4,589 research outputs found

    Superfluidity of "dirty" indirect excitons and magnetoexcitons in two-dimensional trap

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    The superfluid phase transition of bosons in a two-dimensional (2D) system with disorder and an external parabolic potential is studied. The theory is applied to experiments on indirect excitons in coupled quantum wells. The random field is allowed to be large compared to the dipole-dipole repulsion between excitons. The slope of the external parabolic trap is assumed to change slowly enough to apply the local density approximation (LDA) for the superfluid density, which allows us to calculate the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature Tc(n(r))T_{c}(n(r)) at each local point rr of the trap. The superfluid phase occurs around the center of the trap (r=0\mathbf{r}=0) with the normal phase outside this area. As temperature increases, the superfluid area shrinks and disappears at temperature Tc(n(r=0))T_{c}(n(r=0)). Disorder acts to deplete the condensate; the minimal total number of excitons for which superfluidity exists increases with disorder at fixed temperature. If the disorder is large enough, it can destroy the superfluid entirely. The effect of magnetic field is also calculated for the case of indirect excitons. In a strong magnetic field HH, the superfluid component decreases, primarily due to the change of the exciton effective mass.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    The Level Spacing Distribution Near the Anderson Transition

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    For a disordered system near the Anderson transition we show that the nearest-level-spacing distribution has the asymptotics P(s)exp(As2γ)P(s)\propto \exp(-A s^{2-\gamma }) for s\gg \av{s}\equiv 1 which is universal and intermediate between the Gaussian asymptotics in a metal and the Poisson in an insulator. (Here the critical exponent 0<γ<10<\gamma<1 and the numerical coefficient AA depend only on the dimensionality d>2d>2). It is obtained by mapping the energy level distribution to the Gibbs distribution for a classical one-dimensional gas with a pairwise interaction. The interaction, consistent with the universal asymptotics of the two-level correlation function found previously, is proved to be the power-law repulsion with the exponent γ-\gamma.Comment: REVTeX, 8 pages, no figure

    Pseudo diamagnetism of four component exciton condensates

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    We analyze the spin structure of the ground state of four-component exciton condensates in coupled quantum wells as a function of spin-dependent interactions and applied magnetic field. The four components correspond to the degenerate exciton states characterized by ±2\pm2 and ±1\pm1 spin projections to the axis of the structure. We show that in a wide range of parameters, the chemical potential of the system increases as a function of magnetic field, which manifests a pseudo-diamagnetism of the system. The transitions to polarized two- and one-component condensates can be of the first-order in this case. The predicted effects are caused by energy conserving mixing of ±2\pm2 and ±1\pm1 excitons.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Impurity Scattering in Luttinger Liquid with Electron-Phonon Coupling

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    We study the influence of electron-phonon coupling on electron transport through a Luttinger liquid with an embedded weak scatterer or weak link. We derive the renormalization group (RG) equations which indicate that the directions of RG flows can change upon varying either the relative strength of the electron-electron and electron-phonon coupling or the ratio of Fermi to sound velocities. This results in the rich phase diagram with up to three fixed points: an unstable one with a finite value of conductance and two stable ones, corresponding to an ideal metal or insulator.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Two-dimensional magnetoexcitons in the presence of spin-orbit coupling

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    We study theoretically the effect of spin-orbit coupling on quantum well excitons in a strong magnetic field. We show that, in the presence of an in-plane field component, the excitonic absorption spectrum develops a double-peak structure due to hybridization of bright and dark magnetoexcitons. If the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit constants are comparable, the magnitude of splitting can be tuned in a wide interval by varying the azimuthal angle of the in-plane field. We also show that the interplay between spin-orbit and Coulomb interactions leads to an anisotropy of exciton energy dispersion in the momentum plane. The results suggest a way for direct optical measurements of spin-orbit parameters.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Ship-based nitric acid measurements in the Gulf of Maine during New England Air Quality Study 2002

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    Gas phase nitric acid (HNO3) was measured at 5-min resolution on board the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) research vessel Ronald H. Brown during the second leg (29 July to 10 August) of the New England Air Quality Study (NEAQS) 2002 cruise. A primary objective of the cruise was to improve understanding of the oxidation of NOx in, and removal of the oxidation products from, the polluted marine boundary layer east of northeastern North America. For the first 9 days of this leg the ship remained north of Cape Cod, and the cruise track did not extend much farther north than the New Hampshire-Maine border. During this period, HNO3 averaged 1.1 ppb and accounted for 19% of total reactive nitrogen oxides (measured NOy). On all days, peak HNO3 mixing ratios were observed in the early afternoon (average 2.3 ppb), at levels twofold to fourfold higher than the minima around sunrise and sunset. In these daytime peaks, HNO3/NOy averaged 28%. There were secondary nighttime peaks of HNO3 (0.9 ppb average), when HNO3 accounted for 16% of total reactive nitrogen oxides. This pronounced diurnal pattern confirms that production, and subsequent deposition, of HNO3 in the polluted marine boundary layer downwind of New England removes a significant fraction of the NOx exported to the atmosphere over the Gulf of Maine. Nitric acid was correlated with O3, particularly during the early afternoon interval when both molecules reached maximum mixing ratios (R2 = 0.66). The ozone production efficiency (OPE) inferred from the slope (10 ppb O3/ppb HNO3) was similar to the OPE of 9 estimated at the Atmospheric Investigation, Regional Modeling, Analysis and Prediction (AIRMAP) Thompson Farm station in coastal New Hampshire during the study period

    Bose-Einstein condensation of trapped polaritons in 2D electron-hole systems in a high magnetic field

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    The Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of magnetoexcitonic polaritons in two-dimensional (2D) electron-hole system embedded in a semiconductor microcavity in a high magnetic field BB is predicted. There are two physical realizations of 2D electron-hole system under consideration: a graphene layer and quantum well (QW). A 2D gas of magnetoexcitonic polaritons is considered in a planar harmonic potential trap. Two possible physical realizations of this trapping potential are assumed: inhomogeneous local stress or harmonic electric field potential applied to excitons and a parabolic shape of the semiconductor cavity causing the trapping of microcavity photons. The effective Hamiltonian of the ideal gas of cavity polaritons in a QW and graphene in a high magnetic field and the BEC temperature as functions of magnetic field are obtained. It is shown that the effective polariton mass MeffM_{\rm eff} increases with magnetic field as B1/2B^{1/2}. The BEC critical temperature Tc(0)T_{c}^{(0)} decreases as B1/4B^{-1/4} and increases with the spring constant of the parabolic trap. The Rabi splitting related to the creation of a magnetoexciton in a high magnetic field in graphene and QW is obtained. It is shown that Rabi splitting in graphene can be controlled by the external magnetic field since it is proportional to B1/4B^{-1/4}, while in a QW the Rabi splitting does not depend on the magnetic field when it is strong.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures. accepted in Physical Review

    MoodBar: Increasing new user retention in Wikipedia through lightweight socialization

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    Socialization in online communities allows existing members to welcome and recruit newcomers, introduce them to community norms and practices, and sustain their early participation. However, socializing newcomers does not come for free: in large communities, socialization can result in a significant workload for mentors and is hard to scale. In this study we present results from an experiment that measured the effect of a lightweight socialization tool on the activity and retention of newly registered users attempting to edit for the first time Wikipedia. Wikipedia is struggling with the retention of newcomers and our results indicate that a mechanism to elicit lightweight feedback and to provide early mentoring to newcomers improves their chances of becoming long-term contributors.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for presentation at CSCW'1

    Dynamic equation for quantum Hall bilayers with spontaneous interlayer coherence: The low-density limit

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    The bilayer systems exhibit the Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons that emerge due to Coulomb pairing of electrons belonging to one layer with the holes belonging to the other layer. Here we present the microscopic derivation of the dynamic equation for the condensate wave function at a low density of electron-hole (ehe-h) pairs in a strong magnetic field perpendicular to the layers and an electric field directed along the layers. From this equation we obtain the dispersion law for collective excitations of the condensate and calculate the electric charge of the vortex in the exciton condensate. The critical interlayer spacing, the excess of which leads to a collapse of the superfluid state, is estimated. In bilayer systems with curved conducting layers, the effective mass of the ehe-h pair becomes the function of the ehe-h pair coordinates, the regions arise, where the energy of the ehe-h pair is lowered (exciton traps), and lastly ehe-h pairs can gain the polarization in the basal plane. This polarization leads to the appearance of quantized vortices even at zero temperature.Comment: 8 page

    Metastable bound state of a pair of two-dimensional spatially separated electrons in anti-parallel magnetic fields

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    We propose a new mechanism for binding of two equally charged carriers in a double-layer system subjected by a magnetic field of a special form. A field configuration for which the magnetic fields in adjacent layers are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction is considered. In such a field an additional integral of motion - the momentum of the pair P arises. For the case when in one layer the carrier is in the zero (n=0) Landau level while in the other layer - in the first (n=1) Landau level the dependence of the energy of the pair on its momentum E(P} is found. This dependence turns out to be nonmonotonic one : a local maximum and a local minimum appears, indicating the emergence of a metastable bound state of two carrier with the same sign of electrical charge.Comment: 7 page