were no cases of type III. Mechanism: Eight car accidents and four falls. Other mechanisms: being run over, and diving accidents. Treatment with halo traction was used in eleven patients, using minerva cast and halo-cast. Healing time: 3.6 months. Follow-up time: 9.6 months. DISCUSSION: In general, hangman fracture has a good prognosis, which is confirmed by our results. There was no need for surgery in any of the cases. The incidence of neurological deficit is low. No patient had unstable fracture (type III). CONCLUSION: This paper suggests that traumatic spondylolisthesis of the axis continues to be an injury that is successfully treated by conservative treatment in most cases. Level of Evidence -IV, Case series