150 research outputs found

    Implications of macro-areal linguistics

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    Implications of macro-areal linguisticsUsing the examples of some Balkan words with a difficult etymology, we attempt to show the possibilities for and implications of applying a macro-areal linguistic perspective to establish a wider view of the linguistic and cultural history of a region. Implikacje językoznawstwa makroarealnegoNa przykładzie niektórych bałkańskich słów o skomplikowanej etymologii autorka dokonuje próby pokazania możliwości i potencjału badawczego perspektywy makroarealnej. W każdym wypadku daje ona głębszy wgląd w historię, rozwój językowy i kulturowy tego regionu

    Die Bienenzucht im Balkanraum – zu Mythologie und Etymologie

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    In Southeastern Europe the bee played a central role as a mythological being in ancient times. Very old traditions connected to beekeeping have been preserved right up to the present day. This applies to the material culture as well as the domain of popular beliefs. After tracing the roots and history of beekeeping in Ancient Greece, Bulgaria and Romania, using examples of words belonging to the semantic field of beekeeping we show its etymological complexity, while commenting on word origins, derivational processes and semantic developments

    Altertümliche Termini der rumänischen Viehzucht slavischer Herkunft

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    Archaic Animal Husbandry Terminology of Slavic Origin in the Romanian LanguageThis article analyses a number of Romanian dialectal words and expressions associated with: (1) coat colours of farm animals, like ‘black’, ‘pied’, ‘spotted white’, ‘piebald’ and ‘light brown’; and (2) different types of sheep earmarks. The study indicates that many archaic terms used to denote these meanings are Slavic in origin. In some cases, the very phonetics of the Romanian words in question proves beyond doubt that they are early borrowings from the Proto-Slavic language. Archaiczna rumuńska terminologia hodowlana pochodzenia słowiańskiegoArtykuł poddaje analizie szereg dialektalnych rumuńskich słów i wyrażeń oznaczających (1) maści zwierząt hodowlanych, np. ‘czarna’, ‘pstra’, ‘biała nakrapiana’, ‘łaciata’, ‘jasnobrązowa’ oraz (2) rodzajów piętn na uszach owiec. Archaiczne terminy używane na określenie tych znaczeń w rumuńskich dialektach mają nierzadko pochodzenie słowiańskie. W niektórych przypadkach już sama fonetyka rozpatrywanego słowa bezspornie dowodzi, że jest ono wczesną pożyczką z języka prasłowiańskiego

    Latin tree names and the European substratum

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    Generally, we can observe in European languages a high percentage of plant names among the words with unclear etymology. Many designations for plants – like for trees – derive from pre-Indo-European languages. Latin tree names are in most cases far from an unambiguous etymological assignment

    The Algebraic Image of the Asymmetric Top.

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    The algebraic realization of the quantum mechanical rotor by the SU(3) (---\u3e) SO(3) algebra is investigated. It is shown that a hamiltonian built from rotationally invariant functions of SU(3) generators reproduces the eigenvalues of the rotor hamiltonian. The equivalence of both models is established also for the quadrupole transition rates and the D(,2) symmetry of the rotor. The relation between the SU(3) (---\u3e) SO(3) algebra and the nuclear shell model allows therefore a microscopic interpretation of rotational motion as a many-particle effect

    Semantische Entwicklungen bulgarischer Turzismen

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    Using the example of Bulgarian colloquial words with a Turkish origin, we trace their semantic development, taking the semantics of the etymon as a starting point and analyze the meaning of this loan in Bulgarian and in some of the neighbouring languages, such as Rumanian, Greek, Albanian and Serbian. For this purpose, we look at the following Bulgarian words: bakšìš, beljà, bìča, bimbàec, brakmà, čarăkčìja, čaršilìja, češìt, džumbušlìja, fukarà, gèle, git, kušìja, manàf, mušamà, siktìr, tajfà, and their derivatives. Besides written lexicographical sources we also use authentic material from sociolinguistic interviews (using the methodological approach, as described in Leschber 2007: 42f.). In doing this, we can show the embodiment/ rootedness of these words in traditional customs, in the history, slang, and complex loan history of every single word, as their semantic development is often rather independent from the original meaning of the lexical loan

    Implications of macro-areal linguistics

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    Implications of macro-areal linguisticsUsing the examples of some Balkan words with a difficult etymology, we attempt to show the possibilities for and implications of applying a macro-areal linguistic perspective to establish a wider view of the linguistic and cultural history of a region. Implikacje językoznawstwa makroarealnegoNa przykładzie niektórych bałkańskich słów o skomplikowanej etymologii autorka dokonuje próby pokazania możliwości i potencjału badawczego perspektywy makroarealnej. W każdym wypadku daje ona głębszy wgląd w historię, rozwój językowy i kulturowy tego regionu

    Pseudo SU(3) shell model: Normal parity bands in odd-mass nuclei

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    A pseudo shell SU(3) model description of normal parity bands in 159-Tb is presented. The Hamiltonian includes spherical Nilsson single-particle energies, the quadrupole-quadrupole and pairing interactions, as well as three rotor terms. A systematic parametrization is introduced, accompained by a detailed discussion of the effect each term in the Hamiltonian has on the energy spectrum. Yrast and excited band wavefunctions are analyzed together with their B(E2) values.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    Effects of Pairing in the Pseudo-SU(3) Model

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    An extended version of the pseudo-SU(3) model which includes both spin and proton-neutron degrees of freedom is used to study the influence of the pairing interaction on K-band mixing, B(E2) values and quadrupole moments. Using the asymmetric rotor model as a backdrop, specific consequences of a many-particle shell-model based description of these collective properties are demonstrated and fundamental limits of the collective model's approach are investigated. Finally, the pseudo-SU(3) model, including representation mixing induced by pairing, is used to calculate the energies of 140Ce and the results are compared to experimental data and other theories.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, 11 figures available on request via mail or fax, accepted by Nucl. Phys.

    Quasi-SU(3) truncation scheme for even-even sd-shell nuclei

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    The Quasi-SU(3) symmetry was uncovered in full pf and sdg shell-model calculations for both even-even and odd-even nuclei. It manifests itself through a dominance of single-particle and quadrupole-quadrupole terms in the Hamiltonian used to describe well-deformed nuclei. A practical consequence of the quasi-SU(3) symmetry is an efficient basis truncation scheme. In a recent work was shown that when this type of Hamiltonian is diagonalized in an SU(3) basis, only a few irreducible represntations (irreps) of SU(3) are needed to describe the Yrast band, the leading S = 0 irrep augmented with the leading S = 1 irreps in the proton and neutron subspaces. In the present article the quasi-SU(3) truncation scheme is used, in conjunction with a "realistic but schematic" Hamiltonian that includes the most important multipole terms, to describe the energy spectra and B(E2) transition strengths of 20-Ne, 22-Ne, 24-Mg and 28-Si. The effect of the size of the Hilbert space on both sets of observables is discussed, as well as the structure of the Yrast band and the importance of the various terms in the Hamiltonian.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures. Submited to Nucl. Phys.