4 research outputs found

    Thymic neuroendocrine tumors in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1

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    Objective MEN1 is associated with an increased risk of developing tumors in different endocrine organs. Neuroendocrine tumors of the thymus (TNETs) are very rare but often have an aggressive nature. We evaluated patients with MEN1 and TNET in three university hospitals in Finland. Design/Methods We evaluated patient records of 183 MEN1-patients from three university hospitals between the years 1985-2019 with TNETs. Thymus tumor specimens were classified according to the new WHO 2021 classification of TNET. We collected data on treatments and outcomes of these patients. Results There were six patients (3.3%) with MEN1 and TNET. Five of them had the same common gene mutation occurring in Finland. They originated from common ancestors encompassing two pairs of brothers from sequential generations. The mean age at presentation of TNET was 44.7 +/- 11.9 years. TNET was classified as atypical carcinoid (AC) in five out of six patients. One patient had a largely necrotic main tumor with very few mitoses and another nodule with 25 mitoses per 2 mm(2), qualifying for the 2021 WHO diagnosis of large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC). In our patients, the 5-year survival of the TNET patients was 62.5% and 10-year survival 31.3%. Conclusion In this study, TNETs were observed in one large MEN1 founder pedigree, where an anticipation-like earlier disease onset was observed in the most recent generation. TNET in MEN1 patients is an aggressive disease. The prognosis can be better by systematic screening. We also show that LCNEC can be associated with TNET in MEN1 patients.Peer reviewe

    Kateenkorvan neuroendokriiniset kasvaimet OYS 1985–2011

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    Kateenkorvan neuroendokriininen kasvain on harvinainen ja aggressiivisesti käyttäytyvä etumediastinumin kasvain. Kasvain voi esiintyä erillisenä tai osana periytyvää MEN1-syndroomaa. Kateenkorvan neuroendokriininen kasvain on tunnettu reilun neljänkymmenen vuoden ajan ja tutkimuksia aiheesta on toistaiseksi vielä melko vähän. Suurimmassa osassa julkaistuja tutkimuksia potilasmäärät ovat pieniä ja vain muutamia yli 20 potilaan aineistoja on julkaistu. Taudin harvinaisuuden vuoksi selkeää linjausta hoidosta ei vielä ole. Kasvaimen täydellinen poisto kirurgisesti on tämän hetken kultainen standardi ja ainoa parantava hoitomuoto. Sädehoidon ja kemoterapian hyödyllisyydestä on ristiriitaista tutkimusnäyttöä ja etenkin niiden suhteen tarvitaan lisää laajempaa tutkimusta. Vuosina 1985–2011 Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa on todettu kateenkorvan neuroendokriininen kasvain viidellä potilaalla. Kaikki heistä ovat miehiä ja kaikilla on todettu MEN1-syndrooma, mikä on poikkeuksellista. Kaikki kasvaimet hoidettiin kirurgisesti ja lisäksi kaksi potilasta sai postoperatiivista sädehoitoa ja toinen heistä sai adjuvanttikemoterapiana etoposidi-sisplatiini kombinaatiota ja lisäksi interferoni- ja okreotidihoitoa. Lisäksi yksi potilas sai postoperatiivisesti lutetium-okreotaattihoidon ja okreotidihoitoa sen jälkeen. Postoperatiivisella sädehoidolla saatiin osittaista vastetta, mutta molemmilla sädehoitoa saaneilla potilailla tauti uusiutui. Lutetium-okreotaattihoidolla saatiin aikaan metastaasien pienenemistä yhdellä ja ainoalla tätä hoitoa saaneella potilaalla. Kolme potilasta on menehtynyt seurannan aikana, yksi karsinoidituumorin uusiutumaan, yksi metastaattiseen munuaiskarsinoomaan ja yksi ilmeisesti sydänperäiseen tapahtumaan. Kaksi potilasta on elossa ja seurannassa

    Thymic neuroendocrine tumors in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1

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    Abstract Objective: MEN1 is associated with an increased risk of developing tumors in different endocrine organs. Neuroendocrine tumors of the thymus (TNETs) are very rare but often have an aggressive nature. We evaluated patients with MEN1 and TNET in three university hospitals in Finland. Design/Methods: We evaluated patient records of 183 MEN1-patients from three university hospitals between the years 1985–2019 with TNETs. Thymus tumor specimens were classified according to the new WHO 2021 classification of TNET. We collected data on treatments and outcomes of these patients. Results: There were six patients (3.3%) with MEN1 and TNET. Five of them had the same common gene mutation occurring in Finland. They originated from common ancestors encompassing two pairs of brothers from sequential generations. The mean age at presentation of TNET was 44.7 ± 11.9 years. TNET was classified as atypical carcinoid (AC) in five out of six patients. One patient had a largely necrotic main tumor with very few mitoses and another nodule with 25 mitoses per 2 mm², qualifying for the 2021 WHO diagnosis of large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC). In our patients, the 5-year survival of the TNET patients was 62.5% and 10-year survival 31.3%. Conclusion: In this study, TNETs were observed in one large MEN1 founder pedigree, where an anticipation-like earlier disease onset was observed in the most recent generation. TNET in MEN1 patients is an aggressive disease. The prognosis can be better by systematic screening. We also show that LCNEC can be associated with TNET in MEN1 patients