240 research outputs found

    Advocacy coalitions and protected areas creation process: Case study in the Amazon

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    International audienceProtected areas are the cornerstones of conservation policies worldwide. However, only few researches are led to analyse the way they emerge, except for criticising top-down governmental choices. Yet, the historical approach and strategic analysis of public policy building over the long term allows a better understanding of the stakes of action capacity of these policies. We therefore mobilize the advocacy coalition framework to show that protected areas creation is always due to coalitions of actors who belong to different professional fields and act at different scales but nevertheless share common stakes. On the basis of a comparative study in French and Brazilian Amazon, we show that if all coalitions for protected areas share a common objective of limited deforestation, they are still very different according to the type of conservation they promote (strict biodiversity conservation, population-based conservation or sustainable forest management). We also show that the ability of the coalitions to build efficient public policies is highly depending on internal factors (i.e. their ability to gather strategic resources) and on external factors (i.e. socio-political context and international pressure). Finally, the comparative analysis of coalitions pleading for the same type of protected areas in two different countries allows us to insist on the importance of qualitative embedded researches when it comes to understand why some protected areas have more chances to reach environmental effectiveness in one socio-political context than in another one

    Concern-Focused Evaluation for Ambiguous and Conflicting Policies: An Approach From the Environmental Field

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    International audienceEnvironment and sustainable development show how policies are becoming ever more complex and ambiguous. This trend calls for new evaluation approaches. They need to be more clearly focused on specific, explicit concerns. They must be driven by a strategic concept of use to overcome the vulnerability to manipulation of many integrative, essentially procedural, approaches to policy making and evaluation. This article presents a conceptual framework for such evaluations and a four-step approach: defining the focal concern; developing criteria and synthesizing observations on the extent to which the focal concern is met; identifying and assessing all policies contributing to this outcome; and complementing this with the evaluation of policies specifically aimed at meeting the focal concern. Examples are taken essentially from wetland-related policies in France and Senegal. The article discusses how this approach tackles some crucial issues in evaluation research and practice and advocates closer connections between evaluation and critical research on policies


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    Through the Natura 2000 policy, EU member states are committed to maintaining or restoring the favourable conservation status of a list of habitats and species throughout their territory. We show here that evaluating the effectiveness of this policy regarding its assigned objectives requires translating these objectives into normative reference and then describing the constraints on habitats and species that the policy seeks to conserve. We propose a strategic evaluation framework based on this principle, applied at the level of the Metropolitan French territory, by relying on the exploitation of several data sets, whose are generally not mobilised by the standard evaluation procedure. The results are broken down by natural ecosystems and biogeographical regions, providing a dashboard for the policy that is the basis for a comprehensive strategic evaluation

    Activity Dependent Branching Ratios in Stocks, Solar X-ray Flux, and the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld Sandpile Model

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    We define an activity dependent branching ratio that allows comparison of different time series XtX_{t}. The branching ratio bxb_x is defined as bx=E[ξx/x]b_x= E[\xi_x/x]. The random variable ξx\xi_x is the value of the next signal given that the previous one is equal to xx, so ξx={Xt+1Xt=x}\xi_x=\{X_{t+1}|X_t=x\}. If bx>1b_x>1, the process is on average supercritical when the signal is equal to xx, while if bx<1b_x<1, it is subcritical. For stock prices we find bx=1b_x=1 within statistical uncertainty, for all xx, consistent with an ``efficient market hypothesis''. For stock volumes, solar X-ray flux intensities, and the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld (BTW) sandpile model, bxb_x is supercritical for small values of activity and subcritical for the largest ones, indicating a tendency to return to a typical value. For stock volumes this tendency has an approximate power law behavior. For solar X-ray flux and the BTW model, there is a broad regime of activity where bx1b_x \simeq 1, which we interpret as an indicator of critical behavior. This is true despite different underlying probability distributions for XtX_t, and for ξx\xi_x. For the BTW model the distribution of ξx\xi_x is Gaussian, for xx sufficiently larger than one, and its variance grows linearly with xx. Hence, the activity in the BTW model obeys a central limit theorem when sampling over past histories. The broad region of activity where bxb_x is close to one disappears once bulk dissipation is introduced in the BTW model -- supporting our hypothesis that it is an indicator of criticality.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    Cèpes en Haut-Languedoc : une manne éphémère ? La cueillette des champignons sur le plateau du Somail : interactions entre acteurs, conflits, régulation

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    Conférence organisée par le Centre Régional de la Propriété Forestière (CRPF) Languedoc-Roussillon, SupAgro - 8 juin 2007International audienceEn 2004, un groupe d'élèves-ingénieurs de l'Engref a réalisé une étude auprès de 34 habitants du Haut-Languedoc, afin de recueillir leurs perceptions du phénomène de la cueillette des champignons. Les conditions socio-écologiques du milieu se révèlent très favorables à la production et à la cueillette des champignons. Mais, pour la majorité des habitants, l'âge d'or de la production se situait dans les années 1970-1990, en particulier dans les jeunes plantations d'épicéas non encore éclaircies. La filière, alors très active, a toujours été en grande partie informelle et les prix très fluctuants. Cependant la vente des cèpes apportait un appoint monétaire indispensable aux petits agriculteurs. Les personnes interrogées estiment que, depuis cette époque, la production moyenne diminue, la fréquentation des cueilleurs augmente et que des conflits se sont développés avec les autres utilisateurs de l'espace et avec les ayants-droit légaux. Une tendance à l'apaisement des tensions semblent cependant se dessiner depuis peu, principalement en raison des retombées positives de la présence des cueilleurs sur le secteur touristique, de la diversification des revenus des habitants, et de la baisse de la production. La plupart des propriétaires forestiers semblent avoir renoncé à se réserver le droit de cueillette, ce qui ne les incite pas à innover en matière de sylviculture favorable aux champignons. Pour éviter que ne se crée un "désert mycologique", de nouvelles pratiques sylvicoles doivent être recherchées

    Evaluasi Kebijakan tentang Penyelenggaraan Menara Telekomunikasi terhadap Penyedia Menara Telekomunikasi

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    Along with the growth of cellular phone subscribers in Indonesia, cellular network operators continue to strive to build infrastructure to establish broader service coverage areas, thus, increasing the quality of service. Regional Rules &amp; Regulations in DKI Jakarta are intended to regulate the BTS towers within an area. However, they become a barrier for Telecommunications operators to meet the needs of good networks/signals. Changes in the zoning of telecommunication towers can meet the needs of operators and increase customer satisfaction. This study uses qualitative method analysis with an interview. The results show that policy evaluation regarding the implementation of telecommunication towers has yet to meet the needs of telecommunication tower providers (Tower Providers) and has been shown to cause areas that operator signal networks cannot cover. This situation impacts the satisfaction of particular customers and can threaten the business continuity of the operator. Conclusion of the Policy of the Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Number 14 of 2014, concerning the Implementation of Telecommunication Towers for Telecommunication Tower Providers, the annexse to the zoning of telecommunication towers needs to be reviewed because it has not been able to meet the needs of telecommunication tower providers and can pose a threat to business continuity


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    International audienceno abstractLa gouvernance des ONG d'environnement-acteurs privés intervenant dans le champ de l'action publique-constitue un objet de recherche relativement nouveau en sciences de gestion. Au moment où la singularité de ces organisations est parfois controversée, nous montrons que c'est par une approche stratégique de la gouvernance que nous pouvons mettre en lumière les spécificités managériales de telles organisations. Les théories contractuelles de la gouvernance, aujourd'hui dominantes, centrées sur la création de valeur économique ne peuvent en rendre compte. A partir d'une étude de cas, et par un travail de recherche au sein de l'organisation, nous montrons en effet comment une ONG d'environnement, la Tour du Valat, met sa gouvernance au service d'un objectif d'efficacité environnementale, et comment cette gouvernance s'adapte pour remplir cette mission, en lui octroyant des ressources stratégiques majeures : l'information, les réseaux, la légitimation. Mots clés ONG environnementale, gouvernance interne, efficacité environnementale, management stratégique. Abstract The governance of Environmental NGO-entities which intervene in the field of the public sector-is a relatively new object for management research. At a time when the singularity of those organizations is subject to controversy, the present document shows that the managerial specificities of those organizations can be enlighten by a strategic approach of governance. Contractual theories of governance on the contrary, which are dominant today and all focus on economic value and profit making, cannot explain it. Based on a case study and research work in the organization, this study shows how the governance of the environmental NGO "la Tour du Valat" focuses on its environmental efficacy objective and how it adapts to meet success in this specific mission by granting strategic resources, such as information, network and legitimacy