10,239 research outputs found

    A Characterization of Infinite LSP Words

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    G. Fici proved that a finite word has a minimal suffix automaton if and only if all its left special factors occur as prefixes. He called LSP all finite and infinite words having this latter property. We characterize here infinite LSP words in terms of SS-adicity. More precisely we provide a finite set of morphisms SS and an automaton A{\cal A} such that an infinite word is LSP if and only if it is SS-adic and all its directive words are recognizable by A{\cal A}

    Magnetic Field-Vector Measurements in Quiescent Prominences via the Hanle Effect: Analysis of Prominences Observed at Pic-Du-Midi and at Sacramento Peak

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    The Hanle effect method for magnetic field vector diagnostics has now provided results on the magnetic field strength and direction in quiescent prominences, from linear polarization measurements in the He I E sub 3 line, performed at the Pic-du-Midi and at Sacramento Peak. However, there is an inescapable ambiguity in the field vector determination: each polarization measurement provides two field vector solutions symmetrical with respect to the line-of-sight. A statistical analysis capable of solving this ambiguity was applied to the large sample of prominences observed at the Pic-du-Midi (Leroy, et al., 1984); the same method of analysis applied to the prominences observed at Sacramento Peak (Athay, et al., 1983) provides results in agreement on the most probable magnetic structure of prominences; these results are detailed. The statistical results were confirmed on favorable individual cases: for 15 prominences observed at Pic-du-Midi, the two-field vectors are pointing on the same side of the prominence, and the alpha angles are large enough with respect to the measurements and interpretation inaccuracies, so that the field polarity is derived without any ambiguity

    Copyright and Federalism: Why State Waiver of Sovereign Immunity is the Best Remedy for State Copyright Infringement

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    When a photographer intentionally takes a picture of a subject, or a writer puts a story to paper, the resulting works are protected by copyright. That protection is bolstered after the authors register their works with the Copyright Office. All private parties, from individuals to corporations, can be sued for infringing on the work should they use it without pay or permission. However, what happens when the infringer is not a private party? What happens when the state or a state entity is the infringer? What happens when a public university decides to use a copyright owner’s work without pay or permission? Can the copyright owner seek damages from the university for infringement? If not, then how can a copyright owner recover damages for state infringement? Until recently, the answer was that copyright owners could obtain damages from the university for copyright infringement under the Copyright Remedies Clarification Act, 17 U.S.C. §511, but in Allen v. Cooper, the United States Supreme Court held the Act unconstitutional in part because there was not enough evidence of state infringement to support waiving sovereign immunity. Now the question has no clear answer. While some state cases have copyright owners attempting to obtain damages through alternative means, there does not seem to be an easy way for copyright owners to obtain monetary relief for state copyright infringement. National legislation could be proposed once again, but how well would that fair against the Court’s current precedent? Would it be better to ask the states to waive immunity themselves? Monetary remedies for wrongs should be available, even when the wrong is committed by the state or its entities. The issue is finding a way around sovereign immunity. Sometimes the way around sovereign immunity is by using federalism

    Influence of positional correlations on the propagation of waves in a complex medium with polydisperse resonant scatterers

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    We present experimental results on a model system for studying wave propagation in a complex medium exhibiting low frequency resonances. These experiments enable us to investigate a fundamental question that is relevant for many materials, such as metamaterials, where low-frequency scattering resonances strongly influence the effective medium properties. This question concerns the effect of correlations in the positions of the scatterers on the coupling between their resonances, and hence on wave transport through the medium. To examine this question experimentally, we measure the effective medium wave number of acoustic waves in a sample made of bubbles embedded in an elastic matrix over a frequency range that includes the resonance frequency of the bubbles. The effective medium is highly dispersive, showing peaks in the attenuation and the phase velocity as functions of the frequency, which cannot be accurately described using the Independent Scattering Approximation (ISA). This discrepancy may be explained by the effects of the positional correlations of the scatterers, which we show to be dependent on the size of the scatterers. We propose a self-consistent approach for taking this "polydisperse correlation" into account and show that our model better describes the experimental results than the ISA

    Recreation and the Zebra Mussel in Lake Erie, Ohio

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    A new look at the Plebanski-Demianski family of solutions

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    The Plebanski-Demianski metric, and those that can be obtained from it by taking coordinate transformations in certain limits, include the complete family of space-times of type D with an aligned electromagnetic field and a possibly non-zero cosmological constant. Starting with a new form of the line element which is better suited both for physical interpretation and for identifying different subfamilies, we review this entire family of solutions. Our metric for the expanding case explicitly includes two parameters which represent the acceleration of the sources and the twist of the repeated principal null congruences, the twist being directly related to both the angular velocity of the sources and their NUT-like properties. The non-expanding type D solutions are also identified. All special cases are derived in a simple and transparent way.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Photoassociation of a cold atom-molecule pair: long-range quadrupole-quadrupole interactions

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    The general formalism of the multipolar expansion of electrostatic interactions is applied to the calculation the potential energy between an excited atom (without fine structure) and a ground state diatomic molecule at large separations. Both partners exhibit a permanent quadrupole moment, so that their mutual quadrupole-quadrupole long-range interaction is attractive enough to bind trimers. Numerical results are given for an excited Cs(6P) atom and a ground state Cs2 molecule. The prospects for achieving photoassociation of a cold atom/dimer pair is thus discussed and found promising. The formalism can be easily generalized to the long-range interaction between molecules to investigate the formation of cold tetramers.Comment: 5 figure

    Optical Linear Polarization of Late M- and L-Type Dwarfs

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    (Abridged). We report on the linear polarimetric observations in the Johnson I filter of 44 M6-L7.5 ultracool dwarfs (2800-1400 K). Eleven (10 L and 1 M) dwarfs appear to have significant linear polarization (P = 0.2-2.5%). We have compared the M- and L-dwarf populations finding evidence for a larger frequency of high I-band polarization in the coolest objects, supporting the presence of significant amounts of dust in L-dwarfs. The probable polarizing mechanism is related to the presence of heterogeneous dust clouds nonuniformly distributed across the visible photospheres and the asymmetric shape of the objects. In some young ultracool dwarfs, surrounding dusty disks may also yield polarization. For polarimetric detections, a trend for slightly larger polarization from L0 to L6.5 may be present in our data, suggesting changes in the distribution of the grain properties, vertical height of the clouds, metallicity, age, and rotation speed. One of our targets is the peculiar brown dwarf (BD) 2MASS J2244+20 (L6.5), which shows the largest I-band polarization degree. Its origin may lie in a surrounding dusty disk or rather large photospheric dust grains. The M7 young BD CFHT-BD-Tau 4 and the L3.5 field dwarf 2MASS J0036+18 were also observed in the Johnson R filter. Our data support the presence of a circum(sub)stellar disk around the young accreting BD. Our data also support a grain growth in the submicron regime in the visible photosphere of J0036+18 (1900 K). The polarimetric data do not obviously correlate with activity or projected rotational velocity. Three polarized early- to mid-L dwarfs display I-band light curves with amplitudes below 10 mmag.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (March 2005), 35 pages, 5 figure

    Light hadron spectroscopy on the lattice with the non-perturbatively improved Wilson action

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    We present results for the light meson masses and decay constants as obtained from calculations with the non-perturbatively improved (`Alpha') action and operators on a 24^3 \times 64 lattice at beta = 6.2, in the quenched approximation. The analysis was performed in a way consistent with O(a) improvement. We obtained: reasonable agreement with experiment for the hyperfine splitting; f_K=156(17) MeV, f_pi =139(22) MeV, f_K/f_pi = 1.13(4) ; f_{K*}=219(7) MeV, f_rho =199(15) MeV, f_phi =235(4) MeV; f_{K*}^{T}(2 GeV) = 178(10) MeV, f_rho^{T}(2 GeV) =165(11) MeV, where f_V^{T} is the coupling of the tensor current to the vector mesons; the chiral condensate ^\bar{MS} (2 GeV)= - (253 +/- 25 MeV)^3. Our results are compared to those obtained with the unimproved Wilson action. We also verified that the free-boson lattice dispersion relation describes our results very accurately for a large range of momenta.Comment: 29 pages (LaTeX), 14 Postscript figure

    The Fueling Diagram: Linking Galaxy Molecular-to-Atomic Gas Ratios to Interactions and Accretion

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    To assess how external factors such as local interactions and fresh gas accretion influence the global ISM of galaxies, we analyze the relationship between recent enhancements of central star formation and total molecular-to-atomic (H2/HI) gas ratios, using a broad sample of field galaxies spanning early-to-late type morphologies, stellar masses of 10^(7.2-11.2) Msun, and diverse stages of evolution. We find that galaxies occupy several loci in a "fueling diagram" that plots H2/HI vs. mass-corrected blue-centeredness, a metric tracing the degree to which galaxies have bluer centers than the average galaxy at their stellar mass. Spiral galaxies show a positive correlation between H2/HI and mass-corrected blue-centeredness. When combined with previous results linking mass-corrected blue-centeredness to external perturbations, this correlation suggests a link between local galaxy interactions and molecular gas inflow/replenishment. Intriguingly, E/S0 galaxies show a more complex picture: some follow the same correlation, some are quenched, and a distinct population of blue-sequence E/S0 galaxies (with masses below key transitions in gas richness) defines a separate loop in the fueling diagram. This population appears to be composed of low-mass merger remnants currently in late- or post-starburst states, in which the burst first consumes the H2 while the galaxy center keeps getting bluer, then exhausts the H2, at which point the burst population reddens as it ages. Multiple lines of evidence suggest connected evolutionary sequences in the fueling diagram. In particular, tracking total gas-to-stellar mass ratios within the diagram provides evidence of fresh gas accretion onto low-mass E/S0s emerging from central starbursts. Drawing on a comprehensive literature search, we suggest that virtually all galaxies follow the same evolutionary patterns found in our broad sample.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures (table 4 available at http://user.physics.unc.edu/~dstark/table4_csv.txt), accepted for publication in Ap
