253 research outputs found

    Magnetic resonance imaging in children: common problems and possible solutions for lung and airways imaging

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    Pediatric chest MRI is challenging. High-resolution scans of the lungs and airways are compromised by long imaging times, low lung proton density and motion. Low signal is a problem of normal lung. Lung abnormalities commonly cause increased signal intenstities. Among the most important factors for a successful MRI is patient cooperation, so the long acquisition times make patient preparation crucial. Children usually have problems with long breath-holds and with the concept of quiet breathing. Young children are even more challenging because of higher cardiac and respiratory rates giving motion blurring. For these reasons, CT has often been preferred over MRI for chest pediatric imaging. Despite its drawbacks, MRI also has advantages over CT, which justifies its further development and clinical use. The most important advantage is the absence of ionizing radiation, which allows frequent scanning for short- and long-term follow-up studies of chronic diseases. Moreover, MRI allows assessment of functional aspects of the chest, such as lung perfusion and ventilation, or airways and diaphragm mechanics. In this review, we describe the most common MRI acquisition techniques on the verge of clinical translation, their problems and the possible solutions to make chest MRI feasible in children

    Automatic determination of Greulich and Pyle bone age in healthy Dutch children

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    Background: Bone age (BA) assessment is a routine procedure in paediatric radiology, for which the Greulich and Pyle (GP) atlas is mostly used. There is rater variability, but the advent of automatic BA determination eliminates this. Objective: To validate the BoneXpert method for automatic determination of skeletal maturity of healthy children against manual GP BA ratings. Materials and methods: Two observers determined GP BA with knowledge of the chronological age (CA). A total of 226 boys with a BA of 3-17 years and 179 girls with a BA of 3-15 years were included in the study. BoneXpert's estimate of GP BA was calibrated to agree on average with the manual ratings based on several studies, including the present study. Results: Seven subjects showed a deviation between manual and automatic BA in excess of 1.9 years. They were re-rated blindly by two raters. After correcting these seven ratings, the root mean square error between manual and automatic rating in the 405 subjects was 0.71 years (range 0.66-0.76 years, 95% CI). BoneXpert's GP BA is on average 0.28 and 0.20 years behind the CA for boys and girls, respectively. Conclusion: BoneXpert is a robust method for automatic determination of BA

    In Vivo Measurement of Cerebral Mitochondrial Metabolism Using Broadband Near Infrared Spectroscopy Following Neonatal Stroke

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    Neonatal stroke presents with features of encephalopathy and can result in significant morbidity and mortality. We investigated the cerebral metabolic and haemodynamic changes following neonatal stroke in a term infant at 24 h of life. Changes in oxidation state of cytochrome-c-oxidase (oxCCO) concentration were monitored along with changes in oxy- and deoxy- haemoglobin using a new broadband near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) system. Repeated transient changes in cerebral haemodynamics and metabolism were noted over a 3-h study period with decrease in oxyhaemoglobin (HbO2), deoxy haemoglobin (HHb) and oxCCO in both cerebral hemispheres without significant changes in systemic observations. A clear asymmetry was noted in the degree of change between the two cerebral hemispheres. Changes in cerebral oxygenation (measured as HbDiff=HbO2-HHb) and cerebral metabolism (measured as oxCCO) were highly coupled on the injured side of the brain

    Integrating Technical Standards into ET Curricula to Meet ABET Standards and Industry Needs

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    With technical standards affecting nearly every aspect of our daily lives, from computers to the components and materials used in car engines, it is critical that undergraduate students are educated on the importance of standards and provided with opportunities to locate and apply relevant technical standards to real world situations. In addition, with ABET accreditation requiring students to have a “basic understanding and familiarity with,” and experience “using” codes and standards, faculty need to consider how such material can be naturally integrated into the curriculum. At Purdue University, education about codes and standards has been integrated into the mechanical engineering technology (MET) curriculum for decades with significant success. This paper discusses how standards are incorporated into mechanical design and quality control courses, as well as strategies for integrating standards into more courses in an MET curriculum. In addition, a discussion of standards resources that are freely available is included. Finally, a call to action for industry is presented, explaining the need and potential areas where industry can increase involvement in teaching students about technical standards

    Mammillary body abnormalities and cognitive outcomes in children cooled for neonatal encephalopathy

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    Aim: To evaluate mammillary body abnormalities in school-age children without cerebral palsy treated with therapeutic hypothermia for neonatal hypoxic–ischaemic encephalopathy (cases) and matched controls, and associations with cognitive outcome, hippocampal volume, and diffusivity in the mammillothalamic tract (MTT) and fornix. Method: Mammillary body abnormalities were scored from T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 32 cases and 35 controls (median age [interquartile range] 7 years [6 years 7 months–7 years 7 months] and 7 years 4 months [6 years 7 months–7 years 7 months] respectively). Cognition was assessed using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition. Hippocampal volume (normalized by total brain volume) was measured from T1-weighted MRI. Radial diffusivity and fractional anisotropy were measured in the MTT and fornix, from diffusion-weighted MRI using deterministic tractography. Results: More cases than controls had mammillary body abnormalities (34% vs 0%; p < 0.001). Cases with abnormal mammillary bodies had lower processing speed (p = 0.016) and full-scale IQ (p = 0.028) than cases without abnormal mammillary bodies, and lower scores than controls in all cognitive domains (p < 0.05). Cases with abnormal mammillary bodies had smaller hippocampi (left p = 0.016; right p = 0.004) and increased radial diffusivity in the right MTT (p = 0.004) compared with cases without mammillary body abnormalities. Interpretation: Cooled children with mammillary body abnormalities at school-age have reduced cognitive scores, smaller hippocampi, and altered MTT microstructure compared with those without mammillary body abnormalities, and matched controls

    A paediatric bone index derived by automated radiogrammetry

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    Hand radiographs are obtained routinely to determine bone age of children. This paper presents a method that determines a Paediatric Bone Index automatically from such radiographs. The Paediatric Bone Index is designed to have minimal relative standard deviation (7.5%), and the precision is determined to be 1.42%. Introduction We present a computerised method to determine bone mass of children based on hand radiographs, including a reference database for normal Caucasian children. Methods Normal Danish subjects (1,867), of ages 7-17, and 531 normal Dutch subjects of ages 5-19 were included. Historically, three different indices of bone mass have been used in radiogrammetry all based on A = pi TW(1 - T/W), where T is the cortical thickness and W the bone width. The indices are the metacarpal index A/W-2, DXR-BMD=A/W, and Exton-Smith's index A/(WL), where L is the length of the bone. These indices are compared with new indices of the form A/((WLb)-L-a), and it is argued that the preferred index has minimal SD relative to the mean value at each bone age and sex. Finally, longitudinal series of X-rays of 20 Japanese children are used to derive the precision of the measurements. Results The preferred index is A/((WL0.33)-L-1.33), which is named the Paediatric Bone Index, PBI. It has mean relative SD 7.5% and precision 1.42%. Conclusions As part of the BoneXpert method for automated bone age determination, our method facilitates retrospective research studies involving validation of the proposed index against fracture incidence and adult bone mineral densit
