402 research outputs found

    Ultracold atomic Bose and Fermi spinor gases in optical lattices

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    We investigate magnetic properties of Mott-insulating phases of ultracold Bose and Fermi spinor gases in optical lattices. We consider in particular the F=2 Bose gas, and the F=3/2 and F=5/2 Fermi gases. We derive effective spin Hamiltonians for one and two atoms per site and discuss the possibilities of manipulating the magnetic properties of the system using optical Feshbach resonances. We discuss low temperature quantum phases of a 87Rb gas in the F=2 hyperfine state, as well as possible realizations of high spin Fermi gases with either 6Li or 132Cs atoms in the F=3/2 state, and with 173Yb atoms in the F=5/2 state.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures; a completely new and substantially expanded version with several errors correcte

    Detection of aphid migrations in Finland

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    Our insect immigration warning system was built on the atmospheric dispersion model that has been used in predicting long-range transport of airborne pollen. We observed immigrations with a trap network consisting of rotating tow-nets, yellow sticky traps, and suction traps. Based on our studies the aphids can be detected with radars when they occur in large numbers

    Rakennusprojektin arvoketjun digitalisointi perustajaurakoinnissa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkielman tavoitteena on kuvata digitalisoinnin vaikutuksia perustajaurakoinnin neljään päävaiheen; 1) suunniteluun, 2) ennakkomarkkinointiin ja myyntiin, 3) rakentamiseen sekä 4) luovutukseen ja takuuajankorjauksiin. Tutkielmassa tutkitaan rakennustietomallin hyödyntämisen tuomia aineellisia ja aineettomia hyötyjä sekä uhrauksia ja haasteita. Tutkielma myös taustoittaa arvoketjun toimintojen digitalisointia eri sektorien laajuisesti, jotta pystytään muodostamaan parempi kuva rakennusalan digitalisoinnin asteesta suhteessa muihin toimialoihin Tutkimuksen tärkeimpänä tuloksena voidaan pitää rakennustietomallin käyttöönottamisesta syntynyttä informaationkulun keskittämistä yhteen kanavaan. Informaationkulun keskittäminen parantaa tiedon ajantasaisuutta ja tarkkuutta, ja pilvipohjaisessa järjestelmässä tieto on eri sidosryhmien käytettävissä ajasta, paikaista tai laitteesta riippumatta. Ajantasainen ja helposti saatava informaatio auttaa pienentämään rakennusvirheiden määrää, parantamaan lisä- ja muutostöiden katteita sekä vähentämään jätteen määrää. Aineettomia hyötyjä olivat muun muassa vähentynyt epävarmuus ja laskenut työperäinen stressi sekä parantunut asiakaskokemus ja prosessien läpinäkyvyys. Arvoketjun toimintojen digitalisoinnin suurimmat uhraukset ovat laite- ja ohjelmistoinvestoinnit, joihin yritykset käyttivät maailman laajuisesti arviolta 1200 miljardia dollaria vuonna 2018 ja investoinnit kasvavat tulevaisuudessa kiihtyvää tahtia. Suurimmat haasteet liittyivät johdon kykyihin viedä läpi digitalisoinnin vaativat muutokset, nykyisen työvoiman osaamistasoon ja osaavan työvoiman palkkaamiseen sekä yrityskulttuuriin. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena, jossa haastateltiin Sonell Oy:n työntekijöitä rakennustietomalliin perustuvan GBuilder-ohjelman hyödyntämisestä työtehtävissään. Haastatteluiden lisäksi tutkimukseen sisältyy kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa hyödynnettiin akateemisia ja asiantuntijalehdissä julkaistuja artikkeleita sekä asiantuntijaraportteja. Tutkimustulosten yleistettävyyttä rajoittaa pieni harkinnanvarainen näyte, mutta tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää liikkeenjohdossa arvioidessa digitalisoinnin vaikutuksia. Tutkielma käsittelee laajasti perustajaurakoinnin arvoketjua ja tuloksia voidaan siksi soveltaa myös yhtiössä, joiden toiminta käsittää suppeamman osa rakennusprojektin arvoketjusta

    Metabarcoding successfully tracks temporal changes in eukaryotic communities in coastal sediments

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    Metabarcoding is a method that combines high-throughput DNA sequencing and DNA-based identification. Previously, this method has been successfully used to target spatial variation of eukaryote communities in marine sediments, however, the temporal changes in these communities remain understudied. Here, we follow the temporal changes of the eukaryote communities in Baltic Sea surface sediments collected from two coastal localities during three seasons of two consecutive years. Our study reveals that the structure of the sediment eukaryotic ecosystem was primarily driven by annual and seasonal changes in prevailing environmental conditions, whereas spatial variation was a less significant factor in explaining the variance in eukaryotic communities over time. Therefore, our data suggests that shifts in regional climate regime or large-scale changes in the environment are the overdriving factors in shaping the coastal eukaryotic sediment ecosystems rather than small-scale changes in local environmental conditions or heterogeneity in ecosystem structure. More studies targeting temporal changes are needed to further understand the long-term trends in ecosystem stability and response to climate change. Furthermore, this work contributes to the recent efforts in developing metabarcoding applications for environmental biomonitoring, proving a comprehensive option for traditional monitoring approaches.Peer reviewe

    Between-cow variation in milk fatty acids associated with methane production

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    We evaluated the between-cow (b-cow) variation and repeatability in omasal and milk fatty acids (FA) related to methane (CH4) emission. The dataset was originated from 9 studies with rumen-cannulated dairy cows conducted using either a switch-back or a Latin square design. Production of CH(4)per mole of VFA (Y_CH(4)VFA) was calculated based on VFA stoichiometry. Experiment, diet within experiment, period within experiment, and cow within experiment were considered as random factors. Empirical models were developed between the variables of interest by univariate and bivariate mixed model regression analysis. The variation associated with diet was higher than the b-cow variation with low repeatability (< 0.25) for milk odd- and branch-chain FA (OBCFA). Similarly, for de novo synthesized milk FA, diet variation was similar to 3-fold greater than the b-cow variation; repeatability for these FA was moderate to high (0.34-0.58). Also, for bothcis-9 C18:1 andcis-9cis-12cis-15 C18:3 diet variation was more than double the b-cow variation, but repeatability was moderate. Among the de novo milk FA, C4:0 was positively related with stoichiometric Y_CH(4)VFA, while for OBCFA,anteisoC15:0 and C15:0 were negatively related with it. Notably, when analyzing the relationship between omasal FA and milk FA we observed positive intercept estimates for all the OBCFA, which may indicate endogenous post-ruminal synthesis of these FA, most likely in the mammary gland. For milkisoC13:0,isoC15:0,anteisoC15:0, and C15:0 were positively influenced by omasal proportion of their respective FA and by energy balance. In contrast, the concentration of milk C17:0,isoC18:0, C18:0,cis-11 C18:1, andcis-9cis-12cis-15 C18:3 were positively influenced by omasal proportion of their respective FA but negatively related to calculated energy balance. Our findings demonstrate that for most milk FA examined, a larger variation is attributed to diet than b-cow differences with low to moderate repeatability. While some milk FA were positively or negatively related with Y_CH(4)VFA, there was a pronounced effect of calculated energy balance on these estimates. Additionally, even though OBCFA have been indicated as markers of rumen function, our results suggest that endogenous synthesis of these FA may occur, which therefore, may limit the utilization of milk FA as a proxy for CH(4)predictions for cows fed the same diet

    Different Predictors of Right and Left Ventricular Metabolism in Healthy Middle-Aged Men

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    Dysfunction of the right ventricle (RV) plays a crucial role in the outcome of various cardiovascular diseases. Previous studies on RV metabolism are sparse although evidence implies it may differ from left ventricular (LV) metabolism. Therefore, the aims of this study were (1) to determine predictors of RV glucose uptake (GU) and free fatty acid uptake (FFAU) and (2) to compare them to predictors of LV metabolism in healthy middle-aged men. Altogether 28 healthy, sedentary, middle-aged (40-55 years) men were studied. Insulin-stimulated GU and fasting FFAU were measured by positron emission tomography and RV and LV structural and functional parameters by cardiac magnetic resonance. Several parameters related to whole-body health were also measured. Predictors of RV and LV metabolism were determined by pairwise correlation analysis, lasso regression models, and variable clustering using heatmap. RVGU was most strongly predicted by age and moderately by RV ejection fraction (EF). The strongest determinants of RVFFAU were exercise capacity (peak oxygen uptake), resting heart rate, LVEF, and whole body insulin stimulated glucose uptake rate. When considering LV metabolism, age and RVEF were associated also with LVGU. In addition, LVGU was strongly, and negatively, influenced by whole-body insulin-stimulated glucose uptake rate. LVFFAU was predicted only by LVEF. This study shows that while RV and LV metabolism have shared characteristics, they also have unique properties. Age of the subject should be taken into account when measuring myocardial glucose utilization. Ejection fraction is related to myocardial metabolism, and even so that RVEF may be more closely related to GU of both ventricles and LVEF to FFAU of both ventricles, a finding supporting the ventricular interdependence. However, only RV fatty acid utilization associates with exercise capacity so that better physical fitness in a relatively sedentary population is related with decreased RV fat metabolism. To conclude, this study highlights the need for further study designed specifically on less known RV as the results on LV metabolism and physiology may not be directly applicable to the RV.</p