791 research outputs found

    Description and histology of a small-bodied elasmosaur and discription of mortuneria seyemourensis postcranium

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    Elasmosauridae is a monophyletic group of plesiosaurs that evolved in the Early Cretaceous and radiated to achieve a cosmopolitan distribution by the end of the Cretaceous. They were a highly successful group of deep sea predators with long necks, small heads, and stout four flippered bodies. Here we describe four postcranial elasmosaurs skeletons that were collected from the shallow marine Lopez de Bertodano formation located on Seymour Island of the Antarctic Peninsula. One specimen is a small-bodied elasmosaurs. Despite its small size it has several advanced ontogenetic character states including the fusion of neural spines to the vertebral centra. The individual was considered to be sub-adult in age. Histological samples were taken of the right femur that showed a moderate amount of remodeling while still preserving much of the fiber lamellar bone associated with fast growing juveniles. Together these features confirm a late juvenile to sub-adult ontogenetic stage for the specimen. Two of the other specimens are moderate sized elasmosaurs with unusual characteristics sometimes attributed to the clade Aristonectinae. We use their characters along with other WBP (Weddelian Biogeographic Provinance) and Pacific elasmosaurs taxa to better understand the relationships among basal Aristonectine elasmosaurs and evaluate characters attributed to them. The final specimen is the post cranial material from the holotype for Mortuneria seymourensis. Using this taxa we can better understand potential apomorphic characters and its relationship to closely related aristonectines. This paper aims to better understand these unusual elasmosaurs and the relationships of WBP elasmosaurs

    Integrated mental health services in England: a policy paradox

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of health care policy on the development of integrated mental health services in England. DATA SOURCES: Drawing largely from a narrative review of the literature on adult mental health services published between January 1997 and February 2003 undertaken by the authors, we discuss three case studies of integrated care within primary care, secondary care and across the primary/secondary interface for people with serious mental illness. CONCLUSION: We suggest that while the central thrust of a raft of recent Government policies in England has been towards integration of different parts of the health care system, policy waterfalls and implementation failures, the adoption of ideas before they have been thoroughly tried and tested, a lack of clarity over roles and responsibilities and poor communication have led to an integration rhetoric/reality gap in practice. This has particular implications for people with serious mental health problems. DISCUSSION: We conclude with suggestions for strategies that may facilitate more integrated working

    Choice of Law and Employee Restrictive Covenants: An American Perspective

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    Employees are increasingly mobile across state lines. This is partly the result of technological change facilitating individual movement and communication, but also a result of corresponding changes in corporate organization to establish offices and interests in multiple jurisdictions. With these developments, there has been a rise in litigation surrounding the enforcement of employee covenants not to compete when the parties or issues involved have connections to multiple jurisdictions. The emerging body of law intrigues and confounds lawyers and commentators because of its complexity and unpredictability. This essay is an effort to describe recent legal developments in the United States, situating them within the background doctrines of conflict of laws and parallel litigation that govern such disputes. Our aim is to provide a useful comparison with the other essays in this volume dealing with developments in other countries on the same subject. A covenant not to compete (also referred to as a restrictive covenant or non-compete agreement or NCA) is an agreement that an employee will not compete against the employer, or go to work for a competitor, for some specified period after termination of employment. The contract typically also specifies a geographic region, and may specify a trade or profession in which competition is prohibited. Although such restrictions are presumptively unenforceable at common law on public policy grounds, courts in most states will grant an exception if the employer can demonstrate that the covenant in question safeguards a legitimate interest and is reasonable in its scope. The most commonly recognized legitimate interest is the protection of trade secrets. Depending on the state, courts may also recognize other legitimate interests such as customer relationships and goodwill, confidential information not rising to the level of a trade secret, and the services of employees with unique or extraordinary talents (although ordinary training is not usually protectable). The other limitation on enforceability is that the covenant must be reasonable. A broad set of public policy concerns informs the reasonableness test: courts are concerned with protecting employees from hardship, often citing inequality of bargaining power as a basis for giving special scrutiny to non-compete agreements. Courts also articulate a general resistance to restraints on trade. There is a strong imperative that the restriction be no greater in terms of duration, geographic scope, and limitation on vocational activities than is reasonably necessary to protect the interests of the employer


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    A study on the affinity of undescribed taxa of Amorphophallus with A. paeoniifolius and its related species was undertaken using numerical analyses of data derived from preserved and living specimens. The results obtained were compared with the system of classification produced by classical taxonomic methods. The Javanese wild and cultivated forms of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius respectively known locally as "Amorphophallus campanulatus f. hortensis" and "Amorphophallus campanulatus f. sylves-tris" were confirmed as two distinct but closely related taxa


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    Gigantochloa pseudoarundinacea, G. robusta, G. atter, G. atroviola-cea and 14 other related Malesian species of bamboos were studied from preserved and living materials. Characters discerned by morphology, anatomy, chromatography and electrophoresis were analysed by numerical taxonomy. Most of the data indicated that the four species named above were distinct although closely related. The relationships of the remaining species were more complex, but the integrity of each species was established


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    Concretions in sedimentary deposits form through chemical processes mediated by the decay of organic matter. Concretions often contain conspicuous macrofossils (Maples, 1986; Borkaw and Babcock, 2003). Use of X-ray computerized tomography (XTC) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals body fossils of microscopic organisms and pyrite framboids (Borkow and Babcock, 2003), which may be secondary to organic material, in some concretions. By exploring the biological origins of the concretions we can learn how concretions form, develop insight into the processes of exceptional preservation, and enhance understanding of the environmental conditions at the time of sedimentation. A field emission gun (FEG) SEM, EDX, and XCT have been used to study pyrite concretions from black shale layers of the lower Huron Shale Member of the Ohio Shale (Devonian) from central Ohio, USA. Pyrite occurs in the concretions in three forms: 1, small pyrite framboids evidently formed around bacterial cells; 2, cone-in-structure; and 3, large euhedral crystals. Studied concretions contain remains of spores referred to Protosalvinia. Two sizes classes, probably reflecting individual spores (50-100 ÎĽm in diameter) and spore capsules (~200 ÎĽm in diameter), have been observed. Pyrite framboids are commonly present on the spores, whereas more extensive pyritization and cone-in-cone structure is associated with the presence of spore capsules. A consistent pattern of occurrence of euhedral crystals was not observed. Unrecrystallized bacterial cells and fungal hyphae were not observed. The black shale matrix surrounding the concretions is composed of primarily illitic clay. Protosalvinia spores are present in the matrix, and normally have small pyrite framboids on their surfaces. Studied pyrite concretions show no evidence of an origin with traces in sediment or the decay of animals.No embargoAcademic Major: Earth Science

    A theoretically grounded exploration of the social and emotional outcomes of transition to secondary school

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    Adolescent development involves a complex interplay between genetics, biology, and social and emotional relationships within multiple contexts of home, school and the broader community. The transition from primary to secondary school, coupled with the onset of puberty, can therefore be a difficult period for young people to negotiate at a critical period of their developmental pathway. Using a social ecological perspective, this article examines the impact of the transition experience on adolescent social and emotional health, both immediately following transition to secondary school and at the end of the first year in this new school environment. This 1-year prospective study involving 1,500 Australian Grade 8 secondary school students found that 31% of students in the sample experienced a \u27difficult\u27 or \u27somewhat difficult\u27 transition to their new school. This third of the student sample were consequently more likely to experience poorer social and emotional health, including higher levels of depression and anxiety at the end of their first year of secondary school, while controlling for these variables at the time of transition. A central message from this work exemplifies the urgent need for a longitudinal intervention trial to develop best practice guidelines for activities that help ameliorate the negative impact a change in education context can create for adolescents negotiating a rapid metamorphosis from childhood to adulthood
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