306 research outputs found

    Juvenile Law

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    This paper is an opinion writer about community empowerment. The purpose of the opinion is to provide readers with an understanding that empowerment is an activity that focuses on changing client behavior so that they are able to exploit their potential as well as various capital injections and external working methods so that they can increase production, income and welfare. So empowerment is very different from social security, which is assistance only to channel the prepared budget. The method used is literature review and field conservation of several empowerment programs. The data analysis method is descriptive qualitative. The results obtained are that the empowerment that has been implemented so far is still limited to social and political assistance, on the contrary, it is not based on planning to change the behavior of millennials so that they can get out of underdevelopment and poverty

    Amplifying Antiracism Resources through Intra-University Collaboration

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    In summer 2020, The Ohio State University Libraries was asked by The Ohio State University Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) to partner in collaboration with them to provide expanded access to antiracism book content in support of continuing education, reading groups, and professional development across the university. The Libraries’ African American and African Studies Librarian worked with ODI’s Director for Strategic Diversity Planning, Training, and Assessment to identify antiracism book titles of interest that were recommended for purchase or expanded access to the Collections Strategist. Topical research guides were created to supplement the reading lists, and collections practices were iterated and expanded to support campus-wide antiracism educational opportunities


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    This research was carried out from August to October 2019. The aims of this study were 1) to find out the role of farmer groups in Tuatuka village, 2) to find out the income earning of rice farmer’s in Tuatuka Village, and 3) to find out the relationship between the role of farmer groups and the income of rice farmers. This research was conducted by survey method, the 97 respondents from 128 farmers were by Simple Random Sampling. Data were analyzed descriptively by using Likert Scale and Spearman correlation. The results were, 1)  the role of the paddy farmer groups in study site an average score as was 3,7 or 74,7%, it means that the learning class included the good category. As a collaboration working has an average of 3,60 or 72,0%, it means that a collaboration working included the good category. After that a unit were of production has an average of 2,85 or 57,03%. It means that, were production unit was included the moderate category.2) the average income of rice farmers in study site 2018 was Rp.10.383.703,- the highest income was Rp.21.562.300, and the lowest Rp. 5.103.100. and average in 2019 was Rp.11.845.444,- the highest was Rp. 23.262.444, and the lowest Rp. 6.102.700. 3)there is no relationship between the role of farmer groups and the incease in income earning of rice farmers in the study site


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    This research was carried out at UPH Papa Wiu Sub Village Mangulewa District West Golewa District Ngada in February 2019. The purpose of this research were to know: (1) the perception of farmers on the extension role in the Arabica coffee processing technique at UPH Papa Wiu village Mangulewa District West Golewa District Ngada; (2) Constraints factors faced by farmers regarding coffee processing. The method used in this research was a survey. The respondent's selected by census system. The primary data and secondary data were used. The primary data was obtained from interviews with respondents which guided by the structured questionsner. While secondary data was obtained from the relevant agencies. The results are : 1) in general the perception of farmers toward the extension role of Arabica coffee processing techniques of study site is satisfaction with the average score of 3,9 or maximum score 78%. 2) Obstacles faced by farmers are lack of manpower, lack of equipment, and the high moisture of local environment affected the processing of coffee at UPH Papa Wiu obstructed

    Permintaan Cabai Merah di Kota Kupang (The Demand Of Red Chili In Kupang City)

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    This study aims to determine; 1) the volume of demand for red chili, and 2) factors that influence the demand for red chili in Kupang City. Data collection was carried out from April to May 2020. The 61 respondents were interviewed purposively. Data collected was analyzed using multiple linear regression method with natural logarithm regression equations. The results of this study indicate that, The volume of demand for red chili by retailers was at least 15.040Kg/ month, the volume of demand for red chili by Padang restaurant consumers was 1,260Kg/ month, and the volume of demand for red chili by household consumers was at least 47.5Kg/ month. Consumers of Padang restaurants and households bought red chili peppers at retailers. The factors that influence the demand for red chili in Kupang City were the price of red chili, the price of cayenne pepper, the price of curly chili (when the price was high), and the income level. Demand for red chilies both normal price and higher price was inelastic. For Padang restaurants, cayenne pepper and curly chili were substitutes for red chilies, and red chili itself is included in the category of staple goods or normal goods. Factors that influence the demand for red chili from farmers by household consumers were the price of red chili and the level of family income. The demand for red chilies in household consumers was elastic, while cayenne pepper and curly chili were related to the demand for red chilies, although they were not significant complementary

    Factors constraining extension workers effectiveness in improving horticultural production: a case study from West Timor, Indonesia

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    The Indonesian government and the government of Nusa Tenggara Timur recognise that horticulture is economically important and is expected to become the leading agribusiness sector to overcome poverty for farmers. Hence, in the last 20 years, the government of Nusa Tenggara Timur through various agribusiness projects has encouraged the planting of more than 18,490 hectares of vegetables and 82,010 hectares of fruit. The major producing areas of both are in the Kupang district and in the Timor Tengah Selatan. However, productivity is low. If production can be increased, on-farm income may also increase, but this is dependent upon Agricultural Extension Workers performing their roles more effectively. This study investigates the constraints that impede the ability of Agricultural Extension Workers to effectively perform their roles. The results suggest that while Agricultural Extension Workers are not performing their roles effectively there are a number of reasons for this, many of them beyond the control of Agricultural Extension Workers. While the Nusa Tenggara Timur province is supposedly following the Training and Visits model Agricultural Extension Workers receive very little training. Other major constraints identified include the constant restructuring of the Agricultural Department, poor remuneration, oppressive authority, inadequate infrastructure, unclear job direction, geographical condition, and bureaucracy. Unless these constraints are addressed, the system will remain unable to deliver the information and skills necessary for farmers to overcome poverty


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    Tanaman Kelor merupakan salah satu tanaman yang mudah tumbuh di daerah tropis yang sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Selain memberikan manfaat ekonomi, tanaman kelor juga merupakan salah satu pangan alternatif dalam mengatasi masalah gizi (malnutrisi). Tantangan utama dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan dan peningkatan pendapatan di tingkat rumah tangga adalah membangun pengetahuan, keterampilan, kemandirian dan menciptakan daya saing produk. Sistem pertanian konservasi merupakan suatu inovasi yang dipandang cocok diterapkan pada tanaman kelor. Untuk mewujudkan hal itu, maka diperlukan pelatihan secara khusus bagi anggota KUB Tanaman Kelor di Desa Noelbaki

    Struktur Dan Perilaku Pasar Komoditi Bawang Merah

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    Pasar bawang merah melibatkan petani produsen dan beberapa pedagang perantara telah membentuk tingkah laku di pasar. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui struktur dan perilaku pasar bawang merah di Kecamatan Sambi Rampas Kabupaten Manggarai Timur Nusa Tenggara Timur. Sampel responen petani menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Responden pedagang menggunakan snowball sampling. Analisis struktur pasar, mengukur tingkat konsentrasi pasar melitupti pangsa pasar, CR4, HHI, hambatan masuk pasar, pengetahuan pasar dan diferensiasi produk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, pasar bawang merah berada pada struktur pasar persaingan tidak sempurna yang oligopsoni. Perilaku pasar mengamati mekanisme penetapan harga, cara penjualan, penerapan fungsi pemasaran, memberikan petunjuk bahwa perilaku pasar bawang merah yang dilakuakn dengan sistem penetapan harga di kendalikan oleh pedagang sehingga petani cenderung sebagai  price taker sedangkan pedagang sebagai price maker. Disarankan petani produsen perlu membentuk kelompok untuk bekerja sama dalam menjalankan pemasaran bawang merah melalui pendampingan yang difasilitasi oleh pemerintah atau lembagan terkait

    Amplifying Antiracism Resources through Intra-University Collaboration

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    In summer 2020, The Ohio State University Libraries was asked by The Ohio State University Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) to partner in collaboration with them to provide expanded access to antiracism book content in support of continuing education, reading groups, and professional development across the university. The Libraries' African American and African Studies Librarian worked with ODI's Director for Strategic Diversity Planning, Training, and Assessment to identify antiracism book titles of interest that were recommended for purchase or expanded access to the Collections Strategist. Topical research guides were created to supplement the reading lists, and collections practices were iterated and expanded to support campus-wide antiracism educational opportunities.Publisher allows immediate open acces
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