655 research outputs found

    Enstrophy dissipation in two-dimensional turbulence

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    Insight into the problem of two-dimensional turbulence can be obtained by an analogy with a heat conduction network. It allows the identification of an entropy function associated to the enstrophy dissipation and that fluctuates around a positive (mean) value. While the corresponding enstrophy network is highly nonlocal, the direction of the enstrophy current follows from the Second Law of Thermodynamics. An essential parameter is the ratio Tk=γk/(νk2)T_k = \gamma_k /(\nu k^2) of the intensity of driving γk>0\gamma_k>0 as a function of wavenumber kk, to the dissipation strength νk2\nu k^2, where ν\nu is the viscosity. The enstrophy current flows from higher to lower values of TkT_k, similar to a heat current from higher to lower temperature. Our probabilistic analysis of the enstrophy dissipation and the analogy with heat conduction thus complements and visualizes the more traditional spectral arguments for the direct enstrophy cascade. We also show a fluctuation symmetry in the distribution of the total entropy production which relates the probabilities of direct and inverse enstrophy cascades.Comment: 8 pages, revtex

    Coriolis force in Geophysics: an elementary introduction and examples

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    We show how Geophysics may illustrate and thus improve classical Mechanics lectures concerning the study of Coriolis force effects. We are then interested in atmospheric as well as oceanic phenomena we are familiar with, and are for that reason of pedagogical and practical interest. Our aim is to model them in a very simple way to bring out the physical phenomena that are involved.Comment: Accepted for publication in European Journal of Physic

    Magnetic Fields and Passive Scalars in Polyakov's Conformal Turbulence

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    Polyakov has suggested that two dimensional turbulence might be described by a minimal model of conformal field theory. However, there are many minimal models satisfying the same physical inputs as Polyakov's solution (p,q)=(2,21). Dynamical magnetic fields and passive scalars pose different physical requirements. For large magnetic Reynolds number other minimal models arise. The simplest one, (p,q)=(2,13) makes reasonable predictions that may be tested in the astrophysical context. In particular, the equipartition theorem between magnetic and kinetic energies does not hold: the magnetic one dominates at larger distances.Comment: 12 pages, UR-1296, ER-745-4068

    On the stationarity of linearly forced turbulence in finite domains

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    A simple scheme of forcing turbulence away from decay was introduced by Lundgren some time ago, the `linear forcing', which amounts to a force term linear in the velocity field with a constant coefficient. The evolution of linearly forced turbulence towards a stationary final state, as indicated by direct numerical simulations (DNS), is examined from a theoretical point of view based on symmetry arguments. In order to follow closely the DNS the flow is assumed to live in a cubic domain with periodic boundary conditions. The simplicity of the linear forcing scheme allows one to re-write the problem as one of decaying turbulence with a decreasing viscosity. Scaling symmetry considerations suggest that the system evolves to a stationary state, evolution that may be understood as the gradual breaking of a larger approximate symmetry to a smaller exact symmetry. The same arguments show that the finiteness of the domain is intimately related to the evolution of the system to a stationary state at late times, as well as the consistency of this state with a high degree of isotropy imposed by the symmetries of the domain itself. The fluctuations observed in the DNS for all quantities in the stationary state can be associated with deviations from isotropy. Indeed, self-preserving isotropic turbulence models are used to study evolution from a direct dynamical point of view, emphasizing the naturalness of the Taylor microscale as a self-similarity scale in this system. In this context the stationary state emerges as a stable fixed point. Self-preservation seems to be the reason behind a noted similarity of the third order structure function between the linearly forced and freely decaying turbulence, where again the finiteness of the domain plays an significant role.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, changes in the discussion at the end of section VI, formula (60) correcte

    Decay of scalar variance in isotropic turbulence in a bounded domain

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    The decay of scalar variance in isotropic turbulence in a bounded domain is investigated. Extending the study of Touil, Bertoglio and Shao (2002; Journal of Turbulence, 03, 49) to the case of a passive scalar, the effect of the finite size of the domain on the lengthscales of turbulent eddies and scalar structures is studied by truncating the infrared range of the wavenumber spectra. Analytical arguments based on a simple model for the spectral distributions show that the decay exponent for the variance of scalar fluctuations is proportional to the ratio of the Kolmogorov constant to the Corrsin-Obukhov constant. This result is verified by closure calculations in which the Corrsin-Obukhov constant is artificially varied. Large-eddy simulations provide support to the results and give an estimation of the value of the decay exponent and of the scalar to velocity time scale ratio

    Lattice Boltzmann study on Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: the roles of velocity and density gradients

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    A two-dimensional lattice Boltzmann model with 19 discrete velocities for compressible Euler equations is proposed (D2V19-LBM). The fifth-order Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (5th-WENO) finite difference scheme is employed to calculate the convection term of the lattice Boltzmann equation. The validity of the model is verified by comparing simulation results of the Sod shock tube with its corresponding analytical solutions. The velocity and density gradient effects on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) are investigated using the proposed model. Sharp density contours are obtained in our simulations. It is found that, the linear growth rate γ\gamma for the KHI decreases with increasing the width of velocity transition layer Dv{D_{v}} but increases with increasing the width of density transition layer Dρ{D_{\rho}}. After the initial transient period and before the vortex has been well formed, the linear growth rates, γv\gamma_v and γρ\gamma_{\rho}, vary with Dv{D_{v}} and Dρ{D_{\rho}} approximately in the following way, lnγv=abDv\ln\gamma_{v}=a-bD_{v} and γρ=c+elnDρ(Dρ<DρE)\gamma_{\rho}=c+e\ln D_{\rho} ({D_{\rho}}<{D_{\rho}^{E}}), where aa, bb, cc and ee are fitting parameters and DρE{D_{\rho}^{E}} is the effective interaction width of density transition layer. When Dρ>DρE{D_{\rho}}>{D_{\rho}^{E}} the linear growth rate γρ\gamma_{\rho} does not vary significantly any more. One can use the hybrid effects of velocity and density transition layers to stabilize the KHI. Our numerical simulation results are in general agreement with the analytical results [L. F. Wang, \emph{et al.}, Phys. Plasma \textbf{17}, 042103 (2010)].Comment: Accepted for publication in PR

    Classical and quantum regimes of two-dimensional turbulence in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We investigate two-dimensional turbulence in finite-temperature trapped Bose-Einstein condensates within damped Gross-Pitaevskii theory. Turbulence is produced via circular motion of a Gaussian potential barrier stirring the condensate. We systematically explore a range of stirring parameters and identify three regimes, characterized by the injection of distinct quantum vortex structures into the condensate: (A) periodic vortex dipole injection, (B) irregular injection of a mixture of vortex dipoles and co-rotating vortex clusters, and (C) continuous injection of oblique solitons that decay into vortex dipoles. Spectral analysis of the kinetic energy associated with vortices reveals that regime (B) can intermittently exhibit a Kolmogorov k5/3k^{-5/3} power law over almost a decade of length or wavenumber (kk) scales. The kinetic energy spectrum of regime (C) exhibits a clear k3/2k^{-3/2} power law associated with an inertial range for weak-wave turbulence, and a k7/2k^{-7/2} power law for high wavenumbers. We thus identify distinct regimes of forcing for generating either two-dimensional quantum turbulence or classical weak-wave turbulence that may be realizable experimentally.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. Minor updates to text and figures 1, 2 and

    Predictability in Systems with Many Characteristic Times: The Case of Turbulence

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    In chaotic dynamical systems, an infinitesimal perturbation is exponentially amplified at a time-rate given by the inverse of the maximum Lyapunov exponent λ\lambda. In fully developed turbulence, λ\lambda grows as a power of the Reynolds number. This result could seem in contrast with phenomenological arguments suggesting that, as a consequence of `physical' perturbations, the predictability time is roughly given by the characteristic life-time of the large scale structures, and hence independent of the Reynolds number. We show that such a situation is present in generic systems with many degrees of freedom, since the growth of a non-infinitesimal perturbation is determined by cumulative effects of many different characteristic times and is unrelated to the maximum Lyapunov exponent. Our results are illustrated in a chain of coupled maps and in a shell model for the energy cascade in turbulence.Comment: 24 pages, 10 Postscript figures (included), RevTeX 3.0, files packed with uufile

    Anisotropy and non-universality in scaling laws of the large scale energy spectrum in rotating turbulence

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    Rapidly rotating turbulent flow is characterized by the emergence of columnar structures that are representative of quasi-two dimensional behavior of the flow. It is known that when energy is injected into the fluid at an intermediate scale LfL_f, it cascades towards smaller as well as larger scales. In this paper we analyze the flow in the \textit{inverse cascade} range at a small but fixed Rossby number, {Rof0.05\mathcal{R}o_f \approx 0.05}. Several {numerical simulations with} helical and non-helical forcing functions are considered in periodic boxes with unit aspect ratio. In order to resolve the inverse cascade range with {reasonably} large Reynolds number, the analysis is based on large eddy simulations which include the effect of helicity on eddy viscosity and eddy noise. Thus, we model the small scales and resolve explicitly the large scales. We show that the large-scale energy spectrum has at least two solutions: one that is consistent with Kolmogorov-Kraichnan-Batchelor-Leith phenomenology for the inverse cascade of energy in two-dimensional (2D) turbulence with a {k5/3\sim k_{\perp}^{-5/3}} scaling, and the other that corresponds to a steeper {k3\sim k_{\perp}^{-3}} spectrum in which the three-dimensional (3D) modes release a substantial fraction of their energy per unit time to 2D modes. {The spectrum that} emerges {depends on} the anisotropy of the forcing function{,} the former solution prevailing for forcings in which more energy is injected into 2D modes while the latter prevails for isotropic forcing. {In the case of anisotropic forcing, whence the energy} goes from the 2D to the 3D modes at low wavenumbers, large-scale shear is created resulting in another time scale τsh\tau_{sh}, associated with shear, {thereby producing} a k1\sim k^{-1} spectrum for the {total energy} with the 2D modes still following a {k5/3\sim k_{\perp}^{-5/3}} scaling