9 research outputs found

    Risiko Kandidiasis Serviks pada Wanita Usia Subur Akseptor Kontrasepsi Hormonal

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    Abstrak Kontrasepsi Hormonal merupakan salah satu metode kontrasepsi yang paling diminati oleh Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) di Indonesia termasuk di Bali. Dewasa ini mulai timbul pro dan kontra mengenai penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal terkait berbagai efek samping yang ditimbulkan, salah satunya dikatakan berkaitan dengan kandidiasis serviks. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui risiko kandidiasis serviks pada WUS akseptor kontrasepsi hormonal. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan case control yang disarangkan pada penelitian pap smear (nested case control). Kemudian akan dibandingkan seberapa besar efek paparan kontrasepsi hormonal antara kelompok kasus (kandidiasis serviks) dengan kelompok kontrol (non kandidiasis serviks) secara deskriptif analitik melalui uji statistik chi-square dengan

    The Pattern of Facial Injury among Foreign Travelers in Bali: A Retrospective Study

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    BACKGROUND: Injury, especially road traffic accident caused injury, was the most cause of death in international traveler worldwide. Estimated more than 1 million people deaths and become disability after injury. Facial fracture was the most common injury in plastic surgery division among international traveler. AIM: This study is aimed to describe the pattern of facial fracture among foreign travelers in Bali to provide prompt prevention and treatment. METHODS: The retrospective study was did using the medical record, imaging analysis including computed tomographies and conventional radiographs of 126 cases of facial fracture from the period of January 2009 to September 2012. The patterns of facial fractures were divided into four main categories of craniofacial, maxillofacial, nasal, and mandibulofacial. RESULTS: The result showed that fractures involving nasal region were the most common (n = 65, 51.6%) followed by midface region (n = 58, 46.0%), craniofacial (n = 50, 39.7%), and mandibulofacial (n = 20, 15.9%), respectively. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded, nasal fracture and midfacial fracture were the most common type of facial fracture with the major cause of motor vehicle accidents

    Strengthening the Role of Cadres and Village Midwives to Support the Cervical Cancer Awareness Movement in Puhu Payangan Village, Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia

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    Cervical cancer is the most common type of cancer in Balinese women, and most of the cervical cancer patients came in advanced condition. The health survey conducted in the village of Puhu, Payangan, Gianyar, found that the coverage of cervical cancer screening is 12%, which is considered as low. Payangan’s sub-district health centers (Puskesmas) have made an effort to give free PAP smear screenings to the local community, but it still has not received a good response. This is related to the community’s lack of knowledge on cervical cancer, low awareness of cancer screening, and false stigma about PAP smear examination. To overcome this problem, an effort is needed to increase awareness about the need for PAP smear screening by shaping it into a cervix cancer awareness movement "Gardavi", involving village midwives and housewife members of Empowerment and Family Welfare Group (PKK) in Puhu Village as cadres. Methods that are used in this community service include training for midwives, activation of tiered information system involving midwives-cadres and the community, knowledge provision as well as motivating cadres. This event is done to increase the role of village midwives and cadres to actively participate in PAP smear screenings in their region, therefore, it may increase screening outcomes and lower mother morbidity and mortality numbers due to cervical cancer. This event results in increased midwives’ knowledge and skill on the technique of sampling PAP smear independently, increased visits to the Community Health Sub-Center (Pustu) for PAP smear examination, creation of a midwives-cadres-community coordination system, cadres independently playing an active role in motivating the village community to do screening, as well as increased cadres’ optimism

    Simvastatin Improves Renal Function and Glomerulosclerosis in Ischemic-reperfusion Injury

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    BACKGROUND: Statin is an anti-cholesterol drug that is widely prescribed throughout the world. Statins are mainly used to treat and prevent cardiovascular disease. Several studies have found the pleiotropic effect of statin. However, related effect of statin in kidney failure is still unclear. Ischemic-reperfusion (I/R) injury is a major cause of acute kidney failure. This study aims to determine the effect of simvastatin on kidney function and glomerular conditions by periodic acid-schiff staining in I/R injury.METHODS: Eighteen male Swiss mice were grouped into sham operation group (GSO), I/R injury group (GIRI), and simvastatin group (GSIM). The GSO group was performed by sham operation and pretreatment of 1% carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) for 3 days. The GIRI group was performed by I/R procedure and pretreatment of 1% CMC for 3 days and the GSIM group was performed by I/R procedure and pretreatment of 10 mg/kg BW simvastatin for 3 days. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine serum were assessed to determine kidney function. Histopathological analysis of glomerulosclerosis was assessed by the extent of glomerular damage (sclerosis), capillary loops, and synechia. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey’s test (p<0.05).RESULTS: The creatinine and BUN levels in the GIRI group were the highest (0.97±0.48) compared with the other groups. The glomerulosclerosis index in the GSO group was 0.75±0.56, the GIRI group was 3.55±0.61, and the GSIM group was 2.08±1.37. There was a significant difference in the glomerulosclerosis index between the GSO and GIRI groups, but there was no significant difference between the GIRI and GSIM groups. These differences include the formation of sclerosis in the glomerulus, capillary loop, and synechiae.CONCLUSION: Simvastatin improves kidney function and glomerulosclerosis in I/R injury.KEYWORDS: ischemic-reperfusion injury, simvastatin, glomerulosclerosi


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    Adolescent are a transition period and highly sensitive to the influence of new values. The problems they face are also quite complex, one of which concerns reproductive health. Some studies suggest that peers are the most dominant factor in influencing the adolescent reproductive health behaviors. This dedication activity aims to increase adolescent knowledge and activate the role of peers and counseling teachers in disseminating correct information about reproductive health. The method of implementing activities in the form of providing material on adolescent reproductive health by a talk from the expert, training and mentoring to peer groups in carrying out mini counseling, as well as training and counseling for counseling teachers. After the implementation of this program obtained increased peer group knowledge and counseling teachers on adolescent reproductive health respectively as much as 50% and 30.8%. In addition, all peer groups are able to conduct mini-counseling as well as to do better counseling. Through this activity it is hoped that peer group partners and counseling is able to play an active role in continuously spreading information about adolescent reproductive health so that it can produce other peers who help keep the healthy atmosphere of the adolescents

    Overexpression of PDL-1 is a risk factor for lymph node metastasis in cervical cancer

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    Cervical cancer is the fourth most prevalent malignancy in women globally and and the 2nd in Indonesia. In 2008, the Indonesian Cancer Foundation projected that 52 million Indonesian women are at risk for cervical cancer, and that 36% of all cancer patients are cervical cancer patients. Increasing by 0.6% per year. There are 9,496 cervical cancer-related deaths in Indonesia, compared to an estimated 24,400 worldwide. The crude incidence rate of cervical cancer in Indonesia is 17 per 100.000 women. The majority of individuals with cervical cancer who passed away have received chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In recent years, tremendous progress has been made in immune therapy studies focused at preventing cancers from evading the immune response of the tumor. Among them is PD-I research. The association between PD-1 and its PDL-1 ligand suppresses cytotoxic T cells in the immune response to tumors. PDL-1 overexpression was also associated with a poor prognosis in a few other carcinomas. This study intends to determine whether PDL I overexpression is a risk factor for cervical cell carcinoma metastasis. Metastasis is indicative of a poor prognosis in cancer.&nbsp

    Specific Histologic Type of Leiomyoma Related to Estrogen Receptor Expression

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    Uterine Leiomyoma or fibroid is the most common gynecologic benign neoplasm which arising from monoclonal proliferation of smooth muscle cells in uterine wall. Some specific types of uterine leiomyoma, such ascellular leiomyoma, symplastic leiomyoma, mitotically active leiomyoma andmyxoid leiomyomahave different histomorphology from usual type leiomyoma. It also have wide variety of tumors size, but this study found that no correlation between type of leiomyoma and its size. Additional non-invasive therapy that predominantly developed in leiomyoma include many antagonist agents of estrogenic receptor. So, important to determine of estrogen receptor activity before that hormonal therapy prescription.Histopathology parameter that predict estrogen receptor activity in leiomyoma was not well understood. This study also try to correlate between specific histologic type of leiomyoma and estrogen receptor activity. This study was a retrospective crossectional study which analized by pearson chi-square test with p value &lt; 0.05 and CI 95%. Result: There was significant correlation between specific histologic type of leiomyoma and estrogen receptor expression (p=0.007; p&lt;0.05). &nbsp; Key Words: Leiomyoma, &nbsp;Estrogen Recepto

    Prevalensi Ekspresi Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) pada Karsinoma Penis

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    Abstrak &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Kanker penis merupakan penyakit keganasan pada laki laki yang ditemukan paling tinggi di Bali dibandingkan dengan daerah lain di Indonesia. Sekitar 95% keganasan pada penis adalah jenis karsinoma sel skuamosa (KSS). Perkembangan terapi kanker saat ini telah mencapai targeted terapi, sedangkan belum banyak penelitian pada kanker penis. Perkembangan targeted terapi berdasarkan overekspresi EGFR telah banyak berkembang dan telah dipakai sebagai individual terapi terutama pada kanker paru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ekspresi EGFR pada KSS penis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif observasional untuk mengetahui prevalensi ekspresi EGFR dari pemeriksaan imuno histokimia, sel tumor terpulas positif berwarna coklat kuat mengelilingi seluruh membran sel tumor. Hasil penelitian dari 141 sampel karsinoma sel skuamosa penis yang diambil dari biopsi, operasi penektomi parsial, dan operasi penektomi total didapat prevalensi ekspresi EGFR yang terpulas positif pada sel tumor kanker penis sebanyak 8 kasus (5,7%) dengan distribusi umur tertinggi pada kelompok umur 41-60 tahun sebanyak 66 kasus (46,8%). Pengetahuan tentang overekspresi EGFR pada kanker penis dapat dijadikan dasar rujukan pemberian anti EGFR terutama pada kanker penis dengan stadium lanjut. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Abstract[Prevalence of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Expression in Penis Carcinoma] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Penile cancer is a malignancy in men, which is the highest in Bali compared to other regions in Indonesia. About 95% of malignancies in the penis are squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The development of cancer therapy has now reached targeted therapy, while there has not been much research on penile cancer. Targeted therapy based on EGFR overexpression has developed and has been used as individual therapy, especially in lung cancer. This study aims to determine the expression of EGFR in the SCC of the penis. This study is a descriptive observational study to determine the prevalence of EGFR expression from immunohistochemical examination, tumor cells stained with intense brown color surrounding the entire tumor cell membrane. The results of the study of 141 samples of penile squamous cell carcinoma taken from biopsies, partial penectomy, and total penectomy. The prevalence of EGFR expression that was stained positively in penile cancer tumor cells was 8 cases (5.7%) with the highest age distribution in the age group 41-60 years as many as 66 cases (46.8%). Knowledge of EGFR overexpression in penile cancer can be used to reference anti-EGFR administration, especially in advanced penile cancer. &nbsp; &nbsp

    The Relationship Between Cervical Cancer Severity and miRNA-205 Expression in Bali

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    Cervical cancer is the one of leading cause of death for women worldwide. It occurs due to infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV) which attacks the cervix in the female reproductive organs. The detecting cervical cancer method is by using pap smears and liquid based cytology (LBC) and vaccinations. However, both methods are limited in detecting cervical cancer quickly and accurately. This study aims to find potential biomarkers that will be used to quickly detect the development of cervical cancer. Large-scale studies have shown that microRNA-205 (miRNA) regulation has a very important role in various types of cancer including cervical cancer. The extraction and synthesis of cDNA from 26 preparations of cervical cancer paraffin blocks were measured by quantitative real time PCR to evaluate the expression of miRNA-205 as a biomarker of cervical cancer in cervical cancer samples. Statistical results showed that there was a significant difference in the expression of miRNA-205 which was relatively higher in cervical cancer patients (p<0.05) miRNA-205. In addition, the increased expression of miRNA-205 is associated with an increase in the severity of cervical cancer. We conclude that miRNA-205 is a potential candidate for cervical cancer molecular biomarker