12 research outputs found

    Barriers and critical sucess factors applying cleaner production : a survey with Brazilian specialists

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    Cleaner Production is an initiative seeking for achieving sustainable development goals. Yet, it has not been satisfactorily disseminated in Brazilian industries. The purpose of this article was identifying the barriers and critical success factors, considering both the external and internal Brazilian environment. A survey was conducted among the professionals involved with the subject of Cleaner Production in Brazil, reaching 185 respondents. Data was analyzed using the Principal Component Analysis. The results indicated that the main success factors concern the organization characteristics, and are related to culture, strategic planning and resources for the implementation of Cleaner Production. In the case of barriers, it can be highlighted the inadequate vision and culture of organizations, followed by the lack of support from the external environment. Contrary to other studies, economic aspects did not seem to be crucial in the opinion of respondents. When measures that can be taken for a more effective dissemination of CP in Brazil are approached, it can be perceived that a repositioning of the external environment (government, other companies, academia, and consumers) is necessary, acting as a strong incentive and support for applying CP

    Work analysis of drug-dispensing process in a hospital emergency pharmacy

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    The work organization performs a crucial role in activities that involves problem resolution and decision making. A hospital emergency pharmacy consists in an example where the work environment has several kinds of demands that might be inconsistent and influenced by overcrowding – common situation in Brazilian hospitals – causing harm to work organization and suitability of workload. The objective of this study is to evaluate labor conditions of professionals that work in the emergency pharmacy of a university public hospital, seeking opportunities of improvement. A transversal study was developed with a descriptive character to analyze the work conditions. An ergonomic work analysis was conducted and, for the fulfillment of its steps, observations in loco were performed and methods Deparis, RULA and ABC analysis were used, pursuing to analyze data collected and rearranging the work situation. The findings allowed propositions of improvement, related mainly to the process of drug dispensation, organization and arrangement of the work environment. The ABC analysis presented itself as a valuable method for improving drugs organization in the pharmacy and might be useful in other work situations where accessibility of items is necessary, but many items must be positioned

    Strategy, Performance Evaluation and Process Management in Higher Education Institutions

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    The processes of Strategic Planning (SP), Performance Evaluation (PE) and Process Management (PM) for Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are considered more than ever, urgent and necessary, acting as the factors of motivation, awareness and exploratory data collection. The objective of this paper is to identify positive and negative aspects involved in realization of SP, PE and PM in HEI, through a literature review. The study was exploratory and descriptive, accomplished through a bibliographic review in online data bases. It was possible to identify that HEI are considered complex systems which results in implications on execution of the SP, PE and PM. Apart from that, it was identified barriers in the literature, being the main ones: decentralization, autonomy of departments, heterogeneity in the operation of departments, data stored in places that cannot be accessed by everybody, bureaucracy, resistance to change, dissociation between planning and management, lack of participation of university community in the process of planning. It was also found ways to overcome these barriers being the main ones: commitment of high management, clear strategy, wide communication and participation of all people involved

    Barreiras e fatores críticos de sucesso relacionados à aplicação da produção mais limpa no Brasil

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    Em um contexto atual de busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável, surge a necessidade de alteração de mentalidades e práticas. A Produção mais Limpa figura como um dos exemplos de iniciativa compatível com essa demanda. Seu objetivo é que sejam considerados previamente os efeitos negativos dos processos produtivos, fazendo com que seja reduzido o desperdício e a geração de poluentes. Mesmo estando de acordo com as aspirações atuais de busca por uma produção industrial mais sustentável, sua disseminação não ocorreu de forma satisfatória. Esta dissertação visa contribuir para a compreensão das barreiras para a aplicação da Produção mais Limpa, bem como identificar quais fatores devem estar presentes para que se atinja o sucesso na sua adoção, possibilitando a geração de uma proposta de framework. Para atingir os objetivos propostos um instrumento de pesquisa foi criado com base na literatura e entrevistas com profissionais. Com esse instrumento foi executada uma survey com profissionais que possuem envolvimento com a temática de Produção mais Limpa, atingindo-se um total de 185 respondentes. A partir dos resultados da análise de componentes principais, ficou evidenciado que os fatores mais cruciais dizem respeito à organização, estando relacionados com a visão, a cultura, o planejamento estratégico e os subsídios para a implantação da Produção mais Limpa, que constituíram na primeira e segunda componentes da análise. No caso das barreiras, destaca-se a existência de uma visão e cultura organizacional inadequadas (primeira componente), seguido da falta de apoio externo (segunda componente). Também foram encontrados indícios de que pode haver uma má compreensão do conceito de Produção mais Limpa, além de uma educação ambiental inadequada. Ao analisarem-se as medidas que podem ser tomadas para que a Produção mais Limpa tenha sua aplicação de forma mais efetiva, percebe-se que o principal é o reposicionamento do ambiente externo como um forte incentivador da aplicação da Produção mais Limpa, abandonando a posição de destaque ao serem observadas as barreiras.In t In the present context of pursuit for sustainable development, the need to alter mentalities and practices arises. Cleaner Production is an example of initiative compatible with this demand. Cleaner Production aims at considering beforehand negative effects of the productive process, reducing wastes and pollutant generation. This concept is aligned with current aspirations of pursuing for a more sustainable industrial production, but its dissemination did not occur in a satisfactory way. This dissertation seeks to contribute for comprehension of barriers to Cleaner Production application, as well as identify critical success factors that exist to achieve success in its adoption, making possible the conception of a framework proposal. To reach the proposed objectives a research instrument was created based on literature and interviews with professionals. With this instrument a survey was performed with professionals that work with Cleaner Production; a total of 185 responses were obtained. Results of the Principal Component Analysis made evident that critical factors are related with organization aspects, such as vision, culture, strategic planning and subsides for Cleaner Production implementation, that composed the first and second components. Regarding the barriers, it was emphasized the existence of an inadequate organizational vision and culture (first component), followed by lack of external support (second component). It was also found evidences that a mistaken comprehension of the Cleaner Production concept might exist, as well as an inappropriate environmental education. Considering measures that might be taken in order to disseminate Cleaner Production more effectively, it was noticed that is important to repositioning the external environment, making it a strong support in Cleaner Production applications, leaving behind a position of highlight when barriers are observed

    Barriers and critical success factors applying cleaner production: a survey with Brazilian specialists

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    Cleaner Production is an initiative seeking for achieving sustainable development goals. Yet, it has not been satisfactorily disseminated in Brazilian industries. The purpose of this article was identifying the barriers and critical success factors, considering both the external and internal Brazilian environment. A survey was conducted among the professionals involved with the subject of Cleaner Production in Brazil, reaching 185 respondents. Data was analyzed using the Principal Component Analysis. The results indicated that the main success factors concern the organization characteristics, and are related to culture, strategic planning and resources for the implementation of Cleaner Production. In the case of barriers, it can be highlighted the inadequate vision and culture of organizations, followed by the lack of support from the external environment. Contrary to other studies, economic aspects did not seem to be crucial in the opinion of respondents. When measures that can be taken for a more effective dissemination of CP in Brazil are approached, it can be perceived that a repositioning of the external environment (government, other companies, academia, and consumers) is necessary, acting as a strong incentive and support for applying CP

    Strategy, Performance Evaluation and Process Management in Higher Education Institutions

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    The processes of Strategic Planning (SP), Performance Evaluation (PE) and Process Management (PM) for Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are considered more than ever, urgent and necessary, acting as the factors of motivation, awareness and exploratory data collection. The objective of this paper is to identify positive and negative aspects involved in realization of SP, PE and PM in HEI, through a literature review. The study was exploratory and descriptive, accomplished through a bibliographic review in online data bases. It was possible to identify that HEI are considered complex systems which results in implications on execution of the SP, PE and PM. Apart from that, it was identified barriers in the literature, being the main ones: decentralization, autonomy of departments, heterogeneity in the operation of departments, data stored in places that cannot be accessed by everybody, bureaucracy, resistance to change, dissociation between planning and management, lack of participation of university community in the process of planning. It was also found ways to overcome these barriers being the main ones: commitment of high management, clear strategy, wide communication and participation of all people involved

    Strategy, Performance Evaluation and Process Management in Higher Education Institutions

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    The processes of Strategic Planning (SP), Performance Evaluation (PE) and Process Management (PM) for Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are considered more than ever, urgent and necessary, acting as the factors of motivation, awareness and exploratory data collection. The objective of this paper is to identify positive and negative aspects involved in realization of SP, PE and PM in HEI, through a literature review. The study was exploratory and descriptive, accomplished through a bibliographic review in online data bases. It was possible to identify that HEI are considered complex systems which results in implications on execution of the SP, PE and PM. Apart from that, it was identified barriers in the literature, being the main ones: decentralization, autonomy of departments, heterogeneity in the operation of departments, data stored in places that cannot be accessed by everybody, bureaucracy, resistance to change, dissociation between planning and management, lack of participation of university community in the process of planning. It was also found ways to overcome these barriers being the main ones: commitment of high management, clear strategy, wide communication and participation of all people involved


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    The work organization performs a crucial role in activities that involves problem resolution and decision making. A hospital emergency pharmacy consists in an example where the work environment has several kinds of demands that might be inconsistent and influenced by overcrowding – common situation in Brazilian hospitals – causing harm to work organization and suitability of workload. The objective of this study is to evaluate labor conditions of professionals that work in the emergency pharmacy of a university public hospital, seeking opportunities of improvement. A transversal study was developed with a descriptive character to analyze the work conditions. An ergonomic work analysis was conducted and, for the fulfillment of its steps, observations in loco were performed and methods Deparis, RULA and ABC analysis were used, pursuing to analyze data collected and rearranging the work situation. The findings allowed propositions of improvement, related mainly to the process of drug dispensation, organization and arrangement of the work environment. The ABC analysis presented itself as a valuable method for improving drugs organization in the pharmacy and might be useful in other work situations where accessibility of items is necessary, but many items must be positioned

    Work analysis of drug-dispensing process in a hospital emergency pharmacy

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    The work organization performs a crucial role in activities that involves problem resolution and decision making. A hospital emergency pharmacy consists in an example where the work environment has several kinds of demands that might be inconsistent and influenced by overcrowding – common situation in Brazilian hospitals – causing harm to work organization and suitability of workload. The objective of this study is to evaluate labor conditions of professionals that work in the emergency pharmacy of a university public hospital, seeking opportunities of improvement. A transversal study was developed with a descriptive character to analyze the work conditions. An ergonomic work analysis was conducted and, for the fulfillment of its steps, observations in loco were performed and methods Deparis, RULA and ABC analysis were used, pursuing to analyze data collected and rearranging the work situation. The findings allowed propositions of improvement, related mainly to the process of drug dispensation, organization and arrangement of the work environment. The ABC analysis presented itself as a valuable method for improving drugs organization in the pharmacy and might be useful in other work situations where accessibility of items is necessary, but many items must be positioned