228 research outputs found

    Evaluation on Fire Safety Management Implementation for Commercial Buildings: A Case Study of Shop Houses/Commercial Houses

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    Fire is a frequently occurring disaster that may be caused by nature, human, and/or both. Fire leads to fatalities and also material loss. In addition, it may damage the environment, facilities and infrastructures, public facilities, and may also create disturbance in the society’s life and livelihood. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of fire safety measures in shop houses/commercial houses in X city, assess the fire resistance nature of shop houses/commercial houses against fire, provide recommendations for fire safety facility improvement in shop houses/commercial houses, and to reveal the fire safety reliability score for the shop houses/commercial houses based on the compliance to the 12 safety parameters and additional requirements in NFPA 101A: Alternative Approaches to Life Safety and NFPA 101: Life Safety Code standards. The sample of this study consists of shophouses/commercial houses in the corridor of Jl. KH Soleh Iskandar that were selected using a cluster sampling method based on the predetermined criteria. Data were then analyzed using a descriptive qualitative approach with the support of CFSES tool. The results suggested that the shophouses/commercial houses should comply with the safety aspects in the future by providing various alternative safety paths to prevent fatalities during fire as well as complying to other safety elements. Keywords: Fire safety, shop houses/commercial houses, NFPA 101 A, CFSE

    Nilai Tambah, Bauran Pemasaran (Marketing Mix) dan Perilaku Konsumen dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Produk Rotan (Kursi Teras Tanggok dan Kursi Teras Pengki) di Kota Bandar Lampung

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    This research aims to determine: (1) procurement of raw material, (2) value added of rattan product patio seat tanggok and patio seat pengki, (3) the effect of marketing mix and consumer behavior in purchase decision rattan product. This research was conducted in Bandar Lampung City as location of rattan agro-industry. The numbers of manufactures respondent were 10 people. The numbers of consumer respondent were 60 people that consist of 33 people who made a purchased rattan product and 27 people who did not make a purchased rattan product. The data analysis method used were descriptive analysis, Hayami method analysis, and regression logistic analysis. The result showed that: (1) procurement of raw material at rattan agro-industry in Bandar Lampung City already qualified as five element were proper of quantity, proper of quality, proper of time, proper of cost, and proper of organization, (2) ) value added of patio seat tanggok was Rp18.054,32 and value added of patio seat pengki was Rp16.613,02, (3) consumer perception of product, consumer perception of promotion, psychological factor, cultural factor, income, and gender had positive effect while consumer perception of distribution had negative effect on consumer decision to purchased rattan product in Bandar Lampung City

    Habitat Alami Tumbuhan Paku Kidang (Dicksonia Blumei (Kunze) Moore) Di Kawasan Hutan Bukit Tapak Pulau Bali

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    Dicksonia blumei (Paku Kidang) termasuk dalam spesies prioritas konservasi Indonesia kategori B. Studi ekologi habitat alaminya di kawasan hutan Bukit Tapak, Bedugul Bali dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling. Plot dapat dibuat sebanyak 3 (tiga) buah dengan ukuran 20 x 20 m untuk jenis tumbuhan pohon dan 2 x 2 m untuk jenis tumbuhan bawah. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan Dicksonia blumei (Paku Kidang) pada habitat alaminya di kawasan hutan Bukit Tapak. Jenis paku ini tumbuh pada kondisi lingkungan fisik dengan kisaran ketinggian tempat antara 1.754–1.794 m dpl., kemiringan tanah berkisar antara 7–10%, pH tanah 6,4–7, kelembaban tanah 50–75%, temperatur 20,5–22,3°C, kelembaban udara 83,2–87,5% dan intensitas cahaya 618–10.030 Lux. Karakteristik komponen lingkungan biotiknya ditentukan berdasar Indek Nilai Penting (INP). Lima jenis tumbuhan pohon dengan INP tertinggi adalah Cyathea latebrosa (INP 98,7) kemudian diikuti oleh Saurauia bracteosa (INP 51,9), Astronia spectabilis (INP 42,7), Dicksonia blumei (INP 39,6) dan Homalantus giganteus (INP 35,3). Karakteristik jenis tumbuhan bawah untuk lima jenis tertinggi diduduki oleh Pillea sp. (INP 61,91), kemudian diikuti oleh Selaginella sp. (INP 40,6), Athyrium asperum (INP 27,5), Pteris tripartita (INP 18,3) dan Rubus sp. (INP 15,0). Kebersamaan tumbuhnya D. blumei dengan Cyathea latebrosa, tampaknya terkait dengan peran batangnya sebagai substrat spora D. blumei pada tahap perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan selanjutnya. Pada fase gametofit dan sporofit muda D. blumei tumbuh secara epifit pada batang Cyathea latebrosa setinggi 0,5–1,5 m dari permukaan tanah. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan akarnya yang berlahan-lahan mencari tanah, kemudian sporofit dewasa D. blumei akan tumbuh secara teresterial (hemi–epifit)

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning Berbasis Outdoor Study terhadap Hasil Belajar Geografi Siswa SMA

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    The purpose of this study to find out the results for students at SMA 1 Gayam, class 11th IPS, material environment and sustainable development. This research was quasi experiment, using project based learning model based outdoor learning study. Based on the research results, shows geography student learning outcomes in SMA 1 Gayam increased visits from pretest control class is 57,33 while posttest 77,5. The results of the experiment are a class pretest 54,83 while posttest 76. Gain Score control class is 20,17 while the experiment class is 55,83. Based on the results of t-test analysis using SPSS 16.0 for windows shows significant value 0,000 which means H0 rejected and H1 be accepted, so learning to use the model Project Based Leaning based Outdoor Study effected to student lerning outcomes geography high school.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Gayam, kelas XI IPS, materi lingkungan hidup dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian eksperimen semu, menggunakan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning berbasis Outdoor Study. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukkan hasil belajar geografi siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Gayam mengalami peningkatan dilihat dari pretest kelas kontrol adalah 57,33 sedangkan postest 77,5. Hasil pretest kelas eksperimen adalah 54,83 sedangkan postest 76. Gain Score kelas kontrol adalah 20,17 sedangkan kelas eksperimen 55,83. Berdasarkan hasil analisis uji-t menggunakan SPSS 16.0 for windows menunjukkan nilai signifikansi 0,000 yang berarti H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima, sehingga pembelajaran menggunakan model Project based Learning berbasis Outdoor Study berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar geografi siswa SMA

    Pengaruh Investasi, Tenaga Kerja, Pengalaman Kerja dan Kapasitas Produksi terhadap Nilai Produksi Pengerajin Perak

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    The purpose of this study to know whether the investment, employment, work experience, and powerful production capacity simultaneously and partially on the value of production silversmith Celuk Village. The results showed variable simultaneous investment, employment, work experience, and production capacity have a positive and significant impact on the value of production silversmith Celuk village, as well as the investment variable, work experience, and the production capacity is partially positive and significant effect, while labor positive and significant impact on the value of production silversmith Celuk Village

    Rancang Bangun Prototipe Knowledge Management System Bahan Ajar Guru dengan Model Seci dan Mvc : Studi Kasus Sdit Al-hikmah Cipayung Depok

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    The ability of an educational institution in terms of science and technology became one of the very important factors. Despite those two things then it should be accompanied by a qualified human resources and competitive. SDIT Al-Hikmah Cipayung Depok is an Islamic educational institution where the transfer of knowledge is still limited in the forum work meetings there has been no documentation or technology that saves teachers 'knowledge and experience in teaching. Knowledge Management System is the most effective way in tackling the problem and solution sharing and transfer of knowledge teachers at Al-Hikmah SDIT Cipayung Depok. The research method used was the establishment of the SECI model of knowledge, architectural design model application with MVC (Model-View-Controller), testing validation by Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method using a questionnaire, software testing and black box testing and software quality testing with ISO 9126. The result of the research is a Knowledge Management System as the technology transfer of knowledge that is one of the efforts in reducing the use of paper (paperless office), making the efficiency of time, effort and cost, and better documentation management in the SDIT Al-Hikmah Cipayung Depok

    Access to Personal Hygiene Improves the Quality of Life at Elderly Hostels

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    The awareness of someone\u27s ability to maintain and to keep life has become better; hence having a longer life expectation became a grace and a pride. It is estimated that life expectancy figures maximally up to 125 years. The increase in people\u27s awareness of maintaining and sustaining life, in order to get a better quality of life, results in a higher life expectancy. Aging is a natural and spontaneous process started from the childhood, puberty, young adults, and then declines in the middle to seniors (elderly). The prosperity of the elderly people, whom due to their physical or mental condition no longer possible role in development, needs special attention from the government and society. This research was conducted in a nursing home (home service). The nursing home as a place where the elderly live needs to adjust and redesign their bathroom. This effort is done by considering that the ability of the elderly\u27s motor movement has tremendously declined; it is caused by the decrease in their motor sensor capacity. The elderly should get attention, particularly on meeting their needs on personal hygiene

    Peranan Kepala Kampung dalam Pelaksanaan Siskamling

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    The purpose of the research is to explain the role of the head of village within implementation of security enviroment systems in East Kotagajah village. The method used in this research is descriptive with quantitative approach, the subjects studied are citizens hamlet village IV East Kotagajah totaling 147 peoples. Samples taken is 25% or about 37 peoples. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire and interview and observation. The data analysis techniques used in this study is the formula of Chi Square. The results of this research there is a role of the head of village within implementation of security enviroment systems in East Kotagajah village including role category with 18 respondents (48.64%) of the 37 respondents and implementation of security enviroment systems in East Kotagajah village categorized quite good with a large percentage of 64.86% or about 24 respondents.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan peranan kepala kampung dalam pelaksanaan siskamling di Kampung Kotagajah Timur. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, subyek yang diteliti merupakan warga dusun IV kampung Kotagajah Timur yang berjumlah 147 orang. Sampel yang diambil adalah sebesar 25% atau 37 orang yang tersebar secara acak. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket dan wawancara serta observasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rumus Chi Kuadrat. Hasil penelitian terdapat peranan kepala kampung dalam pelaksanaan siskamling di kampung Kotagajah Timur dengan kategori berperan dalam pelaksanaan siskamling dengan 18 responden (48,64%) dari 37 responden dan dalam pelaksanaan siskamling di kampung Kotagajah Timur termasuk kategori cukup baik dengan besar persentase 64,86% atau 24 responden
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