1,350 research outputs found

    Fishmachine-yhtyeen konsertti ja haastattelu

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on selvittää Fishmachine-yhtyeen musiikillista toimintaa ja yhtyeen jäsenten motiiveja siinä soittamiseen, sekä tarkastella yhtyeen konserttia Arabiasalissa 23.4.2018. Opinnäytetyötä tehdessäni havaitsin uusia kysymyksiä liittyen formaaleihin ja non-formaaleihin oppimistapoihin, ja siihen miten Fishmachine-yhtyeen muusikot ovat oppineet musiikkia. Keskityn lopullisessa tutkimustyössäni ja pohdinnassani myös niihin kysymyksiin. Fishmachine-yhtye koostuu neljästä musiikkialan ammattilaisesta: Ari Kala – lead-basso, Jukka Jylli – rytmibasso, Teemu Halmkrona – kosketinsoittimet ja poikkihuilu, sekä allekirjoittanut, Jarkko Lepistö – rummut. Yhtyeen uniikki kokoonpano määrittelee sen sointia, ja luo sekä vapauksia, että rajoitteita yhtyeen musiikilliseen ilmaisuun. Luonteeltaan opinnäytetyöni on toimintatutkimus, koska toimin yhtyeen kanssa. Keskeistä työssäni on oppia ymmärtämään niin yhtyeen, kuin itseni toimintaa yhtyeessä, uudella tavalla. Reflektointi on yksi työni tärkeä lähtökohta, jonka avulla yritän päästä uudenlaiseen toiminnan ymmärtämiseen ja toiminnan kehittämiseen. Tätä metodia käytän mm. konsertin tarkastelussa. Opinnäytetyöni on luonteeltaan myös mikrohistoriallinen, koska muistelen yhtyeen historiaa itsekseni, sekä yhtyeen kanssa. Työssäni pohditaan myös yhtyeen tulevaisuutta. Datan keruu on toteutettu mukanaololla seurannan yhteydessä, ja haastattelemalla yhtyeen jäseniä sekä kasvokkain, että viestein. Opinnäytetyöni haastatteluosassa sekä yhtye, että minä itse, reflektoimme oppimistamme, soittamistamme, sekä toimintaamme musiikillisissa tilanteissa. Tässä osassa nousi esille kysymyksiä muusikoiden eroavaisuuksista oppimismetodien suhteen, sekä itsetuntokysymyksiä, joita otan esille pohdinnassa. Yhtenä keskeisenä osana työtäni on yhtyeen konsertti Arabiasalissa 23.4.2018, joka oli myös minun taiteellinen B-tutkintoni. Konsertin toteuttamista ja sen tavoitteiden toteutumista tarkastelen Konsertti Arabiasalissa -luvussa. Samassa luvussa on myös yhtyeen jäsenten pohdintaa konsertista. Yhteenveto ja pohdinta -osassa pohdin kysymyksiä muusikon motiiveista, itsetunnosta ja itsekritiikistä, sekä kasvamisesta muusikkona.The aim of my thesis is to examine how the band Fishmachine functions, and what are the motives of its members to play in the band, and to analyze the bands concert in Arabia Concert Hall on the 23rd of April 2018. During the process I discovered new questions con-cerning formal and non-formal learning habits. I am concentrating on these questions also in my final research. Fishmachine consists of four professionals of music industry: Ari Kala – lead bass, Jukka Jylli – rhythm bass, Teemu Halmkrona – keyboards and flute, and yours truly, Jarkko Le-pistö – drums. The unique instrumentation of the group defines its sound and creates pos-sibilities but also possible restrictions in the bands musical expression. The thesis is by its character an activity analysis, because I am working alongside the group. It is central in my work to learn to understand the bands, and my own actions in the band, in a new way. I am trying to learn a new kind of understanding of actions and improve the methods of working by reflecting my own and the groups actions and the concert. My thesis is also microhistorical by its nature, because I am reminiscing the past by myself and with the band. The future of the band is also under investigation. The data has been gath-ered by working alongside with the group and interviewing the band members face to face and by messages. In the interview part of the thesis, both myself and the band reflect our learning, playing and performing, and our actions in musical situations. In this part of the work arose questions of the differences of musicians considering the methods of learning, and also questions of self-esteem matters, which I will bring up in the conclusion. One central part of my thesis is the bands concert in Arabia Concert Hall on the 23rd of April 2018, which was also my artistic B exam concert. I am analyzing the execution as well as the implementation of the aspirations concerning the concert. In the same chapter the band also reflects the implementation of the concert. In the conclusion I am pondering the questions considering the motives, self-esteem and self-criticism of a musician, and also of growing as a musician

    Masiinan sisältä

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    Masiinan sisältä on kulutuskulttuuria tutkiva teos. Se valaisee sekä kulutuskäyttäytymiseemme johtaneita seikkoja, että siitä aiheutuneita ongelmia. Käsittelen teorioita, kuten miten 1920-luvun lama on johtanut suunnitellun hajoamisen syntyyn, miksi nykyelektroniikka on hajoaa helpommin kuin vanha ja yksinkertainen, ja miksi uuden laitteen osto tuntuu kannattavammalta kuin vanhan korjaaminen. Pohdin myös miten länsimainen kuluttaminen vaikuttaa Ghanalaisten elämään ja tuhoaa Afrikan luontoa, ja kuinka lahjoitetut vaatteet johtavat järjettömiin jätemääriin ja Afrikan vaateteollisuuden kuihtumiseen. Olen löytänyt myös mahdollisen vastauksen kulutuskulttuuriin kyllästyneille: degrowth eli kulutuksen hidastamisen kautta voidaan mahdollisesti hidastaa pallomme tuhoutumista. Sarjan visuaalinen ilme on seistsemän graafista kuvaa koneista, jotka on purettu ja aseteltu tarkkaan järjestykseen. Koneet – kamera, puhelin, lamppu, kirjoituskone, faksi, kelamankka ja kello– edustavat nykypäivän koneiden tai asioiden edeltäjiä niin symbolisesti kuin käytännön tasolla. Inspiraation lähteitä ovat niin sosiaalinen media, erityisesti Things Organised Neatly –blogi, kuin isäni suuri rakkaus: vanhat autot ja niiden kokoaminen.Inuti apparaten är en serie som undersöker konsumtionskulturen. Jag tar fram både saker som har lett till konsumtionskulturen och vad den orsakar. Jag belyser teorier, som till exempel hur 1930-talets lågkonjunktur har lett till planerad föråldring, varför dagens elektronik går lättare sönder än gammal och simpel sådan, och varför det är mera lönsamt att köpa nytt än att reparera det gamla. Jag undersöker också hur västerländsk konsumtion påverkar livet i Ghana, och hur donerade kläder leder till absurda mängder av avfall och förstör Afrikas egen klädindustri. Jag har också hittat, i alla fall en lösning till problemet: degrowth, alltså hur man genom att minska konsumtionen kanske kan sakta ner förstörningen av vår planet. Den visuella serien består av sju grafiska bilder av apparater, som jag har plockat isär och ställt ut i en noggrann ordning. Apparaterna – lampan, bandspelaren, kameran, klockan, faxen, telefonen och skrivmaskinen – representerar föregångare till moderna apparater och saker, både symboliskt och i praktiken. Jag har dragit inspiration både från sociala medier, speciellt Things Organised Neatly–bloggen, och från min pappas stora kärlek: gamla bilar och renovering av dem.Inside the machine is a series that investigates the consumption culture. I disclose both reasons that led to consumption culture and what it causes. I enlighten theories like for example how 1930’s big depression has caused planned obsolescence, why modern technology breaks easier than older and simpler technology, and why is it more valuable to buy a new than repair the old. I investigate also how western consuming affects life in Ghana and how clothes donations lead to absurd amounts of waste and destroy Africa’s own clothes industry. I have also found at least one answer to the problem: degrowth –how reducing consumption might slow down the destruction of our planet. The visual side is a series of seven graphical pictures of machines that I have disassemble and arranged in a precise order. The machines – a lamp, a tape recorder, a camera, a clock, a fax, a telephone and a typewriter – represent predecessor of modern machines and things, both symbolically and in practice. I’ve got the inspiration from both social media, especially Things Organized Neatly –blog, and from my father’s big passion: old cars and their renovation.Innehåller 7 stycken 90x90 cm diasec bilder

    THINGS FROM THE FUTURE How can we crowdsource innovation foresight with games?

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    In the current world uncertainty is more dominant than it used to be. One of the key forces for constant change is innovation. Innovations can be radical and create surprising effects. Can there be ways of anticipating these unforeseen effects of innovation? Or can the course of future innovations be managed somehow? Innovation foresight processes are required to communicate between different stakeholders on an extensive scale to be able to build comprehensive and understandable future options. Knowledge on future and innovation is no more the exclusive right of experts. This study tries to find new ways of engaging people with the innovation foresight work as well as get new audiences to participate in it. Games and crowdsourcing are two possible solutions to this. Theories covering innovation, foreisght and crowdsourcing are plentiful but scattered, and do not form a coherent framework for innovation foresight. Study is approaching the research topic from two perspectives: what kind of innovation foresight knowledge can we create with games, and what innovation foresight activities can we crowdsource with games? For these targets study has used two different methods, an innovation game case study experiment and a questionnaire targeted to Finnish innovation experts. Game case study consisted of a foresight analysis of 310 ”future thing” ideas generated with an innovation card game. The results revealed that games can enhance the creativity of the players and generate many unexpected uses of future technologies and services. Ideas were also rich with future hopes and fears and they had multidimensional content including different PESTE-variables. Questionnaire was targeted to map views related to the usability of games in different phases of the innovation foresight process. According to responses gaming can be used to observe weak signals, to form wild cards, perceive hopes and fears, and to develop new visions for the future. But games are not seen as suitable for decision-making nor forecasting future trends. Crowdsourcing can enhance the ”crowd wisdom” of the foresight process. Crowd wisdom means that groups are often smarter than the smartest people in them. This phenomenon is based on the thought that “no one knows everything, but everyone knows something”. The challenge in crowdsourcing is to motivate people to participate and engage. Games can be a powerful solution to innovation foresight motivation challenge, and they may also generate different solutions than other methods. But games cannot replace the foresight process. To subject foresight to games and gamification would take too many resources, be expensive, difficult to manage, and results would be risky. Crowdsourcing innovation foresight can often be carried out more effectively when using existing social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter etc. instead of games. In any case, crowd wisdom is too valuable resource not to be exploited in foresight.siirretty Doriast

    Development of expertise through co-creation in networks: An ethnographic case study from a professional service context

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    Professional service firms are recognized as a still growing sector in modern economies. In professional services, expertise and knowledge are the key resources, and constant development and renewal of the resource base is essential to remain innovative and successful. Vast research and literature on professional services provide insights into how professional service providers use their expertise in collaboration. However, business development occurs in co-creation networks, where professional service providers collaborate with customers and other stakeholders. In these types of co-creation processes, the solution is sought together, utilizing the expertise and knowledge of all participants; this search is also about embracing uncertainty and working without setting an exact goal. Therefore, focusing explicitly on outlining expertise and what constitutes business-to-business services based on co-creation is needed. Since professional services rely heavily on expertise and are crucial in facilitating knowledge creation in their customers, a more detailed understanding of expertise is needed to successfully collaborate with customers in value co-creation networks. I also argue that the expertise needed when operating in co-creation networks differs from that needed in more traditional development and collaboration processes between professional service provider customers. More precisely, I believe different aspects and expertise areas gain a more prominent role when collaboration occurs in co-creation networks. My study aims to build an empirically grounded framework of expertise and its development in professional services in today’s ever-more networked business world. To reach the research objective, I have conducted an ethnographic case study of three individual studies and the synthesis part. Adopting ethnography as a research approach allows for building a contextual and detailed understanding of expertise in professional services. The individual studies focus on developing an executive learning community focusing on collective creation, facilitation activities and their role in supporting co-creation, and strategy co-creation between independent consultants in a micro firm context. The synthesis part of this study integrates the literature and empirical findings of the original studies and introduces the empirical framework and discusses what the expertise consists of in professional services, especially in management consulting, coaching, and business development. The key concepts of service-dominant logic and its view on co-creation - service, value, actors, and resources - are used to highlight the areas of expertise that gain importance when professionals engage in co-creation with customers and other stakeholders. Expertise areas in professional services based on the results of my study are 1) knowledge-based expertise, 2) practice-based expertise, 3) emotional and situational expertise, and 4) a co-creation mindset. The fourth category - a co-creation mindset - can be seen as an area of expertise that guides the collaboration and work of the professionals at the heart of expertise forming the so-called red thread. In the ever more networked, interactional, and joint way of conducting business, developing new solutions, and enabling learning, expertise permitting co-creation is highlighted. It can be argued that the network’s multi-layered nature is a platform for expertise development. Also, varied contexts provide access to myriad resources or arenas for developing practice-based expertise via reflection, which then develops into a part of knowledge-based expertise. In practice, expertise develops through reflection, action, and dialogue. This study contributes to the professional service literature by providing a nuanced and fine-grained analysis and the categorization of expertise by combining existing literature and the findings of the empirical study. This study increases understanding of the practice of expertise development and discusses the nature of expertise. Expertise results from resource development and experience developed through consciously addressing challenging problems and having the courage to step beyond one’s comfort zone. Expertise is also developed and appreciated in interaction; thus, this study highlights the social aspects of expertise

    NADPH-Dependent Thioredoxin System In Regulation of Chloroplast Functions

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    Photosynthesis, the process in which carbon dioxide is converted into sugars using the energy of sunlight, is vital for heterotrophic life on Earth. In plants, photosynthesis takes place in specific organelles called chloroplasts. During chloroplast biogenesis, light is a prerequisite for the development of functional photosynthetic structures. In addition to photosynthesis, a number of other metabolic processes such as nitrogen assimilation, the biosynthesis of fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, and hormones are localized to plant chloroplasts. The biosynthetic pathways in chloroplasts are tightly regulated, and especially the reduction/oxidation (redox) signals play important roles in controlling many developmental and metabolic processes in chloroplasts. Thioredoxins are universal regulatory proteins that mediate redox signals in chloroplasts. They are able to modify the structure and function of their target proteins by reduction of disulfide bonds. Oxidized thioredoxins are restored via the action of thioredoxin reductases. Two thioredoxin reductase systems exist in plant chloroplasts, the NADPHdependent thioredoxin reductase C (NTRC) and ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase (FTR). The ferredoxin-thioredoxin system that is linked to photosynthetic light reactions is involved in light-activation of chloroplast proteins. NADPH can be produced via both the photosynthetic electron transfer reactions in light, and in darkness via the pentose phosphate pathway. These different pathways of NADPH production enable the regulation of diverse metabolic pathways in chloroplasts by the NADPH-dependent thioredoxin system. In this thesis, the role of NADPH-dependent thioredoxin system in the redox-control of chloroplast development and metabolism was studied by characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA insertion lines of NTRC gene (ntrc) and by identification of chloroplast proteins regulated by NTRC. The ntrc plants showed the strongest visible phenotypes when grown under short 8-h photoperiod. This indicates that i) chloroplast NADPH-dependent thioredoxin system is non-redundant to ferredoxinthioredoxin system and that ii) NTRC particularly controls the chloroplast processes that are easily imbalanced in daily light/dark rhythms with short day and long night. I identified four processes and the redox-regulated proteins therein that are potentially regulated by NTRC; i) chloroplast development, ii) starch biosynthesis, iii) aromatic amino acid biosynthesis and iv) detoxification of H2O2. Such regulation can be achieved directly by modulating the redox state of intramolecular or intermolecular disulfide bridges of enzymes, or by protecting enzymes from oxidation in conjunction with 2-cysteine peroxiredoxins. This thesis work also demonstrated that the enzymatic antioxidant systems in chloroplasts, ascorbate peroxidases, superoxide dismutase and NTRC-dependent 2-cysteine peroxiredoxins are tightly linked up to prevent the detrimental accumulation of reactive oxygen species in plants.Siirretty Doriast

    Seisomakatsomo eli erään laulun tarina ajatuksesta valmiiksi tuotteeksi

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli yhden kappaleen matka ajatustasolta valmiiksi tuotteeksi, eli loppuunmiksatuksi sävellykseksi jolla on musiikkivideo. Kappaleen ja sen videon tekoprosessin lisäksi opinnäytetyössä tarkastellaan itsenäisen kappaleen markkinointia sissimarkkinoinnin näkökulmasta. Opinnäytetyön kappale, Seisomakatsomo, on nauhoitettu Studio Päällikössä ja sen video on tehty yhteistyössä medianomi Mikael Leppäniemen kanssa. Sekä kappaleen että videon tarkoitus on sijaita videopalvelu YouTubessa ja tuottaa iloa jääkiekon ystäville.The purpose of this thesis was to illustrate the effort needed in order to make a song. The journey starts with an idea and ends with a mixed and mastered song with a music video. Other than listing the steps needed to make a song, the thesis is also about the concept of guerilla marketting and its uses in marketting something non-profit. The song, Seisomakatsomo, was recorded in Studio Päällikkö and the video was made in co-operation with Mikael Leppäniemi. Both the song and the video were made to be viewed in YouTube and their sole purpose is to produce enjoyment for fellow hockey-fans

    Uniohjausryhmä vauvaperheelle : vanhempien kokemuksia ryhmänohjauksesta ja vertaistuesta uniongelmien hoidossa

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on kuvata vanhempien kokemuksia ryhmänohjauksesta ja vertaistuesta vauvan uniongelmien hoidossa. Työelämän yhteistyökumppanina toimii Helsingin kaupungin lapsiperheiden perhehoitotyö, joka järjestää uniohjausryhmiä huonosti nukkuvien 6-12 kuukauden ikäisten vauvojen vanhemmille. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on, että opinnäytetyön työelämän yhteistyökumppani voi hyödyntää vanhempien haastatteluista analysoitua tietoa uniohjaustoimintansa kehittämisessä. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä kerrotaan 6-12 kuukauden ikäisen vauvan unesta, tyypillisimmistä vauvojen uniongelmista, sekä millä tavoin uniongelmat kuormittavat perheiden hyvinvointia ja vuorovaikutussuhteita. Lisäksi opinnäytetyössä esitellään tutkimustietoa ryhmänohjauksesta ja vertaistuesta. Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin vanhempien kokemuksia uniohjausryhmästä saatavasta ryhmänohjauksesta ja vertaistuesta. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin laadullisella tutkimusmenetelmällä. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla uniohjausryhmiin osallistuneita perheitä. Aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysimenetelmää käyttäen. Haastatellut vanhemmat pitivät ryhmänohjausta uniongelmien hoidossa toimivana. Vanhemmat olivat saaneet ryhmänohjauksesta helpotusta vauvojensa uniongelmiin ja kokivat elämänlaatunsa parantuneen. Vertaistuki muodostui merkittäväksi voimaannuttavaksi tekijäksi uniongelmien hoidossa. Haastatteluissa ilmeni, että ryhmänohjaustilanteissa oli jonkin verran toistoa asioiden käsittelyssä. Opinnäytetyön lopuksi esitellään haastatteluiden tulosten pohjalta tehtyjä kehittämisehdotuksia. Ryhmästä saatava vertaistuki ja ohjaus uniongelmien hoitoon saattaisi vanhempien mielestä olla vieläkin tehokkaampaa, jos perheitä jaettaisiin ryhmässä enemmän vauvojen ikäkuukausien mukaan.The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis was to describe parents’ experiences of group counseling and peer support when dealing with insomnia in babies. The working life partner of this thesis was Helsinki Social Services and Services for Families, which organizes group counseling for the parents of infants between 6 to 12 months experiencing sleeping problems. The aim of the thesis was that the working life partner could utilize the information derived from the parents’ interviews in developing their group counseling. The theoretical background includes theory about the sleep of infants aged 6 to 12 months, the most typical sleep problems in infants, and how sleeping problems strain families were discussed. Also, additional information on group counseling and peer support was introduced. The thesis also discussed how the parents experienced group counseling and peer support. In the thesis a qualitative research method was used. The families participating in group counseling were interviewed and the material from those interviews was analyzed using content analysis. The parents who participated in the interviews considered group counseling beneficial. The parents told that counseling alleviated their baby’s sleeping problems and some even saw their quality of life improved. Peer support turned out to be the most important factor in treating insomnia. Interviewees said that there was some degree of repetition in group counseling situations. One suggestion for further development was that peer support and counseling regarding to sleeping problems could be more beneficial if the participating families were divided more strictly into groups according to their baby’s age

    Performance of the Low Beta-to-ETF Strategy After ETF Selloffs

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    This thesis investigates whether using the low beta-to-ETF measure introduced by Lynch, Page, Panariello & Giroux (2019) after high volume ETF selloffs produce investors abnormal returns on a short-term and long-term basis. This low beta-to-ETF strategy aims to capture the so-called ETF outsider stocks that are unintentionally co-moving with the rest of the ETF constituents. The key motivation is that the investors should buy these outsiders after a downward price-pressure from a selloff event and then capture the price reversion after the situation normalizes. By applying Lynch et al. (2019) methodology, a set of both U.S. and European broad-index and factor ETFs are examined for selloff days from 01/2016 to 08/2020. Overall, 202 outsider ETF constituent portfolios are created, which are then each held for 40 days. These portfolios are then combined into long-term systematic strategies for each ETF and are backtested for the entirety of the sample period and estimated with the Fama-French Five-factor model with betting against beta expansion. Additionally, a fundamental proxy component of Piotroski F-Score is suggested to enhance stock-picking for the portfolios, as Lynch et al. (2019) discussed the benefits of applying fundamental analysis for their strategy. The results of this thesis indicate that short-term outsider stock strategy for these sample ETFs produces an average cumulative abnormal return of 1.3% after a 40-day holding period. The long-term systematic strategy fails to generate statistically significant alpha estimated by the Fama-French Five-factor model but produces superior Sharpe ratios and reduces volatility compared to just passively holding the parent ETFs. Finally, the fundamental proxy suggested as an enhancing stock-picking factor does not improve the abnormal returns obtained in this thesis

    Eromöykky : peli vanhempien erosta puhumisen tukena perhetyössä

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    Eromöykky – peli vanhempien erosta puhumisen tukena perhetyössä oli kehittämistyö, jonka tavoitteena oli kehittää Raision kaupungin lastensuojelun perhetyössä eroperheiden lasten kanssa tehtävää työtä. Tarve kehittämistyölle nousi Raision kaupungin perhepalveluilta, sillä lastensuojelun perhetyöllä ei ollut käytössään varsinaisia eroperheiden kanssa työskentelyyn tarkoitettuja välineitä. Kehittämistyö toteutettiin vuoden 2015 aikana yhteistyössä Raision kaupungin perhepalveluiden kanssa. Kehittämistehtävänä oli suunnitella eroperheiden lasten kanssa käytettävä uusi erotyön väline lastensuojelun perhetyöntekijöiden käyttöön. Kehittämistyön tekemisen aloitimme alkukartoituksella. Työn aikana hyödynsimme myös ryhmähaastattelua, dialogista keskustelua sekä kriittistä reflektiota osana toimeksiantajan kanssa pidettyjä palavereja. Kirjallisuuden avulla perehdyimme siihen, kuinka ero vaikuttaa vanhemmuuteen ja lapseen sekä perhetyön mahdollisuuksiin tukea eroperheitä. Kehittämistyön tuotoksena syntyi Eromöykky- lautapeli, jonka tavoitteena oli lapsen parempi huomioon ottaminen keskellä vanhempien eroprosessia. Pelissä tavoitteeseen pyritään käsittelemällä vanhempien eroa lapsen maailmasta käsin. Peli on tarkoitettu lapsen ja vanhemman yhdessä pelattavaksi työntekijän ohjauksessa. Eromöykky-pelin sisältö nousi työn teoreettisesta osuudesta sekä toimeksiantajan toiveista. Kehittämisprosessin aikana kokeilimme peliä lastensuojelun perhetyön asiakasperheessä.The purpose of this development project was to enhance the family work done within the child protection services in the city of Raisio by focusing on the children affected by parental separation. The need for this project arose from the family service workers in Raisio. Before the development project, the family workers in child protection services had no actual tools to use with the children whose parents had separated. This project was carried out during the year 2015 together with the family service workers in Raisio. Our assignment in this project was to produce a tool for the family workers in child protection services to use with children affected by parental separation. We started out by doing an initial assessment to clarify the basis for this project. In addition, we used a group interview, dialogic conversation, and critical reflection coupled with the meetings with our employer, as methods of completing the assignment. By reading the literature previously written on this topic, we familiarized ourselves with the effects of parental separation on parenthood and on children. We also read up on the possibilities on how family work could support families in these kinds of situations. At the end of the project we put our product to the test by trying it out in practice with a client family of the child protection services. The product of this development project is a board game called Eromöykky. The aim of the game is to pay more attention to a child’s needs in cases of parental separation. The way of reaching this goal is to address the topic from a child’s point of view. The game is meant to be played by a parent and a child in the guidance of a family worker. The content of this game is based on the knowledge gained from the theoretical part of our project as well as the comments and wishes of our employer