13 research outputs found

    The Future of IMF studies with the ELT and MICADO I: The local Universe as a resolved IMF laboratory

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    Aims. In this work we aim to estimate the lowest stellar mass that MICADO at the ELT will be able to reliably detect given a stellar density and distance. We also show that instrumental effects that will play a critical role, and report the number of young clusters that will be accessible for IMF studies in the local Universe with the ELT. Methods. We used SimCADO, the instrument simulator package for the MICADO camera, to generate observations of 56 dense stellar regions with densities similar to the cores of young stellar clusters. We placed the cluster fields at distances between 8 kpc and 5 Mpc from the Earth, implying core densities from 10^2 to 10^5 stars arcsec^-2, and determined the lowest reliably observable mass for each stellar field through point-spread function (PSF) fitting photometry. Results. Our results show that stellar densities of <10^3 stars arcsec^-2 will be easily resolvable by MICADO. The lowest reliably observable mass in the Large Magellanic Cloud will be around 0.1 Msun for clusters with densities <10^3 stars arcsec^-2. MICADO will be able to access the stellar content of the cores of all dense young stellar clusters in the Magellanic Clouds, allowing the peak and shape of the IMF to be studied in great detail outside the Milky Way. At a distance of 2 Mpc, all stars with M > 2 Msun will be resolved in fields of <10^4 stars arcsec^-2 , allowing the high-mass end of the IMF to be studied in all galaxies out to and including NGC300.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    SimCADO - an instrument data simulator package for MICADO at the E-ELT

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    MICADO will be the first-light wide-field imager for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) and will provide difiraction limited imaging (7mas at 1.2mm) over a ~53 arcsecond field of view. In order to support various consortium activities we have developed a first version of SimCADO: an instrument simulator for MICADO. SimCADO uses the results of the detailed simulation efforts conducted for each of the separate consortium-internal work packages in order to generate a model of the optical path from source to detector readout. SimCADO is thus a tool to provide scientific context to both the science and instrument development teams who are ultimately responsible for the final design and future capabilities of the MICADO instrument. Here we present an overview of the inner workings of SimCADO and outline our plan for its further development.Comment: to appear in Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, eds. Evans C., Simard L., Takami H., Proc. SPIE vol. 9908 id 73; 201

    SimCADO - a Python Package for Simulating Detector Output for MICADO at the E-ELT

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    SimCADO is the instrument data simulation software for the E-ELT's near-infrared wide-field imaging camera - MICADO. Written in Python, SimCADO allows the user to simulate possible future observations of astronomical objects with the 39m European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). In these proceedings we present a brief introduction into how to use SimCADO

    SimCADO - a Python Package for Simulating Detector Output for MICADO at the E-ELT

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    SimCADO is the instrument data simulation software for the E-ELT's near-infrared wide-field imaging camera - MICADO. Written in Python, SimCADO allows the user to simulate possible future observations of astronomical objects with the 39m European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). In these proceedings we present a brief introduction into how to use SimCADO

    3D shape of Orion A from Gaia DR2

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    Reproduced with permission from Astronomy & Astrophysics. © 2018 ESO.We use the Gaia DR2 distances of about 700 mid-infrared selected young stellar objects in the benchmark giant molecular cloud Orion A to infer its 3D shape and orientation. We find that Orion A is not the fairly straight filamentary cloud that we see in (2D) projection, but instead a cometary-like cloud oriented toward the Galactic plane, with two distinct components: a denser and enhanced star-forming (bent) Head, and a lower density and star-formation quieter ~75 pc long Tail. The true extent of Orion A is not the projected ~40 pc but ~90 pc, making it by far the largest molecular cloud in the local neighborhood. Its aspect ratio (~30:1) and high column-density fraction (~45%) make it similar to large-scale Milky Way filaments ("bones"), despite its distance to the galactic mid-plane being an order of magnitude larger than typically found for these structures.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    VISIONS:the VISTA Star Formation Atlas I. Survey overview

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    VISIONS is an ESO public survey of five nearby (d &lt; 500 pc) star-forming molecular cloud complexes that are canonically associated with the constellations of Chamaeleon, Corona Australis, Lupus, Ophiuchus, and Orion. The survey was carried out with the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA), using the VISTA Infrared Camera (VIRCAM), and collected data in the near-infrared passbands J (1.25 μm), H (1.65 μm), and KS (2.15 μm). With a total on-sky exposure time of 49.4h VISIONS covers an area of 650 deg2, it is designed to build an infrared legacy archive with a structure and content similar to the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) for the screened star-forming regions. Taking place between April 2017 and March 2022, the observations yielded approximately 1.15 million images, which comprise 19 TB of raw data. The observations undertaken within the survey are grouped into three different subsurveys. First, the wide subsurvey comprises shallow, large-scale observations and it has revisited the star-forming complexes six times over the course of its execution. Second, the deep subsurvey of dedicated high-sensitivity observations has collected data on areas with the largest amounts of dust extinction. Third, the control subsurvey includes observations of areas of low-to-negligible dust extinction. Using this strategy, the VISIONS observation program offers multi-epoch position measurements, with the ability to access deeply embedded objects, and it provides a baseline for statistical comparisons and sample completeness – all at the same time. In particular, VISIONS is designed to measure the proper motions of point sources, with a precision of 1 mas yr−1 or better, when complemented with data from the VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS). In this way, VISIONS can provide proper motions of complete ensembles of embedded and low-mass objects, including sources inaccessible to the optical ESA Gaia mission. VISIONS will enable the community to address a variety of research topics from a more informed perspective, including the 3D distribution and motion of embedded stars and the nearby interstellar medium, the identification and characterization of young stellar objects, the formation and evolution of embedded stellar clusters and their initial mass function, as well as the characteristics of interstellar dust and the reddening law

    VISIONS:the VISTA Star Formation Atlas I. Survey overview

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    VISIONS is an ESO public survey of five nearby (d &lt; 500 pc) star-forming molecular cloud complexes that are canonically associated with the constellations of Chamaeleon, Corona Australis, Lupus, Ophiuchus, and Orion. The survey was carried out with the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA), using the VISTA Infrared Camera (VIRCAM), and collected data in the near-infrared passbands J (1.25 μm), H (1.65 μm), and KS (2.15 μm). With a total on-sky exposure time of 49.4h VISIONS covers an area of 650 deg2, it is designed to build an infrared legacy archive with a structure and content similar to the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) for the screened star-forming regions. Taking place between April 2017 and March 2022, the observations yielded approximately 1.15 million images, which comprise 19 TB of raw data. The observations undertaken within the survey are grouped into three different subsurveys. First, the wide subsurvey comprises shallow, large-scale observations and it has revisited the star-forming complexes six times over the course of its execution. Second, the deep subsurvey of dedicated high-sensitivity observations has collected data on areas with the largest amounts of dust extinction. Third, the control subsurvey includes observations of areas of low-to-negligible dust extinction. Using this strategy, the VISIONS observation program offers multi-epoch position measurements, with the ability to access deeply embedded objects, and it provides a baseline for statistical comparisons and sample completeness – all at the same time. In particular, VISIONS is designed to measure the proper motions of point sources, with a precision of 1 mas yr−1 or better, when complemented with data from the VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS). In this way, VISIONS can provide proper motions of complete ensembles of embedded and low-mass objects, including sources inaccessible to the optical ESA Gaia mission. VISIONS will enable the community to address a variety of research topics from a more informed perspective, including the 3D distribution and motion of embedded stars and the nearby interstellar medium, the identification and characterization of young stellar objects, the formation and evolution of embedded stellar clusters and their initial mass function, as well as the characteristics of interstellar dust and the reddening law