99 research outputs found

    Dealing with phraseology in business dictionaries: focus on dictionary functions – not phrases

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    The language of written business communication is characterised by the extensive use of phraseology, not only in terms of collocations and idiomatic expressions, but also of standard phrases in prototypical business genres. In any case, the phraseological information should be included in business dictionaries (in the following referred to as BDs) in accordance with the planned dictionary functions. Hence, the selection and presentation of the phraseological information should be decided by the lexicographer on the basis of the user needs alone and not on the recommendations of the phraseological literature about lexicographical practice. In this paper, I will firstly explain why lexicography and phraseology, although closely associated in a large number of studies, are quite different disciplines, and how their shared interest for dictionary practice in general is based on radically different views. I will then discuss the dictionary functions of BDs and focus on a number of concepts featuring extensive phraseological solutions to show and argue that dealing with phraseology in BDs should always keep focus on dictionary functions

    Unificerende teksteksempler - grundlag og løsninger for tekniske oversættelsesordbøger

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    Not Business as Usual: The Lexicography of Economics in the 21st Century. Introduction to the thematic section

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    Introduction to the Thematic Section: Towards Lexicographic Authority

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    Extracting (good) discourse examples from an oral specialised corpus of wine tasting interactions

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    International audienceThis article outlines the semi-automated extraction of dictionary examples used in the compilation of a professional online dictionary of wine tasting. Named OenoLex Bourgogne, this dictionary was started to respond to the demand for a lexicographic information tool from the French wine industry of Burgundy, the Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne

    Ej blot til lyst. Konsultation og navigation i leksikografiske informationsværktøjer

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    The purpose of this article is to reassert the crucial importance of access to data in lexicographic information tools and, expanding on this, to establish the existence of two distinct lexicographic access modes – consultation and navigation. It is explained how the tools can be decalibrated when balance between user, access, and data is disturbed, and how access to data then is jeopardized. Taking online wine guides as a case in point, it is shown how such multifunctional information tools do benefit from a lexicographic design featuring both access modes

    Fra funktionsmultiplikation til funktionsreduktion – om revision af Blinkenberg & Høybye-ordbøgerne

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    Kommentar til Gunhild Dyrberg og Lilian Stages forslag til en grundig revision afBlinkenberg & Høybye-ordbøgerne, Dansk-fransk og Fransk-dansk, Kan man bruge en ordbogsartikel uden hoved og hale? Overvejelser over en ny artikelstruktur. Sprint 1, 2005. København: Copenhagen Business School, 43–61

    Bruger- og ekspertinddragelse ved udarbejdelse af online (fag)ordbøger: det kooperative princip i leksikografien

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    This article outlines the tenets of a cooperative framework between expert-users, experts and lexicographers in the construction of not only specialised, online dictionaries but also of language for general purposes dictionaries. Firstly, the article briefly explains why the topic of cooperation with experts has not attracted the attention it deserves: this is due to the side effects of what might be called general language lexicographic hegemony, in which a strong consensual focus is awarded to general language dictionaries and to knowledge of language. Secondly, the article briefly refers to a few case studies of lexicographic cooperation – and of its counterpart, absence of cooperation. Finally, a cooperation model is presented on the basis of two closely related cooperation theses. It is concluded that lexicography could benefit from a greater interest in specialised lexicography in order to adequately meet the knowledge needs of dictionary users in the modern knowledge and information society

    Ordbogseksterne henvisninger – fra belæg til funktioner

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    External References in Dictionaries – From Attestation to Functions. While there has beena lot of metalexicographical interest in the use of internal cross references in dictionaries, the useof references to texts and sources outside the dictionary has been largely ignored. The purposeof this article is threefold: Firstly to examine the general practice of external references in printedand Internet dictionaries; secondly to develop the necessary theoretical principles, and finally toestablish a set of guidelines for best practice. It is argued that external references should alwaysbe made according to the planned dictionary functions in order to provide problem-solvingdictionary solutions to specific user problems in either communication or knowledge related usersituations. The proposition defended here is that the selected external references should followthe same functional orientation as the dictionary articles from which they are derived

    ’Terminologi’ se ’leksikografi’, ’leksikografi’ se ’ordbog’

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    Anmeldt værk:Colette Cortès (red.): Des fondements théoriques de la terminologie.Cahier du C.I.E.L. 2004. Paris: Université de Paris 7 Denis Diderot,UFR E.I.L.A. [166 sider, pris € 12,-] In light of the polemic debate between terminologists and lexicographers over theyears, the relationship between terminography and specialized lexicography remainsunclear. Bergenholtz et al. 1994 were criticized by Puuronen 1995 for not applyingterminological methods and confusing terms with concepts. Ten years have passedsince then, and this article shows that some major, new contributions reviewed hereindicate that the debate – and the criticism – are now obsolete as there seems to be aconsensus that the complex needs of dictionary users in professional settings and incorporations should be taken into account. Here lies the best guarantee for the jointplanning of problem solving dictionary solutions. Surprisingly enough, this is moreor less exactly what E. Wüster, the founding father of terminology, also had in mind.
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