210 research outputs found

    Padded assumptions: A critical discourse analysis of patriarchal menstruation discourse

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    In 2015, Rupi Kaur’s photography project featuring a menstruating woman was censored on Instagram, a photo sharing social media platform. The menstruation censorship created a surge in public media discourse about what is and is not appropriate to discuss about menstruation. Menstruation communication is often discrete or invisible in dominant discourse and focuses of medicalization rather than the social norms of “performing menstruation”. This thesis explores menstruation communication in public media discourse and examines how it empowers and disempowers the menstruating female body. Themes including the everyday language of menstruation, patriarchal censorship of women’s bodies, shame and stigma in menstruation discourse, and medical ideology and essentialization are examined. Recommendations for future research suggest inclusive approaches to women’s health research and expanding research approaches to women’s health care research and studies on menstruation

    Securities Issues in Financing an Emerging Business - A Practical Guide When Raising Capital

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    The Personal Noise Reducer

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    Cash Flow: Misleading Connotations of Dividend Distributions

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    It is not often that a new term of art comes into use in a particular field of law with the effect of simultaneously changing the face of a booming industry and testing the adequacy of an important field of federal regulatory activity. Yet the term cash flow, of relatively recent importance in the real estate industry, has cast in a new light old questions about permissible sources of corporate distributions to shareholders, and given currency to new and revolutionary criteria of enterprise valuation. More important, the practice of measuring distributions by cash flow rather than by net income can be both misleading and susceptible of fraudulent manipulation. These possibilities in turn suggest the desirability of re-examining the disclosure philosophy underlying federal securities regulation, particularly the Securities Act of 1933

    Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan Pada Ny.S.N Di Puskesmas Batakte Kecamatan Kupang barat Tanggal 19 Februari – 20 Mei Tahun 2019

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    Menurut data dari Dinkes NTT tahun 2014 dan 2015 AKI cenderung menurun. Jumlah AKI tahun 2014 159/100.000 kelahiran hidup. Jumlah AKI tahun 2015 81/1000.000 kelahiran hidup. Di puskesmas Batakte Puskesmas Batakte 411 orang. Cakupan K1 murni sebanyak 368 orang atau 89,5% cakupan K4 sebanyak 199 orang atau 48,4% dari target 100%, maka pelayanan K4 ibu hamil di Puskesmas Batakte terlihat belum memuaskan. Bila dibandingkan dengan K1 maka K4 mengalami Droup Out (DO) 41,1%, Salah satu penyebab kematian ibu selain dari perdarahan, pre-eklamsia dan eklamsia, juga disebabkan karena KEK dan anemia. Peran bidan sangat diperlukan dalam upaya menurunkan angka kejadian anemia dan KEK melalui program promosi kesehatan edukasi gizi yang tepat untuk ibu hamil. Dengan dilakukan asuhan kebidanan yang berkelanjutan pada ibu hamil trimester III sampai KB diharapkan dapat menurunkan AKI dan AKB di Indonesia serta tercapai kesehatan Ibu dan Anak yang optimal. Tujuan Penelitian: Mampu melakukan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan pada ibu hamil trimester III, ibu bersalin, BBL, ibu nifas, dan asuhan KB pada Ny. S.N umur 29 tahun G3P2A0AH2 Usia Kehamilan 31 minggu 1 hari janin tunggal hidup dengan Kekurangan Energi Kronik dan Anem ia Ringan. Metode: Jenis studi kasus yang digunakan metode kualitatif, subjek studi kasus ialah Ny S.N G3P2A0AH2di Puskesmas Batakte, teknik pengumpulam data menggunakan data primer yang meliputi pemeriksaan fisik, wawancara, dan observasi sedangkan data sekunder meliputi kepustakaan dan studi dokumentasi.Hasil: Setelah dilakukan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan pada Ny.S.N penulis mendapatkan hasil dimana pada kehamilan ibu melakukan kunjungan sesuai anjuran dan dalam memberikan asuhan Ny.S.N kooperatif , dalam memberikan asuhan kala II sampai kala IV persalinan tidak ada penyulit dan prosesnya berjalan normal, pada kunjungan nifas dan bayi baru lahir berjalan normal dan tidak terdapat penyulit. Simpulan: Setelah dilakukan asuhan kebidanan secara berkelanjutan keadaan pasien mulai membaik sampai pada bayi baru lahi

    The Impact of Video Conference on Orthopaedic Resident Education: A Survey

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    Background: Covid and required social distancing has accelerated the use of video conferencing. We hypothesized that residents and faculty would be less receptive to the video lecture format and prefer traditional didactic methods. Methods: A 16-question anonymous survey was distributed nationally to orthopaedic residents and faculty. The survey collected basic demographic information such as, level in training, gender, and age. We then asked the respondent to rate their agreement or disagreement with 8 statements on a Likert scale (1-5) about video conferencing regarding orthopedic education. Likert scale responses were evaluated using basic descriptive statistics. Respondents were divided into groups of faculty and residents. Residents were subdivided into junior residents (PGY-1s and PGY-2s) and senior residents (PGY-3s, PGY-4s, and PGY-5s). A Wilcoxon rank sum test was used for the Likert scale type questions and a Fisher’s exact test was used for the pros/cons questions to evaluate for a difference in responses between groups. Results: A total of 123 residents or faculty responded to the survey. One was excluded because only the demographics section was completed, leaving 122 respondents. Respondents were found to prefer the traditional didactics compared to the new virtual format (p Conclusions: Orthopaedic residents and faculty do not prefer the new virtual didactic format compared to the traditional approach. Level of Evidence: Level IV Cross-Sectional Stud

    A diversidade como ponte para o diálogo sobre sexualidade: possibilidades para o Ensino de Ciências

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Ciências Biológicas.Discutir sobre gênero, sexualidade e violência no ambiente escolar é uma questão desafiadora, urgente e necessária para combater as desigualdades de gênero ainda presentes em nossa sociedade. A desigualdade de gênero está diretamente relacionada a diversos problemas sociais, como diferenças no acesso à educação, à saúde, à segurança e ao trabalho. Dados recentes apontam que 84,5% da população brasileira têm algum tipo de preconceito contra as mulheres. Além disso, a Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE) indicou que 14,6% das/dos escolares de 13 a 17 anos já sofreu algum tipo de violência sexual. Tendo em vista o tempo em que as pessoas passam na escola, o seu papel em transmitir o saber historicamente acumulado e o seu potencial de transformação da realidade, ela se torna um lugar de destaque para a implementação de programas educacionais que visem o desenvolvimento integral das pessoas, numa perspectiva de empoderamento coletivo e individual, e que englobe a Educação em Saúde e, em especial, a Educação Sexual. Nessa perspectiva, torna-se fundamental que a Educação Sexual seja efetivamente inserida nos currículos escolares, de forma intencional, transdisciplinar, conforme previsto nos PCN. Sendo o currículo um instrumento dinâmico e central na organização do trabalho escolar, passível de transformações, é necessário que se efetive a curricularização da Educação Sexual transversalmente. Neste trabalho, mostraremos como abordar a Educação Sexual dentro do currículo formal de Ciências, com base no planejamento do professor e na BNCC, através de ações educativas que partiram das necessidades e demandas da comunidade escolar, em especial, das e dos estudantes e do professor de Ciências. Para isso, foi necessário um trabalho coletivo interdisciplinar, buscando articular tais necessidades e demandas aos conteúdos trabalhados no Ensino Fundamental. Além disso, foi importante estabelecer com as turmas uma relação de trocas, baseada na afetividade, no diálogo, no respeito e na confiança. Também discutiremos que as/os profissionais da educação precisam receber um treinamento adequado (formação continuada), visando a desmistificação e o desenvolvimento da autonomia perante a Educação Sexual. O trabalho coletivo aliado à escuta ativa e ao diálogo abrem brechas para a realização de ações de Educação Sexual no Ensino de Ciências que incentivam a valorização da diversidade, da igualdade e da equidade de gênero e do respeito.Discussing gender, sexuality and violence in school is a challenging, urgent subject and it's needed to fight gender inequality that is still present in our society. Gender inequality is directly related to many social problems, like differences in the access to education, healthcare, safety and work. Recent data show that 84.5% of the Brazilian population has some kind of prejudice against women. Also, National data indicate that 14.6% of students aged 13 to 17 have already suffered some sexual violence. In addition, in Florianópolis, 14.8% of adolescents do not practice safe sex. Thus, it is clear that adolescents are a vulnerable and high-risk group for STI infection. Since this group is mostly educated (99.7% in the 6 to 14 age group, and 89.2% in the 15 to 17 age group), the school becomes a prominent place for educational programs’ implementation for people’s integral development from a perspective of collective and individual empowerment that encompasses the Health Education and, specifically, Sexual Education. Therefore, it is fundamental that Sexual Education be effectively inserted into the school curricula in a transdisciplinary way, as foreseen in the PCN. Since the curriculum is a dynamic and central instrument in the school work organization and subject to transformation, it is necessary to carry out the curricularization of Sexual Education transversally. In this work, it is possible to show how to approach, through interventions and workshops, Sexual Education within the formal Science curriculum based on the competencies and skills recommended by the BNCC for the 7th year of Elementary School and also, to the curriculum in action from the needs and demands of the school community, in particular, the students and collaborating teacher. Thus, an interdisciplinary collective work was necessary to articulate such needs and demands of the students to the contents worked in Elementary Education. In addition, it was significant to establish an exchange relationship with the classes based on affection, dialogue, respect, and trust. Also, it was possible to discuss that education professionals receive adequate training (continued education) to demystify and develop autonomy regarding Sexual Education. Collective work, combined with active listening and dialogue, opens gaps for developing Sexual Education actions in Science Teaching that encourage diversity appreciation, gender equality, equity, and respect


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    This research aims to determine the effect of tourist object quality on the interest of tourists visiting the archipelago in the Oesapa Colorful Beach. This research uses the quality of attractions as an independent variable and the interest of visiting tourists as the dependent variable. The research was conducted using a quantitative approach using incidental sampling with a total sample of 96 people. Collecting data in the field using a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. The analysis technique in this study uses Simple Linear Regression Analysis techniques, Pearson Correlation Coefficient Test (r)Determination Coefficient Test (R2) and Hypothesis Test using t test. Simple Linear Regression Analysis Results produce an equation: Y = 6.199 + 0.265 so that the results of the description show the quality of attractions has a positive effect on tourist visiting interests. Significance value 0,000 <probability 0.05 and tcount 11.812> t table 1.986, the hypothesis is accepted meaning that the quality of tourist objects significantly influences the interest of tourists visiting the archipelago in the Colorful Coast Oesapa.   Keywords: Quality of Attraction, Visiting Interes

    O atum em Portugal de 1896-2011: contributos para a sua história ambiental, ecológica e económica

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    Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Ecologia e Gestão Ambiental). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2013Desde a antiguidade, a pesca do atum tem vindo a ser realizada em várias zonas do mundo, sendo geralmente uma captura local e costeira. A referência mais antiga de que há conhecimento na costa portuguesa, data do século II, praticada por romanos. Esta, terá sido uma das primeiras indústrias a desenvolver-se em Portugal, mais concretamente no litoral algarvio. Atualmente, são cinco as espécies de atum que acorrem junto da nossa costa. Representando cerca de 10% das capturas ao nível mundial, o atum tem sido explorado ao longo do tempo, sem nunca ter sido considerada a correlação entre o seu valor ecológico e económico. Segundo o Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), entre 1896 e 2011, foram capturadas mais de 100.000 toneladas de atuns em Portugal. Devido à sobre exploração e às possíveis alterações ambientais, o número de atuns capturados tem diminuído, mas o valor anual da sua pesca descarregada em Portugal é agora de 25 milhões de euros, quando há 10 anos era de apenas 10 milhões. O fato da rota migratória de várias espécies de atum passarem junto da costa continental portuguesa contribuiu para o estabelecimento e desenvolvimento histórico desta atividade no nosso país, que continua, ainda hoje, a ser muito importante em termos culturais, sociais e económicos. Atualmente, existem novos constrangimentos ecológicos que se sobrepõem, ainda que a pesca de atum em Portugal esteja suportada por interesses económicos internacionais. Sendo o atum um produto bastante rentável, as políticas de regulamentação e conservação existentes podem não ser suficientes para a manutenção da sustentabilidade das espécies.Since the Classical Antiquity, tuna fishing activities have been performed in various parts of the world, being generally a local and coastal capture. The earliest reference known in the Portuguese coast is for the 2nd century, practiced by the Romans. This was one of the first industries to be developed in Portugal, more specifically in the Algarve coast. Currently, there are five species of tuna that occurs along the Portuguese coast. Representing about 10% of the worldwide catches, the tuna has been exploited over time without any type of correlation between its ecological and economic value as ever been considered as well as the sustainability of natural populations in the marine environment. According to Portuguese national statistics (INE), between 1896 and 2011 more than 100.000 tons of tuna were captured in Portugal. However, due to overexploitation, and possibly to environmental changes, the number of tuna caught has significantly decreased over time. Anyhow, the low environmental availability and the consequently low market supply have caused the current value of its annual catch in Portugal to attain 25 million Euros, while ten years ago was equivalent to 10 million Euros. The fact that the migratory route of several species of tuna migrate along the Portuguese mainland coasts contributed to the historical establishment and development of this activity in our country which, still today, continues to be very important in terms of cultural, social and economic. Currently, there are new ecological constraints that overlap, although fishing tuna in Portugal is supported by international economic interests. Because tuna is a product quite profitable, regulation policies and conservation may not be sufficient to keep the sustainability of the species