11 research outputs found


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    The phenomenon of bullying is spreading more and more among teenagers, especially in schools and cyberspace. The tendency to view bullying as just part of a joke causes the problem to be underestimated and not taken seriously. In fact, this action is very dangerous, especially for psychological victims, which often causes someone to become depressed, feel inferior and even encourage someone to commit suicide. Therefore, awareness-raising through outreach activities related to bullying needs to be carried out with the aim of providing knowledge regarding bullying acts and being able to prevent bullying from occurring in their environment. The approach method used is through counseling the impact of bullying in schools. The counseling was carried out by Junior High School 7 Sungai Raya with 40 participants. The results showed that the participants were active in giving questions and opinions about bullying in schools. 98% of participants seemed enthusiastic in obtaining information about bullying. 100% of participants seemed satisfied with the results of the discussion about. Participants understand the actions of bullying and are an effort to minimize bullying cases in the school environment

    Health Promotion Model "Extracurricular" Approach of Reproductive Health among Early Adolescents

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    The behavior to maintenance of reproductive organs, and self-adjustment on changes during puberty become its own problems on early adolescence (10-14 years old). True knowledge can improve reproductive health and prevent of free sex behavior end up with unsafe abortion even death in adolescence. School has a major role in shaping positive attitudes in children towards reproductive health at puberty. It is important to find and develop a program of reproductive health school-based in the form of "extracurricular" health reproductive in early adolescence (10-14 years old) not existed in Indonesia up to now. To find and design a model school-based health promotion programs in the form of "extracurricular" reproductive health that can be applied to the early adolescence in school. Qualitative research with a phenomenology approach, to explore models of reproductive health promotion programs in the early adolescence. The mining data was qualitative of focus group discussion (FGD) and in-depth interview. Participants in this research were 36 people of purposive sampling technique into account maximum variation sampling, and data analyze used the thematic analysis. The study results found a reproductive health promotion model school-base with extracurricular approach of reproductive health. The program is carried out outside school hours learning activities on reproductive health, with a study of the self-development, social, physical, sexual violence and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. Program applied by using approach method and innovative media balance to age of adolescent’s development and involve health workers, teachers and parents

    Effects of mix herbs topical and oral therapies on diabetic foot ulcers: a case report

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    Background: Indonesia is a tropical country with lots of potential-therapy resource plants, including those for wound care like honey, sea cucumber, black seed and aloe vera. There are other complementaries used by oral such as Radix Rehmanniae Preparata, Panix Ginseng and Gypsum Florosum.Case presentation: This study case reported the effectiveness of complementary herbs by topical and oral for two patients with diabetic foot given on the wound area.Conclusion: The result revealed that mix herbs (radix rhamanniae, panax ginseng and gypsum florosum) by oral and topical (natural honey, black seed and sea cucumber) could heal diabetic foot ulcers

    Hubungan Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Motivasi Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Kesehatandengan Kinerja Dosen

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    . This study has formulation of problems to discover whether there is any significant relationship between transformational leadership and head of medical college motivation to the performance.This study is descriptive study with quantitative methods and using a correlation study design.Population in this study are the lecturers of medical college in Pontianak, by giving questionnairesto 70 lecturers as samples. Results of the partial correlationanalysis conclude that (1) there is a significant relationship between transformational (X1) to the performance of Lecturer In implementing learning administration (Y), with a correlation coefficient is 0,041. (2) there is a significant relationship between The head of medical college motivation (X2) to The performance of Lecturer In implementingLearning Administration (Y), with a correlation coefficient is 0,030. Next transformational leadership (X1) and head of medical college motivation (X2) in the same time have a significant relationship to The performance of Lecturer In implementing Learning Administration (Y), with a correlation coefficient R = 0,431 and determination coefficient R2 = 0,185. Contribution of both free variables to bound variables is 18,5 percent. Th

    Penyuluhan Cuci Tangan Pada Anak Tk Nurul Muslimin Pontianak

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    Penyebaran penyakit umumnya terjadi akibat kurangnya pengetahuan terkait pola hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS). PHBS merupakan sebuah gerakan  rekayasa sosial yang bertujuan menjadikan sebanyak mungkin anggota masyarakat sebagai agen perubahan dalam peningkatkan kualitas perilaku sehari – hari dengan tujuan hidup bersih dan sehat. PHBS sangat baik di mulai sejak dini dengan indikator sederhana. Salah satu indikator sederhana PHBS adalah mencuci tangan dengan bersih. PKM ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penyuluhan terkait cara mencuci tangan yang benar bagi anak-anak TK agar mereka memiliki pengetahuan tentang kebersihan sejak awal. PKM ini dilakukan di RA Nurul Muslimin dengan total peserta 30 orang anak-anak yang berada di kelas B2. Penyuluhan disampaikan dengan metode ceramah dengan bantuan media audio visual. Penyuluhan ini berjalan dengan lancar dan peserta dapat menerima materi yang diberikan serta aktif dan bersemangat selama mengikuti penyuluhan

    The Effectiveness of The Kangaroo Method Care (KMC) On Body Temperature Stability In Low Birth Weight (LBW) Babies

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    Low birth weight is a baby born with birth weight of less than 2500 grams. Babies with low birth weight have a great potential to experience various health problems as a result of incomplete and mature organs and body functions. One of the problems than often occurs is the imperfect regulation of body temperature. To maintain the stability of body temperature, a methoded is used, namely the Kangaroo Method Care (KMC). The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Kangaroo Method Care (KMC) on the stability of body temperature in Low Birth Weight (LBW) infants in the Perinatology Room of The Regional Public Hospital dr Achmad Diponegoro Putussibau. This research is a quantitative research. This study uses a quasy-experimental without a control group with the design used is a pretest post test one group design. This research test using Paired T-Test. This research was conducted in the Perinatology Room of the Regional Public Hospital dr Achmad Diponegoro Putussibau which was carried out on April 12th – June 24th 2021 with a total of 25 LBW respondents. The results of statistical tests based on the t-test, the count value was -11,126 with a p-value 0f 0,000. It is known that the p-value is  0,000 < α (0,05), this indicates that there is an effect of the Kangaroo Method Care (KMC) on the stability of body temperature in Low Birth Weight (LBW)  infants in the Perinatology Room of The Regional Public Hospital dr Achmad Diponegoro Putussiba

    Risk factors of recurrent diabetic foot ulcers based on the delphi method

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    Background: The risk factors for recurrence are poorly understood. The purpose of study is to investigate the risk factors that contribute to the recurrence of diabetic foot ulcers. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, and the two-phase Delphi method was used. A category was developed to investigate the risk factors of recurrent diabetic foot ulcers by experts. The recurrent items with risk factors were analyzed. Furthermore, the risk factor variables were clinically tested for inter-rater reliability agreement. Fourteen experts and two patients were included from February 15 to September 28, 2020, Indonesia. Results: There were 13 risk factors for recurrent diabetic foot ulcers. The mean authority coefficient was 0.71. The positive coefficients were 100% and 78%, respectively. The Kendall coordination coefficient was statistically significant (p < 0.01), and inter-rater reliability agreement was perfect (1.00). Conclusions: This study found some risk variables related with recurrent diabetic foot ulcers, which might serve as guidance to prevent future recurrences