879 research outputs found

    Dispersal and population structure at different spatial scales in the subterranean rodent Ctenomys australis

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    This study was funded by grants from Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET, PIP5838), Agencia de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica de la Argentina (PICTO1-423, BID-1728/OC-AR), and the programme ECOS-Sud France/Argentina (A05B01).Background: The population genetic structure of subterranean rodent species is strongly affected by demographic (e.g. rates of dispersal and social structure) and stochastic factors (e.g. random genetic drift among subpopulations and habitat fragmentation). In particular, gene flow estimates at different spatial scales are essential to understand genetic differentiation among populations of a species living in a highly fragmented landscape. Ctenomys australis (the sand dune tuco-tuco) is a territorial subterranean rodent that inhabits a relatively secure, permanently sealed burrow system, occurring in sand dune habitats on the coastal landscape in the south-east of Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Currently, this habitat is threatened by urban development and forestry and, therefore, the survival of this endemic species is at risk. Here, we assess population genetic structure and patterns of dispersal among individuals of this species at different spatial scales using 8 polymorphic microsatellite loci. Furthermore, we evaluate the relative importance of sex and habitat configuration in modulating the dispersal patterns at these geographical scales. Results: Our results show that dispersal in C. australis is not restricted at regional spatial scales (similar to 4 km). Assignment tests revealed significant population substructure within the study area, providing support for the presence of two subpopulations from three original sampling sites. Finally, male-biased dispersal was found in the Western side of our study area, but in the Eastern side no apparent philopatric pattern was found, suggesting that in a more continuous habitat males might move longer distances than females. Conclusions: Overall, the assignment-based approaches were able to detect population substructure at fine geographical scales. Additionally, the maintenance of a significant genetic structure at regional (similar to 4 km) and small (less than 1 km) spatial scales despite apparently moderate to high levels of gene flow between local sampling sites could not be explained simply by the linear distance among them. On the whole, our results support the hypothesis that males disperse more frequently than females; however they do not provide support for strict philopatry within females.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Einstein-Bumblebee-Dilaton black hole in Lifshitz spacetimes

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    We investigate the critical behavior of Lifshitz black holes in Einstein-dilaton gravity in the context of spontaneous Lorentz symmetry breaking. Considering the effects of both the bumblebee vacuum expectation value (VEV) and the fluctuations over the VEV, we obtained new asymptotically Lifshitz charged solutions in (3 + 1) dimensions. We consider the longitudinal massive mode of Lorentz Violation (LV) as thermodynamic pressure, leading us to establish an P-V extended phase space. Within this framework, we derive the equation of state P(T,V), and subsequently identify the critical points, which manifest as discontinuities in the specific heat at constant pressure. Following this, we compute the Gibbs free energy, revealing a first-order phase transition within the model. Finally, we determine the critical exponents, demonstrating their equivalence to those observed in the Van der Waals system

    Regular black holes in Einstein cubic gravity

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    We investigate the effects of the Einstein cubic gravity (ECG) on regular black hole solutions driven by nonlinear electrodynamics (NLE) sources. The ECG tends to form a naked singularity at the origin for a high ECG coupling constant. Assuming that ECG provides only perturbative corrections to the regular magnetic charged solutions, we found modified regular solutions with a de Sitter-like core whose cosmological constant depends on the magnetic charge and the ECG coupling constant. The thermodynamic stability is investigated by means of the Hawking temperature and the heat capacity. In fact, for a small charge and ECG coupling, the Hawking temperature is regularized, leaving a thermodynamic stable remnant for a small rh0r_h \neq 0. The heat capacity reveals that the ECG regular black hole undergoes a phase transition between an unstable into a stable configuration.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Scaffolding MATLAB and octave software comprehension through visualization

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    Multiple view interactive environments (MVIEs) provide visual resources to support the comprehension of a specific domain dataset. For any domain, different views can be selected and configured in a real time fashion to be better adjusted to the user needs. This paper focuses on the use of a MVIE called OctMiner to support the comprehension of MATLAB and GNU/Octave programs. The authors conducted a case study to characterize the use of OctMiner in the context of comprehension activities. Results provide preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of OctMiner to support the comprehension of programs written in MATLAB and Octave.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Promoting self-care in clients on hemodialysis: application of the nola pender's diagram

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    Objective: To highlight the patient's coexistence with chronic kidney disease during hemodialysis from the application of Nola Pender's theory Health Promotion Model (MPS). Method: Descriptive study done with an intra-group design, in a self-care workshop with 48 customers in Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, from 2013 to 2014. It was evidenced self-care behavior in the diagram: individual characteristics and experiences; cognitions and specific affections of the most important motivational behavior, representing modifiable categories through nursing actions. Results: Nursing guidelines led individuals to acquire MPS behaviors in order to meet their welfare needs, because they value their lives. The workshop stimulated the development of reflective consciousness, providing conditions for reflection on their reality and harmonization with life. Conclusion: The guidelines gives rise conditions for the individual acquire a health promotion behavior, reverberated in meeting their self-care needs and well-being

    Cross-Browser Rendering using Headless Server-Side Browsers

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    Hoje em dia são usados variados browsers para navegar pela Web, desde os mais conhecidos, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari ou Mozilla Firefox incluindo browsers menos conhecidos tal como o Opera. Estes browsers são tipicamente pedaços de software proprietários pertencentes às empresas que os criaram, e como tal, variam no seu funcionamento, de interesse para esta tese, no processamento de ficheiros HTML, CSS e Javascript que leva à geração de paginas web diferentes resultando em experiências de utilizadores também diferentes.De forma a homogeneizar as diferenças entre browsers, a ideia de testar e renderizar páginas de forma cross browser foi proposta e têm sido alvo de investigação e desenvolvimento. Renderização cross browser é a capacidade de gerar uma interface gráfica também conhecida como uma página web, de acordo com o browser em uso. Desta forma, desenvolvedores de web podem testar com mais facilidade de que forma o seu código se comporta em diferentes ambientes de execução.No entanto esta tecnologia pode ser usada para mais do que permitir um desenvolvedor de web testar o seu código, também pode ser usado para detectar falhas de seguranças. À medida que a internet cresce e se torna um dos meios de comunicação mais pertinentes para um grande leque de áreas, desde o entretenimento à banca, torna-se também o meio onde ataques informáticos ocorrem cada vez mais. Entre os ataques cibernéticos mais prejudiciais, o mais pertinente e de particular interesse para esta dissertação são os ataques de injecção de código do lado do cliente.Uma das maneiras para detectar estes tipos de ataques é por verificar se o código fonte de uma página web varia de alguma forma com a versão "limpa" fornecido pelo dono do site, onde nenhuma modificação local foi efectuada. Ao fazer uso de renderizações cross browser, torna-se possível minimizar os erros de algoritmos de detecção de código malicioso ao eliminar diferenças de renderização inerentes a cada browser especifico. Como tal, esta dissertação pretende fornecer a base para o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta que permita a identificação e categorização das diferenças entre páginas web renderizadas do lado do cliente e o código original do servidor do site que são consideradas inofensivas.Nowadays many different browsers are used to navigate the Web, ranging from the most well known, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari or Firefox to less well known browsers such as Opera. These browsers are typically proprietary to the companies they belong to, hence, differing in their operations, of particular interest to this dissertation, the processing of HTML, CSS and JavaScript files which leads to the generation of different web pages, resulting in slightly different user experiences.In order to homogenize the differences between browsers, the idea of cross browser testing and rendering has become a topic of research. Cross browser rendering is the ability to generate a user interface also known as a web page, according to the browser specified. This way developers may test with more ease how their code behaves under different execution environments.However this technology can be used for more than enabling a web developer to test their code, it can also be used to detect security breaches. As the Internet becomes an ever-growing, relevant de facto tool in communication flow for a wide range of areas, from entertainment to banking, it also becomes the target medium for cyber attacks to occur. Amongst the most harmful cyber attack in existence, of particular interest to this thesis are Client-side Injection attacks.One of the ways in which these types of attacks can be detected is by checking whether a webpages source code somehow varies from a "clean" version provided by the web host, which has undergone no local modifications. By leveraging cross browser rendering, it becomes possible to minimize errors in malicious code detection algorithms by eliminating the rendering differences inherent to each particular browser. As such, this dissertation intends to provide the basis for a tool which allows the identification and categorisation of differences between client-side web pages and the original server code which are considered harmless

    Características agronômicas de genótipos de bananeira em três ciclos de produção em Rio Branco, AC.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar características agronômicas de genótipos de bananeira, em três ciclos de produção. O experimento foi realizado em blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas e cinco repetições, em Rio Branco, AC. Os genótipos Preciosa, Japira, Pacovan Ken, Pacovan, PA42-44, Prata-anã, ST12-31, FHIA 02, Nanicão, Grande Naine, Calipso, Ambrósia e Bucaneiro foram avaliados quanto aos caracteres: altura da planta; diâmetro do pseudocaule; número de folhas vivas na floração e na colheita; ciclo de formação do cacho da floração à colheita; número de pencas por cacho; massa do fruto e do cacho; e produtividade. As cultivares Preciosa e Pacovan Ken apresentaram as maiores alturas, e os híbridos PA42-44 e FHIA 02, e as cultivares Prata-anã, Nanicão e Grande Naine, o porte mais baixo. As cultivares Nanicão, Ambrósia, Bucaneiro, Pacovan, Prata-anã e Grande Naine e o híbrido ST12-31 apresentaram os menores números de folhas vivas na colheita. A cultivar Preciosa e o híbrido FHIA 02 foram os mais produtivos. Os híbridos PA42-44 e FHIA 02 apresentam características agronômicas promissoras e podem ser incorporados ao sistema produtivo, assim como os híbridos de Pacovan, já adaptados e recomendados para o cultivo no Estado do Acre

    A concern visualization approach for improving MATLAB and octave program comprehension

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    The literature has pointed out the need for focusing efforts to better support comprehension of MATLAB and Octave programs. Despite being largely used in the industry and academia in the engineering domain, programs and routines written in those languages still require efforts to propose approaches and tools for its understanding. Considering the use of crosscutting concerns (CCCs) to support the comprehension of object-oriented programs, there is room of its use in the context of MATLAB and Octave programs. The literature has purpose and examples in this direction. Considering this scenario, we propose the use of visualization enriched with CCCs representation to support the comprehension of such programs. This paper discusses the use of a multiple view interactive environment called OctMiner in the context of two case studies to characterize how collected information relating to crosscutting concerns can foster the comprehension of MATLAB and GNU/Octave programs. As a result of the conducted case studies, we propose strategies based on OctMiner and tailored to support different comprehension activities of programs written in MATLAB and Octave.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio