178 research outputs found

    Algorithm for Video Summarization of Bronchoscopy Procedures

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The duration of bronchoscopy examinations varies considerably depending on the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures used. It can last more than 20 minutes if a complex diagnostic work-up is included. With wide access to videobronchoscopy, the whole procedure can be recorded as a video sequence. Common practice relies on an active attitude of the bronchoscopist who initiates the recording process and usually chooses to archive only selected views and sequences. However, it may be important to record the full bronchoscopy procedure as documentation when liability issues are at stake. Furthermore, an automatic recording of the whole procedure enables the bronchoscopist to focus solely on the performed procedures. Video recordings registered during bronchoscopies include a considerable number of frames of poor quality due to blurry or unfocused images. It seems that such frames are unavoidable due to the relatively tight endobronchial space, rapid movements of the respiratory tract due to breathing or coughing, and secretions which occur commonly in the bronchi, especially in patients suffering from pulmonary disorders.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The use of recorded bronchoscopy video sequences for diagnostic, reference and educational purposes could be considerably extended with efficient, flexible summarization algorithms. Thus, the authors developed a prototype system to create shortcuts (called summaries or abstracts) of bronchoscopy video recordings. Such a system, based on models described in previously published papers, employs image analysis methods to exclude frames or sequences of limited diagnostic or education value.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The algorithm for the selection or exclusion of specific frames or shots from video sequences recorded during bronchoscopy procedures is based on several criteria, including automatic detection of "non-informative", frames showing the branching of the airways and frames including pathological lesions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The paper focuses on the challenge of generating summaries of bronchoscopy video recordings.</p

    Freely Available Large-scale Video Quality Assessment Database in Full-HD Resolution with H.264 Coding

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    International audienceVideo databases often focus on a particular use case with a limited set of sequences. In this paper, a different type of database creation is proposed: an exhaustive number of test conditions will be continuously created and made freely available for objective and subjective evaluation. At the moment, the database comprises more than ten thousand JM/x264-encoded video sequences. An extensive study of the possible encoding parameter space led to a ïŹrst subset selection of 1296 conïŹgura- tions. At the moment, only ten source sequences have been used, but extension to more than one hundred sequences is planned. Some Full-Reference (FR) and No-Reference (NR) metrics were selected and calculated. The resulting data will be freely available to the research community and possible exploitation areas are suggested

    Quality Assessment in Video Surveillance

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    The End of the Classical Paradigms of Law

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    Goal – the aim of this text is to show the functioning, transformation, convergence and ultimately decline of classical paradigms operating in the legal sphere. Particular attention is focused on the contemporary state of affairs, referring to today’s trends in thought, philosophy and the contemporary way of explaining reality by societies that are carriers of the law. The purpose is to showcase that the today’s changing world is faced with many problems that are completely new to humanity as a whole, and that those problems have the power to affect the legal sphere as well. It proves that despite the belief in the stabilizing function of the law, it itself begins to be questioned, and its iron foundations begin to waver in principle, resulting in spectacular changes in the way we view such non‑negotiable issues as justice, power, order, and the meaning of being. Research methodology – through an analysis of the literature on the subject and by compiling the most important paradigmatic frameworks, a cross‑section of attitudes relevant to understanding the presented issue is made. Score/result – as a result, an observation is made regarding the current state of paradigms operating in the legal sphere. In line with the conclusion, it is stated that in the present world paradigms have mostly lost or are losing their power. They will lose it completely or undergo a transformation. There is also an exhaustion of the power of all grand narratives that must necessarily be taken into account when making any considerations about the embeddedness of law and its validity. Originality/value – the content of the text refers to well‑known paradigms of law that seem to be unshakable elements of Western legal culture. Nevertheless, the analysis of the problems presented in the text shows that the unshakable foundations of law are beginning to degrade, or at least to change, in collision with, above all, contemporary socio‑cultural [email protected] of BialystokCuprjak M., 2016, Paradygmaty w perspektywie zmian spoƂecznych. Zarys problemu, “Rocznik Andragogiczny”, No. 23, pp. 251–265.Kępa M., 2015, Metodologiczne ujęcie paradygmatu jako metody badawczej na przykƂadzie koncepcji Thomasa Kuhna, [in:] P. Fiktus, H. Malewski, M. MarszaƂ (eds.), Rodzinna Europa. Europejska myƛl politycznoprawna u progu XXI wieku, WrocƂaw, pp. 361–370.Khun T., 2001, Struktura rewolucji naukowych, Warszawa.Klimczyk W., 2013, Metanarracja mobilizacji. Ponowoczesnoƛć jako bezruch?, “Diametros”, No. 37, pp. 51–68.Lyotard J.-S., 1997, Kondycja ponowoczesna (fragmenty), “Sztuka i Filozofia”, No. 13, pp. 25–35.Morawski L., 1999, GƂówne problem wspóƂczesnej filozofii prawa, Warszawa 1999, pp. 15–35.Skąpska G., 2008, Prawo w ponowoczesnym spoƂeczeƄstwie, “Zarządzanie Publiczne”, No. 4 (6), pp. 55–72.SkuczyƄski P., 2014, Typy myƛli krytycznej w prawoznawstwie. Od krytyki poznania do walki o uznanie, [in:] M. Zirk‑Sadowski, B. Wojciechowski, T. Bekrycht (eds.), Integracja zewnętrzna i wewnętrzna nauk prawnych, Vol. 1, ƁódĆș, pp. 133–148.Sulikowski A., 2015, Prawo po ƛmierci Boga. Prawoznawstwo a niektĂłre konstatacje wspóƂczesnej filozofii, “Principia”, No. 61–62, pp. 89–106.Walczak M., 2015, Teoria paradygmatu i jej zastosowanie w naukach prawnych, “Zeszyty Naukowe Towarzystwa DoktorantĂłw UJ”, No. 10, pp. 67–80.Weber M., 2002, Gospodarka i spoƂeczeƄstwo. Zarys socjologii rozumiejącej, Warszawa [selected fragments].WrĂłblewski M., 2010, Zatarg Jeana‑Françoisa Lyotarda, czyli o postmodernizmie raz jeszcze, “Diametros”, No. 24, pp. 125–142.Zirk‑Sadowski M., 2000, Wprowadzenie do filozofii prawa, KrakĂłw, pp. 132–141.5799

    The Definition and the Issue of Climate Refugees in the Light of International Law

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    As the problem of global warming and subsequent climate change becomes more and more pronounced, causing a lot of difficulties for the communities all over the world, and for the whole humankind as well, the need to focus on some of the aspects of such state off affairs arises among researchers and in the political discourse. Some of the problems that sprung out of the changes in our environment create the need for a new legal solutions, or the need to at least redefine the ones that are already set in place. One of such problems is the phenomenon of „climate refugees”. Droughts, food insecurity, degradation of drinking water, rising sea levels, storm surges and infectious diseases, all of which could be linked (directly or indirectly) to the changes brought about by the global warming and all of those can be reasons that could force people out of their habitual homes in search of better living conditions, and even due to the need to save their health and life. Having that in mind, this article raises the issue of so called climate refugees, people displaced due to the negative changes taking place in the environment, which, based on scientific reports, may be related to the negative impact of a human activity, both of sudden and long-term occurrence. The text presents proposals for defining the discussed phenomenon and addresses the issue of the lack of an appropriate legal framework regulating the discussed topic in the UN and on the EU [email protected] candidate, Doctoral School of Social Sciences, University of Bialystok, PolandDoctoral School of Social Sciences, University of Bialystok, PolandApap, J. (2019). The concept of „climate refugee”. Towards a possible definition. European Parliamentary Research Service, PE 621.893. Retrieved from https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/621893/EPRS_BRI(2018)621893_EN.pdf.Brown, O. (2018). Migration and Climate Change. Geneva: International Organisation for Migration.Convention relating to the Status of Refugees adopted on 28 July 1951 by the United Nations Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Retrieved from https://www.unhcr.org/3b66c2aa10.COP25 (2019). Key Messages and commitments on Climate change and disaster displacement. Madrid: United Nations Climate Change Conference COP25.Council Directive 2001/55/EC of 20 July 2001 on minimum standards for giving temporary protection in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons and on measures promoting a balance of efforts between Member States in receiving such persons and bearing the consequences thereof, Official Journal of the European Communities L 212/12 of 7.8.2001.Deshwal, V.S., & Shrivastava, S. (2019). The Curious Case of Environmental Refugees: Environmental Refugees May be Better Protected Without Being Declared as „refugees”. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12(11), 31-42. Retrieved from https://ssrn.com/abstract=3571737.Docherty, B., & Giannini, T. (2009). Confronting a Rising Tide: A Proposal for a Convention on Climate Change Refugees. Harvard Environmental Law Review, 33(2), 349-403. Retrieved from https://climate.law.columbia.edu/sites/default/files/content/5c3e836f23a774ba2e115c36a8f72fd3e218.pdf.Guterres, A. (2009). Climate Change, Natural Disasters and Human Displacement: a UNHCR perspective. UNHCR. Retrieved December 19, 2020 from https://www.refworld.org/pdfid/4a8e4f8b2.pdf.Lear-Arcas, R. (2012). Climate migrants: Legal options. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 37, 86-96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.03.277.Merone, L., & Tait, P. (2018). „Climate refugees”: is it time to legally acknowledge those displaced by climate disruption? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 42(6), 508-509. https://doi.org/10.1111/1753-6405.12849.NASA (n.d.). Overview: Weather, Global Warming and Climate Change. Retrieved December 27, 2020 from: https://climate.nasa.gov/resources/global-warming-vs-climate-change/.OsĂłbka, P. (2018). The problem of „climate refugees” in view of international humanitarian law - selected issues. Studia z zakresu nauk prawnoustrojowych. Miscellanea, 8(2), 157-172. https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0013.0368.Podesta, J. (2018, July). The climate crisis, migration, and refugees. Brookings. Retrieved December 10, 2020 from https://www.brookings.edu/research/the-climate-crisis-migration-and-refugees/.Tedenljung, A. (2020). Climate Change and Forced Migration. How Climate Refugees fit into EU Asylum Law. Master Thesis in Human Rights. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet. Retrieved from http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1436518/FULLTEXT01.pdf.UN (2018). Global Compact on Refugees. New York: United Nations. Retrieved from https://www.unhcr.org/5c658aed4.pdf.UNHCR (2010). Introductory Note by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. In Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees (pp. 1-5). Geneva: UNHCR. Retrieved from https://www.unhcr.org/3b66c2aa10.UNHCR (2019). Climate change and disaster displacement in the Global Compact on Refugees. Geneva: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.UNHCR (n.d.). Climate Change and disaster displacement. Retrieved December 23, 2020 from https://www.unhcr.org/climate-change-and-disasters.html.Ziemann, L. (2014). Low Tide for Climate Refugees - Legal Recognition of Environmental Migrants in the European Union. In B.G. Martin (Ed.), European Environments: How a New Climate is Changing the Old World (pp. 110-120). Uppsala: Euroculture IP Publication. Retrieved from https://pure.rug.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/37524545/IP_publication_2014_5F.pdf.51172

    Automatic Adaptive Image Cropping to Preserve Regions of Interest

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    This disclosure describes techniques to adaptively crop an image to fit fixed display areas while preserving regions of interest of the image. A bounding box of a region of interest is obtained for the image and a sorted list of candidate aspect ratios for the image are determined. Candidate image sizes are determined for candidate aspect ratios and are compared to the bounding box size. If a candidate image has a greater size in a crop axis than the bounding box, then that aspect ratio is selected for use in the crop operation. This ensures that the region of interest is preserved in the cropped image

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