329 research outputs found

    Ontologies as bridges between data sources and user queries: the KNOWMAK project experience

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    This paper describes ongoing work in the KNOWMAK project, which aims to develop a webbased tool providing interactive visualisations and state-of-the-art indicators on knowledge cocreation in the European research area. One of the main novel developments in this work is the use of ontologies to act as a bridge between the data sources (research projects, patents and publications) and user queries, in order to address the problems of mapping between heterogenous data sources with different vocabularies while still maintaining a level of standardization necessary for summarising the information required to provide informative views about the highly dynamic S&T landscape

    Two-kink bound states in the magnetically perturbed Potts field theory at T<Tc

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    The q-state Potts field theory with 2≤q≤42\le q\le 4 in the low-temperature phase is considered in presence of a weak magnetic field h. In absence of the magnetic field, the theory is integrable, but not free at q>2: its elementary excitations - the kinks - interact at small distances, and their interaction can be characterized by the factorizable scattering matrix which was found by Chim and Zamolodchikov. The magnetic field induces the long-range attraction between kinks causing their confinement into the bound-states. We calculate the masses of the two-kink bound states in the leading order in |h| -> 0 expressing them in terms of the scattering matrix of kinks at h=0.Comment: 20 pages, no figures, v2: one section and references adde

    The dynamics of university units as a multi-level process. Credibility cycles and resource dependencies

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    This paper presents an analysis of resource acquisition and profile development of institutional units within universities. We conceptualize resource acquisition as a two level nested process, where units compete for external resources based on their credibility, but at the same time are granted faculty positions from the larger units (department) to which they belong. Our model implies that the growth of university units is constrained by the decisions of their parent department on the allocation of professorial positions, which represent the critical resource for most units’ activities. In our field of study this allocation is largely based on educational activities, and therefore, units with high scientific credibility are not necessarily able to grow, despite an increasing reliance on external funds. Our paper therefore sheds light on the implications that the dual funding system of European universities has for the development of units, while taking into account the interaction between institutional funding and third-party funding

    Using ontologies to map between research data and policymakers’ presumptions: the experience of the KNOWMAK project

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    Understanding knowledge co-creation in key emerging areas of European research is critical for policy makers wishing to analyze impact and make strategic decisions. However, purely data-driven methods for characterising policy topics have limitations relating to the broad nature of such topics and the differences in language and topic structure between the political language and scientific and technological outputs. In this paper, we discuss the use of ontologies and semantic technologies as a means to bridge the linguistic and conceptual gap between policy questions and data sources for characterising European knowledge production. Our experience suggests that the integration between advanced techniques for language processing and expert assessment at critical junctures in the process is key for the success of this endeavour

    Relational arenas in a regional Higher Education system: Insights from an empirical analysis

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    Extant indicators on research and higher education do not consider the complex relational structure in which universities are embedded and that influences their performance on one side, and the impact of policies on the other. This article investigates the overall pattern of universities' relational arenas in a Regional environment by considering their two main domains of activity, namely research and teaching. We study their structure, determinants, and existing interactions, in order to understand the possible consequences for policy making and management, and to identify synthetic indicators to represent the

    (3+1) Massive Dirac Fermions with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices

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    We propose the experimental realization of (3+1) relativistic Dirac fermions using ultracold atoms in a rotating optical lattice or, alternatively, in a synthetic magnetic field. This approach has the advantage to give mass to the Dirac fermions by coupling the ultracold atoms to a Bragg pulse. A dimensional crossover from (3+1) to (2+1) Dirac fermions can be obtained by varying the anisotropy of the lattice. We also discuss under which conditions the interatomic potentials give rise to relativistically invariant interactions among the Dirac fermions

    A Tailor-made Data Quality Approach for Higher Educational Data

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    This paper relates the definition of data quality procedures for knowledge organizations such as Higher Education Institutions. The main purpose is to present the flexible approach developed for monitoring the data quality of the European Tertiary Education Register (ETER) database, illustrating its functioning and highlighting the main challenges that still have to be faced in this domain. The proposed data quality methodology is based on two kinds of checks, one to assess the consistency of cross-sectional data and the other to evaluate the stability of multiannual data. This methodology has an operational and empirical orientation. This means that the proposed checks do not assume any theoretical distribution for the determination of the threshold parameters that identify potential outliers, inconsistencies, and errors in the data. We show that the proposed cross-sectional checks and multiannual checks are helpful to identify outliers, extreme observations and to detect ontological inconsistencies not described in the available meta-data. For this reason, they may be a useful complement to integrate the processing of the available information. The coverage of the study is limited to European Higher Education Institutions. The cross-sectional and multiannual checks are not yet completely integrated. The consideration of the quality of the available data and information is important to enhance data quality-aware empirical investigations, highlighting problems, and areas where to invest for improving the coverage and interoperability of data in future data collection initiatives. The data-driven quality checks proposed in this paper may be useful as a reference for building and monitoring the data quality of new databases or of existing databases available for other countries or systems characterized by high heterogeneity and complexity of the units of analysis without relying on pre-specified theoretical distributions

    On the weak confinement of kinks in the one-dimensional quantum ferromagnet CoNb2O6

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    In a recent paper Coldea et al (2010 Science {\bf 327} 177) report observation of the weak confinement of kinks in the Ising spin chain ferromagnet CoNb2O6 at low temperatures. To interpret the entire spectra of magnetic excitations measured via neutron scattering, they introduce a phenomenological model, which takes into account only the two-kink configurations of the spin chain. We present the exact solution of this model. The explicit expressions for the two-kink bound-state energy spectra and for the relative intensities of neutron scattering on these magnetic modes are obtained in terms of the Bessel function.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures; v2: figures 1,3,4 replaced, few misprints correcte

    On three-point connectivity in two-dimensional percolation

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    We argue the exact universal result for the three-point connectivity of critical percolation in two dimensions. Predictions for Potts clusters and for the scaling limit below p_c are also given.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur
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