538 research outputs found

    On the Phase-Space Volume of Primordial Cosmological Perturbations

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    We show how to determine the typical phase space volume Γ\Gamma for primordial gravitational waves produced during an inflationary stage, which is invariant under squeezing. An expression for Γ\Gamma is found in the long wavelength regime. The quasi-classical entropy of a pure vacuum initial state defined as the logarithm of Γ\Gamma modulo a constant remains zero in spite of the generation of fluctuations (creation of real gravitons).Comment: LaTeX (10 pages

    Dark energy with non-adiabatic sound speed: initial conditions and detectability

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    Assuming that the universe contains a dark energy fluid with a constant linear equation of state and a constant sound speed, we study the prospects of detecting dark energy perturbations using CMB data from Planck, cross-correlated with galaxy distribution maps from a survey like LSST. We update previous estimates by carrying a full exploration of the mock data likelihood for key fiducial models. We find that it will only be possible to exclude values of the sound speed very close to zero, while Planck data alone is not powerful enough for achieving any detection, even with lensing extraction. We also discuss the issue of initial conditions for dark energy perturbations in the radiation and matter epochs, generalizing the usual adiabatic conditions to include the sound speed effect. However, for most purposes, the existence of attractor solutions renders the perturbation evolution nearly independent of these initial conditions.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, version accepted in JCA

    On the Entropy and the Density Matrix of Cosmological Perturbations

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    We look at the transition to the semiclassical behaviour and the decoherence process for the inhomogeneous perturbations in the inflationary universe. Two different decoherence mechanisms appear: one dynamical, accompanied with a negligible, if at all, entropy gain, and the other, effectively irreversible dephasing, due to a rapid variation in time of the off-diagonal density matrix elements in the post-inflationary epoch. We thus settle the discrepancies in the entropy content of perturbations evaluated by different authors.Comment: LaTeX2e with the epsf packag

    Cosmology of the Randall-Sundrum model after dilaton stabilization

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    We provide the first complete analysis of cosmological evolution in the Randall-Sundrum model with stabilized dilaton. We give the exact expansion law for matter densities on the two branes with arbitrary equations of state. The effective four-dimensional theory leads to standard cosmology at low energy. The limit of validity of the low energy theory and possible deviations from the ordinary expansion law in the high energy regime are finally discussed

    Goldberger-Wise variations: stabilizing brane models with a bulk scalar

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    Braneworld scenarios with compact extra-dimensions need the volume of the extra space to be stabilized. Goldberger and Wise have introduced a simple mechanism, based on the presence of a bulk scalar field, able to stabilize the radius of the Randall-Sundrum model. Here, we transpose the same mechanism to generic single-brane and two-brane models, with one extra dimension and arbitrary scalar potentials in the bulk and on the branes. The single-brane construction turns out to be always unstable, independently of the bulk and brane potentials. In the case of two branes, we derive some generic criteria ensuring the stabilization or destabilization of the system.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. 1 figure and one subsection added. version published on PR

    Realistic sterile neutrino dark matter with keV mass does not contradict cosmological bounds

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    Previous fits of sterile neutrino dark matter models to cosmological data assumed a peculiar production mechanism, which is not representative of the best-motivated particle physics models given current data on neutrino oscillations. These analyses ruled out sterile neutrino masses smaller than 8-10 keV. Here we focus on sterile neutrinos produced resonantly. We show that their cosmological signature can be approximated by that of mixed Cold plus Warm Dark Matter (CWDM). We use recent results on LambdaCWDM models to show that for each mass greater than or equal to 2 keV, there exists at least one model of sterile neutrino accounting for the totality of dark matter, and consistent with Lyman-alpha and other cosmological data. Resonant production occurs in the framework of the nuMSM (the extension of the Standard Model with three right-handed neutrinos). The models we checked to be allowed correspond to parameter values consistent with neutrino oscillation data, baryogenesis and all other dark matter bounds.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Current cosmological bounds on neutrino masses and relativistic relics

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    We combine the most recent observations of large-scale structure (2dF and SDSS galaxy surveys) and cosmic microwave anisotropies (WMAP and ACBAR) to put constraints on flat cosmological models where the number of massive neutrinos and of massless relativistic relics are both left arbitrary. We discuss the impact of each dataset and of various priors on our bounds. For the standard case of three thermalized neutrinos, we find an upper bound on the total neutrino mass sum m_nu < 1.0 (resp. 0.6) eV (at 2sigma), using only CMB and LSS data (resp. including priors from supernovae data and the HST Key Project), a bound that is quite insensitive to the splitting of the total mass between the three species. When the total number of neutrinos or relativistic relics N_eff is left free, the upper bound on sum m_nu (at 2sigma, including all priors) ranges from 1.0 to 1.5 eV depending on the mass splitting. We provide an explanation of the parameter degeneracy that allows larger values of the masses when N_eff increases. Finally, we show that the limit on the total neutrino mass is not significantly modified in the presence of primordial gravitational waves, because current data provide a clear distinction between the corresponding effects.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Optimising Boltzmann codes for the Planck era

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    High precision measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies, as can be expected from the Planck satellite, will require high-accuracy theoretical predictions as well. One possible source of theoretical uncertainty is the numerical error in the output of the Boltzmann codes used to calculate angular power spectra. In this work, we carry out an extensive study of the numerical accuracy of the public Boltzmann code CAMB, and identify a set of parameters which determine the error of its output. We show that at the current default settings, the cosmological parameters extracted from data of future experiments like Planck can be biased by several tenths of a standard deviation for the six parameters of the standard Lambda-CDM model, and potentially more seriously for extended models. We perform an optimisation procedure that leads the code to achieve sufficient precision while at the same time keeping the computation time within reasonable limits. Our conclusion is that the contribution of numerical errors to the theoretical uncertainty of model predictions is well under control -- the main challenges for more accurate calculations of CMB spectra will be of an astrophysical nature instead.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Neutrinos and Future Concordance Cosmologies

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    We review the free parameters in the concordance cosmology, and those which might be added to this set as the quality of astrophysical data improves. Most concordance parameters encode information about otherwise unexplored aspects of high energy physics, up to the GUT scale via the "inflationary sector," and possibly even the Planck scale in the case of dark energy. We explain how neutrino properties may be constrained by future astrophysical measurements. Conversely, future neutrino physics experiments which directly measure these parameters will remove uncertainty from fits to astrophysical data, and improve our ability to determine the global properties of our universe.Comment: Proceedings of paper given at Neutrino 2008 meeting (by RE

    Probing interactions within the dark matter sector via extra radiation contributions

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    The nature of dark matter is one of the most thrilling riddles for both cosmology and particle physics nowadays. While in the typical models the dark sector is composed only by weakly interacting massive particles, an arguably more natural scenario would include a whole set of gauge interactions which are invisible for the standard model but that are in contact with the dark matter. We present a method to constrain the number of massless gauge bosons and other relativistic particles that might be present in the dark sector using current and future cosmic microwave background data, and provide upper bounds on the size of the dark sector. We use the fact that the dark matter abundance depends on the strength of the interactions with both sectors, which allows one to relate the freeze-out temperature of the dark matter with the temperature of this cosmic background of dark gauge bosons. This relation can then be used to calculate how sizable is the impact of the relativistic dark sector in the number of degrees of freedom of the early Universe, providing an interesting and testable connection between cosmological data and direct/indirect detection experiments. The recent Planck data, in combination with other cosmic microwave background experiments and baryonic acoustic oscillations data, constrains the number of relativistic dark gauge bosons, when the freeze-out temperature of the dark matter is larger than the top mass, to be N<14 for the simplest scenarios, while those limits are slightly relaxed for the combination with the Hubble constant measurements to N<20. Future releases of Planck data are expected to reduce the uncertainty by approximately a factor of 3, which will reduce significantly the parameter space of allowed models
