1,382 research outputs found

    Genre de la chair, sensibilité à autrui et mammaïté

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    IntroductionÉtymologiquement, le mot « sexe » vient du latin seco, secas, secare qui a donné « section » et « secte » : le sexe sépare des individus tout en les rassemblant dans la catégorie de laquelle ils relèvent. En cela, la sexuation est paradoxale : elle exclut et rassemble. Jusqu’à une période assez récente, le sexe biologique ne faisait pas problème : descriptif et non prescriptif, il renvoie à la matérialité du corps. De même qu’il est difficile de récuser le déterminisme génétique,..

    Analyse de la tâche d'un pilote de Rafale à l'aide d'une HTA étendue à la gestion des modes dégradés

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    International audienceCette communication présente l'adaptation de la méthode HTA pour l'étude d'une situation dynamique incertaine et coopérative : une mission militaire aérienne réalisée par un pilote de chasse à bord d'un avion Rafale. Les boucles - perception, représentation, action - caractéristiques de la gestion d'une situation dynamique sont intégrées dans la HTA sous la forme de buts de haut-niveau. La mise en évidence de plans contingents permet de rendre compte de la gestion de l'incertitude et des situations dégradées. Enfin, la coopération multiagents est décrite par un codage des tâches de communication précisant la fonction, l'objet et les acteurs impliqués. Finalement, les intérêts et les limites de l'application de la méthode HTA dans le cadre des situations dynamiques sont discutés

    Atypical Presentation of Ankylosing Spondylitis

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    Radiographic axial spondyloarthritis axSpA ) or typical ankylosing spondyloarthritis (AS) is a classification of axial spondyloarthritis with the classic radiographic features of sacroiliitis. Axial spondyloarthritis is a disabling spondyloarthropathy of the spine that presents with chronic back pain usually before the age of 45. It may be associated with extraspinal features including dactylitis , synovitis, and enthesitis in addition to other nonarticular signs. Chronic back pain is one of the most common presenting symptoms for AS , but frequently there is a 5-7 year delay between the onset of symptoms and diagnosis of the disease . A standard AP plain radiograph demonstrating changes to the sacroiliac joint including erosions, ankylosis or sclerosis along with the patient’s complaints of chronic back pain are strong indicators for AS. We present a case of an atypical presentation of AS in a patient with recently diagnosed asthma and no other past medical history who had a 40 pound rapid (4 month) weight loss and polyarticular joint pain. Our case is unusual due to the short time course between presenting symptoms and time to diagnosis

    A Case Report of Suspected Choledocholithiasis 20 Years After Cholecystectomy

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    Gallstones are a common prevalence in western societies where approximately 15% of Americans have gallstones. The mainstay treatment for symptomatic cholelithiasis is laparoscopic cholecystectomy. It is estimated approximately 650,000 to 700,000 cholecystectomies are performed every year. Most patients feel relief after a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, but a small number of patients experience post cholecystectomy syndrome, which presents as biliary colic pain. Although the pathophysiology of the post cholecystectomy syndrome is unclear, one theory proposes that it is due to the alteration in bile flow after the removal of the gallbladder, which serves as a reservoir for bile. This bile is thought to be the main trigger in patients with mild gastroduodenal symptoms or diarrhea. The lack of bile reservoir can furthermore create a nidus for de novo biliary stone formation, and can cause choledocholithiasis. There have been only a few case reports of post cholecystectomy bile duct stones occurring more than 10 years following surgery in literature. Most of these reports describe the presence of stones within the gallbladder/cystic duct remnant or secondary to migrating surgical clips. We report a suspected case of choledocholithiasis 20 years following open cholecystectomy secondary to a primary biliary stone

    Efficiency of source control systems for reducing runoff pollutant loads: Feedback on experimental catchments within Paris conurbation.

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    International audience: Three catchments, equipped with sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS: vegetated roof, underground pipeline or tank, swale, grassed detention pond) for peak flow mitigation, have been compared to a reference catchment drained by a conventional separate sewer system in terms of hydraulic behaviour and discharged contaminant fluxes (organic matter, organic micropollutants, metals). A runoff and contaminant emission model has been developed in order to overcome land use differences. It has been demonstrated that the presence of peak flow control systems induces flow attenuation even for frequent rain events and reduces water discharges at a rate of about 50% depending on the site characteristics. This research has also demonstrated that this type of SUDS contributes to a significant reduction of runoff pollutant discharges, by 20%-80%. This level of reduction varies depending on the considered contaminant and on the design of the drainage system but is mostly correlated with the decrease in runoff volume. It could be improved if the design of these SUDS focused not only on the control of exceptional events but also targeted more explicitly the interception of frequent rain events
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