46 research outputs found

    Methods of Standard Rates of Financial Expenses Calculation on Landscaped Areas Maintenance (on the example of St. Petersburg, Russia)

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    Relevance of research is caused by need of optimization of the expenditure of budgetary funds of St. Petersburg in the field of gardening. The article is devoted to development of system of indicators for identification of volumes of works per unit of measurement, necessary to form costs for works on maintenance of objects and the territories of green plantings of St. Petersburg. Main methods to research of the matter were natural and analytical methods which have allowed revealing the main problems of management of the territories and objects of green plantings of the megalopolis. Also the method of the statistical analysis was applied to sample some 123 objects of green plantings of St. Petersburg. The system of indicators to calculate objectively and reasonably standard rates of finance costs on maintenance of objects and the territories of green plantings of St. Petersburg has been identified. To control results the method of the comparative analysis was used. Problems of management of the territories and objects of green plantings of megalopolises are revealed; the unique system of indicators for the purposes of forming of standard rates of finance costs for works on maintenance of objects and the territories of green plantings of megalopolises is provided; recommendations about enhancement of system of certification of green plantings are proved. The developed system of indicators has been used by Committee for economic policy and strategic planning of St. Petersburg. Keywords: green plantings, maintenance, finance costs, accounting, certification JEL Classifications: M41, Q1

    Повышение эффективности статистического подхода к обработке данных контроля технологического процесса транспорта нефти

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    Тема научной работы выбрана согласно стратегии совместного сотрудничества РФ и КНР, в которой возрастают требования к эффективности использования нефтетранспортных предприятий. Целью данной дипломной работы является изучение котроля техгологического процесса во времени на примере транспорта жидкости, при помощи метода контрольных карт Шухарта, метод главных компонент и стандарт статистика. В данной работе был произведен расчет и рассмотрена возможность осуществления технологического контроля при мониторинге многопараметрового процесса транспорта жидкости по трубопроводу.The theme of the scientific work is selected according to the strategy of joint cooperation between the Russian Federation and the PRC, in which the requirements to the effectiveness of the use of oil transportation enterprises are increasing. The purpose of this thesis is to study the control of the technological process in time using the example of fluid transport, using the method of Shewhart control charts, the method of main components and the standard statistic. In this paper, a calculation was made and the possibility of implementing technological control in monitoring a multi-parameter fluid transport process through a pipeline was considered

    Institutional Environment of Innovation Market: Structure and Factors of Development

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    The article is devoted to the research of theoretical approaches to the analysis of institutional factors in the development of innovations. A structural factor model of innovation systems is presented in the article. The key object of factor analysis in the model as well as is the definition of institutional factors of innovation environment is determined. Institutional environment of innovative market is structured. Endogenous and exogenous factors that influence the development of the institutional environment, barriers hindering the development of the innovative environment are identified. Keywords: institutional environment, innovative system, institutional factors, institutions, barriers JEL Classifications: O33; O38; R1

    Rationale for Conducting Recreative Sport and Improvement Events for University Students During the Intersemestrial Period

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    Актуальность проведенного исследования обусловлена повышающейся учебной нагрузкой студентов вузов, которая отражается на их психоэмоциональном состоянии, нарастании тревожности и приводит к снижению физической и умственной работоспособности. Используемые в исследовании методы анкетирования и психолого-педагогической диагностики позволили подтвердить вышеобозначенный тезис и обосновать необходимость организации и проведения рекреативных физкультурно-оздоровительных мероприятий для студентов вузов в межсеместровый период.The relevance of the study is due to the increasing workload of university students, which affects their psycho-emotional state, an increase in anxiety and leads to a decrease in physical and mental performance. The methods of questioning and psychological and pedagogical diagnostics used in the study made it possible to confirm the above thesis and substantiate the need for organizing and conducting recreational sports and recreational activities for university students in the intersemester period

    Triggers and markers of skin aging in women with menopausal syndrome

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    Introduction. External manifestations of aging, and especially skin aging are the most important for modern women.Aim. The aim of our study was to identify a set of adverse factors that effect on the skin of women in menopausal transition (MP) and in postmenopause (PM), and to identify markers of skin aging in this category of women.Materials and methods. The study included 36 women in MP and PM suffering from MS. At the first stage, anamnesis was collected, anthropometric data and severity of MS were evaluated, and the hormonal profile of patients was determined. At the second stage, computer mapping of the skin was performed using the digital video camera Aramo SG with the skin XPpro program. Statistic analysis was performed using the SPSS v13.0 program. Spearman’s analysis was used to determine the relationship between anthropometric, clinical and anamnestic data and the measurements of skin condition of women in MP and PM. Results. According to the obtained data, the main triggers of skin aging of women in MP and PM are: the presence of metabolic disorders (obesity, metabolic syndrome), decrease of estradiol and progesterone levels in blood serum as well as increase of prolactin level and rhythm disturbance of melatonin secretion. Markers of skin aging in women with menopausal syndrome are decreased moisture, increased oiliness in T-zone, increased of skin pigmentation and enlarged pore size.Conclusions. The obtained data are useful for management involuting skin changes of women in PM and MP suffering from MS. The data justifies the relevancy to normalization not only the estradiol level, but other sex steroids, melatonin, as well as correction of metabolic endocrine processes, and treatment of MS


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    Aim. The objective of the study was to substantiate the rationality of using monochromatic polarized incoherent optical radiation  (photochromotherapy) on the abdomen as a supplement to the  standard program for the treatment of acute intestinal infections in  children.Material and methods. Twenty-six children with acute intestinal  infections from 6 months to 12 years old were observed during  inpatient treatment. In the comparison group (n = 11), children  received standard therapy, including diet therapy, rehydration,  sorbents, probiotics or prebiotics, as well as indications for etiotropic  drugs. In the main group, patients (n = 15) in addition to standard  therapy received photochromotherapy as an effect on the abdomen  with monochromatic polarized incoherent optical radiation from the  Bioptron apparatus with a blue filter at a distance of 5 cm labile along the bowel. The duration of photochromotherapy was 5 minutes, the course of treatment included 4-5 sessions 1 time per  day. The effectiveness of the therapy regimens used in the groups  was assessed by the duration of the disease, the length of inpatient  treatment, the dynamics of changes in the clinical blood test at the  time of discharge. Results. The advantage of the technique with the addition of  standard treatment of acute intestinal infections by photochromotherapy was established. In the main group of  patients, the duration of the disease was significantly shorter  (9,1±0,8 days) compared to the comparison group (10,2±1,5 days,  p=0,02) against the background of a significant decrease in the severity of inflammatory manifestations in the hemogram in form of  a decrease in thrombocytosis. Conclusion. The obtained data make it  possible to recommend the method of photochromotherapy in the  complex therapy of intestinal infections of various etiologies in  children older than 6 months.Цель – обоснование рациональности использования монохроматического поляризованного  некогерентного оптического излучения (фотохромотерапии) на область живота в качестве  дополнения стандартной базисной медикаментозной программы лечения острых кишечных инфекций у детей.Материалы и методы. Наблюдали 26 детей с острыми кишечными инфекциями от 6  месяцев до 12 лет в период стационарного лечения. В группе сравнения (n=11) дети  получали стандартную терапию ОКИ, включающую диетотерапию, регидратацию, сорбенты,  пробиотики или пребиотики, а также по показаниям этиотропные препараты. В основной  группе пациенты (n=15) дополнительно к стандартной базисной медикаментозной терапии  получали фотохромотерапию в виде воздействия на область живота монохроматическим поляризованным некогерентным оптическим излучением от аппарата  «Bioptron» с фильтром синего спектра с расстояния 2–3 см лабильно по ходу кишечника. Длительность фотохромотерапии составляла 5 минут, курс лечения включал 4–5  сеансов по 1 разу в сутки. Эффективность использованных схем терапии в группах оценивали по длительности заболевания, длительности лечения в стационаре,  динамике изменений в клиническом анализе крови к моменту выписки.Результаты. Установлено преимущество методики с дополнением стандартного базисного  медикаментозного лечения острых кишечных инфекций фотохромотерапией. В основной  группе пациентов наблюдалось значительно меньшая длительность заболевания (9,1±0,8  дней) по сравнению с группой сравнения (10,2±1,5 дней; p=0,02) за счет повышения  неспецифической реактивности организма на фоне активного снижения выраженности  системного воспалительного  ответа, что проявилось в достоверно более высоком значении  нормального среднего уровня СОЭ, менее высокой частоте тромбоцитоза и нормальном  среднем уровне количества тромбоцитов в гемограмме к моменту выписки из стационара в  противовес относительно повышенному количеству тромбоцитов у детей группы сравнения.  Заключение. Полученные данные позволяют рекомендовать методику фотохромотерапии в составе комплексной терапии кишечных инфекций различной этиологии у детей старше 6 месяцев

    Knowledge-intensive business services as knowledge and innovation agents through client cooperation and labor mobility

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    Using unique databases from Norway, this thesis investigates the role of KIBS in innovation through two distinct mechanisms of knowledge transmission, namely client cooperation and mobility of KIBS employees, as well as importance of technological proximity and geography in these processes. The analysis reveals that 1) cooperation with KIBS seems to be of higher importance for innovation than acquisition of KIBS employees; 2) related knowledge appear to contribute more to innovation than similar knowledge; 3) labor mobility is strictly bounded in space, while cooperation relations are evenly distributed geographically; 4) location of KIBS as cooperation partners does not matter for innovation in client firms; however KIBS firms gain more from their local KIBS counterparts. Our findings extend the existent literature on the mechanisms of tacit knowledge transmission in general, on specific roles of KIBS in innovation processes, as well as on conditions that impact the success of knowledge transfer. Our results suggest a number of managerial and policy implications