61 research outputs found

    Creating Value and Preserving Margin with Commercial Cows

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    If the object of the game is to do what one enjoys while making outstanding margin, we in the cow business have enjoyed one of the greatest opportunities in decades. Even though drought has made it an unequal distribution, and disease and politics have added considerable confusion, turning grass and other feed stuffs into marketable calves has been good. We have had challenges to enhance value for specific markets with new technologies. We have seen our aged cow and bull markets influenced heavily by border issues as well as premium meat markets disrupted by embargos and restrictions. Feed price has begun to make a major sort of production systems. However “good” calves produced in economically viable systems have been highly profitable. We have been asked to discuss how we endeavor to create and capture value in beef calf production. In summary, we attempt to maximize revenue by creating measurable or perceived value to the grow out and finishing segments, while knowing what input costs produce the greatest margin potential and reducing those costs which are not contributors. We will try to share with you some of our thoughts in these areas, while openly admitting we are learning every year and have much to do to stay competitive with this dynamic industry. I should mention that, as every production system, we operate within certain constraints and enjoy some specific opportunities in the southeast corner of Wyoming. Our diversification with both dry land and irrigated crop production puts labor constraints on the April through August time frame and summer pastures are five to two hundred miles from the headquarters. We calve heifers by the barn in January and calve cows February 1 to March 15, run the cows on cropland aftermath fall and spring, with pairs on summer pasture from April 15 to October sometime. We have high per head transportation costs but utilize trucks necessary in our crop production

    Book Review: Forensic Archaeology: the Application of Comparative Excavation Methods and Recording Systems by Laura Evis

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    This book is a rewrite of Evis’ PhD thesis compiled between October 2010 and March 2014 at Bournemouth University (University of Exeter 2017). The study was an evaluation of the archaeological excavation methods and recording systems used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australasia and North America. The evaluation specifically targeted their ability to satisfy admissibility tests introduced by the Law Commission and international bodies of law, and their ability to provide a high calibre of forensic evidence. The book is divided into eight chapters, in addition to four appendices, with figures and images throughout

    Gesinsherenigingsdienste vanuit die kinderhuis

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    Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An exploratory study was undertaken to examine the possibility of rendering family reunification services from within children's homes. The goal of the study was to make recommendations with regard to the implementation of this service by children's homes. A literature study was undertaken to investigate the effect of a child's statutory removal, examine the existing government policy regarding children and families. The theory and unique characteristics of family reunification services were also investigated. The social workers from the four children's homes in the Western Cape that are managed by a commission of the Dutch Reformed Church were involved in the empirical study. The social workers each had to complete a questionnaire regarding their opinion about the rendering of family reunification services from within the children's homes. The results showed that the majority of the social workers were in favour of the rendering of family reunification services, but they felt that it should be undertaken in conjunction with the external organizations, that referred the children to them. Several obstacles in the rendering of this service was also identified by this study. It was also found that the majority of the children in the children's homes have been there for longer than two years, which further accentuated the necessity of this service. Based on the findings of the literature study, as well as the results of the empirical study recommendations were made regarding the implementation of family reunification services as a co-operative effort between the children's homes and other relevant external organizations. These recommendations are applicable to other children's homes with cognisance of their individual differences.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: en Verkennende studie is onderneem om die moontlikheid te ondersoek vir die lewering van gesinsherenigingsdienste vanuit die kinderhuis. Die uiteindelike doel was om aanbevelings te maak ten opsigte van die implementering van hierdie diens binne die kinderhuis se werksaamhede. enLiteratuurstudie is onderneem om die effek van enkind se statutĂȘre verwydering te ondersoek, asook die staat se beleid ten opsigte van kinders en gesinne. Ondersoek is ook ingestel na die teorie en die eiesoortige kenmerke van gesinsherenigingsdienste as intervensiemetode. Die maatskaplike werkers wat werksaam is by die vier kinderhuise in die Wes- Kaap wat onder beheer van die N.G. Kerk se Sinodale Kommissie vir die Diens van Barmhartigheid staan, is in die empiriese ondersoek betrek. Die maatskaplike werkers het elkeen en vraelys voltooi om hulopinie te verkry omtrent die haalbaarheid van gesinsherenigingsdienste vanuit kinderhuise. Die resultate het getoon dat die meerderheid maatskaplike werkers positief gesind is jeens die implementering van gesinsherenigingsdienste. Hierdie diens moet volgens die respondente egter nie alleen vanuit die kinderhuis onderneem word nie, maar in spanverband met die betrokke eksterne organisasies. Verskeie hindernisse in die uitvoering van hierdie diens is identifiseer. Daar is ook bevind dat die meerderheid van die kinders in die kinderhuise vir langer as twee jaar reeds in die kinderhuis se sorg verkeer, wat die noodsaaklikheid van die diens verder beklemtoon het. Op grond van die ondersoek en die reslutate is aanbevelings gemaak ten opsigte van die implementering van gesinsherenigingsdienste vanuit die kinderhuis in samewerking met die betrokke eksterne organisasies. Die aanbevelings van hierdie ondersoek is van toepassing op kinderhuise in die algemeen met die nodige in ag neming van hul individuele verskille

    Educational preferences among residents in the ICU

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