40 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Pembelahan Sel Dengan Menggunakan Macromedia Flash Untuk Kelas XII SMA

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    This research was conducted to developing Biology media-learning by employing macromedia flash in studying cell division for X grade high school students based on the result of validation by the expert team and the students responses. This research used a developing research based on Dick and Carey model which were modified.Data collection was be conducted by providing questionnaires. In analyzing the data by descriptive analysis. The results of this research shows that: (1) the test by Biology experts in light of evaluating content appropriateness is on very good criteria (84%); (2) the test by media-learning experts is on very good criteria (88%); (3) the individual test is on very good criteria (83%); (4) the group test is on very good criteria (81%); (5) the field test is on very good criteria (85%)

    Pengembangan Lks IPA Terpadu Menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning (Pbl) Pada Materi Sistem Pernafasan Kelas VIII SMP N 6 Tambusai

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the feasibility of developing an integrated science learning worksheets student by using the model of Problem Based Learning (PBL) on therespiratory system materials class VIII in the state junior high school 6 Tambusai. This type of research is the research development (research and development). This research was conducted in May to July 2016 in class VIII in the state junior high school 6 Tambusai. The sample was eighth grade students and teachers Integrated Science in the state junior high school 6 Tambusai. The data collected in this research is the sheets of validation and the feasibility of questionnaires from teacher and students. The data analysis technique used was descriptive. The results of feasibility test student worksheet by the matter experts 76.39% (feasible), linguists experts 75.00% (feasible) and media experts 80.68% (feasible). The result of scale Individual 89.38% (very feasible ), small scale 89.49% (very feasible),large scale 89.26% (very feasible) and teacher 76.25% (feasible). Theresearch results showed worksheets student Integrated Science use by students of class VIII junior high school

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Untuk Kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah Rambah Pada Materi Pencemaran Dan Kerusakan Lingkungan

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    This research aims to determine the feasibility of student worksheet based guided inquiry on the material pollution and environmental damage to class VII junior high school. This kind of research is Research and Development (R & D). The research population was all students class VII junior high school Muhammadiyah Rambah. Sample of this research amounted to 20 students. Data collection techniques used by using questionnaires. The acquisition of the entire validation categorized as "Very Decent". Acquisition percentage of student response that is equal to 85,42% categories "Very Decent", while the response of educators IPA percentage of the 85% categories "Very Decent". So the results of this study indicate student worksheet based guided inquiry is very fit for use by students class VII junior high school


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    Media pembelajaran merupakan alat yang digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran yang berfungsi untuk memperjelas makna sehingga pembelajaran menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Salah satu keunggulan media spesimen adalah dapat mempermudah pengenalan objek dan membangkitkan minat serta motivasi bagi peserta didik.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat ada atau tidak pengaruh media spesimen moluska terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik pada materi filum moluska. Jenis penelitian adalah quasi eksperimen. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh peserta didik kelas X IPA SMAN 2 Rambah Hilir. Sampel yang digunakan kelas X-1 dan X-3 dengan teknik pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah hasil belajar biologi peserta didik. Analisis data  menggunakan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 11,80 dan  1,99. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh media pembelajaran spesimen moluska terhadap hasil belajar biologi peserta didik

    Jenis-jenis Ikan Cyprinidae Di Sungai Kumango Kecamatan Tambusai Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    This study has been conducted in Kumango river subdistrict Tambusai district Rokan Hulu from December 2016 to January 2017. The aim of this study was to inventory the species of Cyprinidae fish in Kumango river with direct observation (survey) and determined of sampling stations by purposive sampling. A total of 206 individuals of fish Cyprinidae belonging to 7 genus and 8 species were recorded in this study, namely Barbichthys leavis, Barbodes schwanenfeldii, Cyclocheilichthys apogon, Hampala macrolepidota, Mystacoleucus marginatus, Osteochilus hasseltii, Rasbora argyrotaenia, R. lateristriata. Rasbora was the most abundance fish in this study

    Analisis Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas XI IPA Pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi Di Sman 1 Rambah Hilir

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    This study aims to findout students motivation on the subjects at class XI IPA Biology of SMAN 1 Rambah Hilir. Qualitative descriptive. The samples were grader XI IPA and XI IPA2 SMAN 1 Rambah Hilir Kabupaten Rokan Hulu, they amouting ara to 48 people, and 1subject Teacher Biology. The sampling techique in this study us total sampling. Based on theresearch of this study concluded that students motivation at class XI IPA 1 80,25% with high criteria and class XI IPA 2 75%,60% with higt criteria, obtain an average 77,92% with high criteria, and questionnaires comparison were filed by teacher 82% with high criteria

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Inkuiri Untuk Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Rambah Samo Pada Materi Gerak Pada Tumbuhan

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    This research aims to know elegibility such an inquiry based on the material worksheets motion for class VIII junior high school plants. This research type is Research and Development (R & D). The study population was class VIII junior high school country 5 Rambah Samo. Samples in this study amounted to 20 students. Data collection techniques be used by using questionnaires. As for the acquisition of the entire validation categorized as "Very Decent". Acquisition percentage by experts of 82.08% categorized as very decent, the acquisition of the percentage of student response that is equal to 89.50% of the category "Very Decent", while the response of educators IPA percentage of 92.50% of the category "Very Decent". So the results of this study indicate inquiry-based LKS is very fit for use by students of class VIII SMP

    Penerapan Lesson Study untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Dasar Mengajar Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Pasir Pengaraian

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    . To improving the teaching ability of preservice teachers must understand eight basic skills of teaching. Lesson study is a model used for teaching guidance for students, because in the model developed collaborative work, collegial and mutual benefit in learning (mutual learning). The purpose of this research is to improve the teaching ability of biology education students of Pasir Pengaraian University by using lesson study model. This research is a classroom action research (PTK). The data source of this research is the sixth semester of Biology education program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Pasir Pengaraian University. Data collected by observation sheet of basic teaching skill assessment. The result of the research shows the improvement of students\u27 teaching ability on the second cycle (from the first cycle 51,78 to 73,86 in the second cycle). Thus it can be concluded that there is improvement of teaching ability of Biology University of Pasir Pengaraian by applying lesson study model

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (Lks) IPA Terpadu Berorientasi Contextual Teaching and Learning (Ctl) Pada Materi Ciri-ciri Makhluk Hidup Kelas VII Di SMP Negeri 1 Rambah Hilir

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    This study was conducted to investigate the properness teaching material students work sheet oriented Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in the topic the characteristics of living things of junior high school class seven based on the result of validation by the expert team and the students responses. This study used a developing research (Research and Development). Data was conducted by providing questionnaires. The result of this research shows that students worksheet oriented Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in the topic the characteristics of living things of junior high school to class seven based on validation of media experts (85.93%), validation of contents experts (76.50%), validation of bahasa experts (83.25%), the individual (81.38%), small group (84.66%), and a field (86.99%) the result is very good criteria

    Strategi Pemasaran Produk Pembiayaan Multiguna Sepeda Motor Dalam Menarik Minat Nasabah Menabung Di Bank Sumut Syariah Kantor Cabang Pembantu Binjai

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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Strategi Pemasaran Produk Pembiayaan Multiguna Sepeda Motor Dalam Menarik Minat Nasabah Menabung di Bank Sumut Syariah Kantor Cabang Pembantu Binjai”. Penelitian pada skripsi ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui proses dari strategi pemasaran pada pembiayaan multiguna sepeda motor dalam mencapai target kerja perusahaan dan meningkatkan minat nasabah menabung dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT sebagai metode penelitiannya. Hasil analisis ini didapat dari analisis faktor internal (IFAS) yang terdiri dari kekuatan (Strength) dan kelemahan (weakness) dan analisis faktor eksternal (EFAS) peluang (opportunities) dan ancaman (threat) yang akan memberikan masukan strategi kepada Bank Sumut Syariah KCP Binjai. Skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan metode filsafat postpositivisme dan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa metode wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi serta kuesioner yang digunakan untuk teknik analisis SWOT. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Bank Sumut Syariah KCP Binjai berada pada kuadran I (agresif) yang mengindikasikan bahwa Bank Sumut Syariah KCP Binjai memiliki kekuatan dan peluang sehingga perusahaan dapat memanfaatkan peluang yang ada untuk mendukung perkembangan dan kebijakan pertumbuhan secara signifikan pada Bank Sumut Syariah KCP Binjai