80 research outputs found

    Implementing EU renewable energy policy at the subnational level: Navigating between conflicting interests

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    The European Union (EU) has set targets for gradually reducing greenhouse gas emissions through 2050. One of the instruments involved is the 2009 Renewable Energy Directive, which specifies a 20 per cent renewable energy target for the EU by 2020. This paper reviews tensions and institutional innovations that can arise at local and regional levels within the context of the implementation of this policy. Drawing on empirical evidence collected in two regions, one in a federal country (Brandenburg in Germany), one in a unitary state (Aquitaine in France), the paper describes the factors that determine community and market acceptance of renewable energies, suggesting that appropriate multi-level governance schemes are instrumental in the successful adoption and implementation of EU priorities at the local level

    The Shrinking Geographies of Coal: European Pathways in a Global Context

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    This contribution aims at highlighting trends that are affecting coal’s geography at different levels (world, European and regional ones). To reach the emission targets agreed in the Paris Agreement (2015), coal’s decline looks necessary but it still contributes for almost half of power production. Coal’s geography is however shrinking albeit at a different pace around the world with Asia remaining a key consumer and supplier and European countries being for most of them committed to phase it out. China produces and consumes around 40 percent of the coal extracted while most of the EU Member States have either phased-out coal or have committed to do so. Different EU policy instruments aiming at lowering GHG emissions are affecting cost-effectiveness of coal fired power-plants.&nbsp

    Coal phasing-out and regional development issues

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    How coal has shaped regional and social identities should not be overlooked while discussing the social impact of the on-going transition. Hence the need to focus on different pathways adopted by national and regional governments to adjust to the new context. While focusing on the sub-national level, this contribution aims at highlighting some of the challenges raised and to connect them to some findings from the literature dedicated to economic geography

    Énergies renouvelables : la biomasse, l’éolien, le solaire:StratĂ©gies nationales, structuration des rĂ©seaux et innovations en Grande-Bretagne, France, Allemagne, Pologne

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    RĂ©digĂ© en 2013 Ă  la demande de la Caisse des DĂ©pĂŽts et Consignations, ce rapport consacrĂ© aux Ă©nergies renouvelables (EnR) s’organise autour de quatre Ă©tudes conduites Ă  l’échelle nationale (France, Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne, Pologne) par Rachel Guyet et Kamila Waciega. Pour chacun de ces pays, un focus rĂ©gional (Ă©galement rĂ©digĂ© par Rachel Guyet et Kamila Waciega) reposant sur des enquĂȘtes de terrain permet de mesurer Ă  l’échelle des territoires (la SilĂ©sie en Pologne, la rĂ©gion de Liverpool en Grande-Bretagne, le Bade-Wurtemberg en Allemagne, le Nord-Pas-de-Calais en France) les potentiels et les difficultĂ©s de la mise en oeuvre des stratĂ©gies de valorisation des Ă©nergies renouvelables. Un premier chapitre rĂ©digĂ© par Gilles Lepesant prĂ©cise le cadre europĂ©en de ces stratĂ©gies locales et nationales. RĂ©digĂ©e par François Bafoil, l’introduction prĂ©sent

    Contested Futures for Energy Transitions

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    AnsĂ€tze zum Ausstieg aus fossilen Brennstoffen zur Reduzierung von Treibhausgasemissionen sind heute trotz großer Einigkeit ĂŒber die Notwendigkeit einer Energiewende fĂŒr das Klima höchst umstritten. Dies spiegelt sich in unterschiedlichen Energietrends wider, aber auch in unterschiedlichen politischen Zielen und Auffassungen von "sauberer Energie". Infolgedessen beobachten wir mehrere parallele und manchmal sogar gegensĂ€tzliche Energiewenden. Mit Fokus auf die Entwicklungen in Europa und Deutschland zeigen die BeitrĂ€ge in diesem Themenheft, dass Energiewenden unterschiedliche historische und wirtschaftliche Grundlagen haben und neue regionale Herausforderungen oder sogar Konflikte mit sich bringen.AnsĂ€tze zum Ausstieg aus fossilen Brennstoffen zur Reduzierung von Treibhausgasemissionen sind heute trotz großer Einigkeit ĂŒber die Notwendigkeit einer Energiewende fĂŒr das Klima höchst umstritten. Dies spiegelt sich in unterschiedlichen Energietrends wider, aber auch in unterschiedlichen politischen Zielen und Auffassungen von "sauberer Energie". Infolgedessen beobachten wir mehrere parallele und manchmal sogar gegensĂ€tzliche Energiewenden. Mit Fokus auf die Entwicklungen in Europa und Deutschland zeigen die BeitrĂ€ge in diesem Themenheft, dass Energiewenden unterschiedliche historische und wirtschaftliche Grundlagen haben und neue regionale Herausforderungen oder sogar Konflikte mit sich bringen

    Jumelages institutionnels : les limites d’un apprentissage collectif

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    Alors que les huit premiers pays d’Europe centrale et orientale sont officiellement devenus membres de l’UE, une Ă©valuation des jumelages, instrument mis en place par la Commission en 1998 dans le cadre du programme PHARE semble opportune. Il s’agit dans un premier temps d’analyser le fonctionnement de cet outil et les types d’interactions entre les diffĂ©rents acteurs en jeu. On pourra ainsi mettre en Ă©vidence l’adaptation ou non des procĂ©dures aux objectifs qui visent l’harmonisation et la convergence entre les diffĂ©rents systĂšmes, la qualitĂ© de la prise en compte des besoins et des attentes des participants et pour finir la rĂ©ussite du processus d’europĂ©anisation. L’enjeu central Ă©tant in fine celui de l’apprentissage des bonnes pratiques, comme processus d’accompagnement, d’imitation, de correction et en fin de compte d’adaptation des rĂšgles et normes de l’UE

    Mutations des rĂ©gions frontaliĂšres avec l’Union europĂ©enne: Cahiers du CEFRES N° 9f, Territoires en mutation

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    International audienceCette seconde table ronde a pour sujet les mutations des rĂ©gions frontaliĂšres avec l’Union europĂ©enne. Tout d’abord, Michel Foucher (UniversitĂ© LumiĂšre Lyon II) s’intĂ©resse Ă  la problĂ©matique sans cesse renouvelĂ©e des frontiĂšres internes et externes de l’Union europĂ©enne, puis G. Lepesant (CERI) se concentre sur les Ă©changes et la coopĂ©ration aux frontiĂšres orientales de l’Allemagne. Jiƙí Patočka (AV ČR) communique ensuite sur certains aspects du dĂ©veloppement des eurorĂ©gions en RĂ©publique tchĂšque tandis que FrantiĆĄek Zich (UK) s’intĂ©resse aux Ă©volutions des relations entre les habitants des rĂ©gions frontaliĂšres germano-tchĂšques. Suivent une communication de Giorgio Ficarelli (Comission europĂ©enne) sur les actions de soutien de l’Union europĂ©enne Ă  la coopĂ©ration transfrontaliĂšre, une autre de Jaroslav ZĂĄmečnĂ­k qui se focalise sur une expĂ©rience particuliĂšre de coopĂ©ration frontaliĂšre, celle de l’eurorĂ©gion Nisa, et une autre de Milan Jeƙábek (Masarykova Univerzita), commentant les rĂ©sultats de sondages rĂ©alisĂ©s dans les rĂ©gions frontaliĂšres tchĂ©co-allemandes. Enfin, Jiƙí TomeĆĄ (UK) rĂ©flĂ©chit Ă  une problĂ©matisation de la diffĂ©renciation rĂ©gionale et de son contexte politique et ÄœubomĂ­r FalĆ„an (SAS) conclut sur quelques remarques au sujet des relations transfrontaliĂšres austro-slovaques

    Biomolecules from olive pruning waste in Sierra MĂĄgina - Engaging the energy transition by multi-actor and multidisciplinary analyses

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    Unidad de excelencia MarĂ­a de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552The price volatility of fossil resources, the uncertainty of their long-term availability and the environmental, climatic and societal problems posed by their operation lead to the need of an energy transition enabling the development and utilization of other alternative and sustainable resources. Acknowledging that indirect land-use change can increase greenhouse gas emission, the European Union (EU) has reshaped its biofuel policy. It has set criteria for sustainability to ensure that the use of biofuels guarantees real carbon savings and protects biodiversity. From a sustainability perspective, biofuels and bioliquids offer indeed both advantages (e.g., more secure energy supply, emission reductions, reduced air pollution and production of high added-value molecules) as well as risks (monocultures, reduced biodiversity and even higher emissions through land use change). Approaching economic, environmental and social sustainability at the local level and in an integrated way should help to maximize benefits and minimize risks. This approach has been adopted and is described in the present work that combines chemical, biological, social and territorial studies on the management of pruning waste residues from olive trees in the Sierra MĂĄgina in Spain. The biological and social analyses helped to orientate the research towards an attractive chemical process based on extraction and pyrolysis, in which high added value molecules are recovered and in which the residual biochar may be used as pathogen-free fertilizer. In this region where farmers face declining economic margins, the new intended method may both solve greenhouse gas emission problems and provide farmers with additional revenues and convenient fertilizers. Further research with a larger partnership will consolidate the results and tackle issues such as the logistics

    Espacios fronterizos e integraciĂłn europea: el caso de las fronteras orientales de Alemania

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    Note portant sur l'auteur INTRODUCCIÓN El carĂĄcter inĂ©dito, innovador, de la UniĂłn Europea proviene, en parte, de la devaluaciĂłn contractual de las fronteras entre los Estados miembros, que dicho carĂĄcter implica y permite. Las fronteras externas son preservadas o reforzadas al menos en el plan migratorio. En 1996, las fronteras orientales de Alemania limitan las fronteras externas de la UniĂłn Europea y de la otan, situaciĂłn temporal si se juzga por los proyectos de expansiĂłn de estas dos ins..
