9 research outputs found

    Anthropometric evolution of elderly people living in geriatric institution in Belo Horizonte, MG

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    INTRODUCTION: With advancing age, elderly patients present peculiar situations that influence their nutritional status, becoming the prevalent nutritional disorders. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the nutrient intake of elderly and its association with nutritional status, as well as their anthropometric development. METHOD: A cohort study, and at baseline (January 2008) collected data on socioeconomic, anthropometric, food intake and performed Mini Nutritional Assessment (MAN). In July (2008), were reassessed anthropometry and MAN. Statistical analysis included description of the data, chi-square test and Fisher exact test, ANOVA, multinomial logistic regression and marginal homogeneity. RESULTS: Participants (n = 52), 82.7% were women, mean age 76.6 ± 9.0 years. Consumption of potassium, lipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fell short by 100% and consumption of vitamin B12, niacin and zinc by 44.2%, 65.4% and 82.7% respectively. There was an increase in the percentage of malnourished (7.7% to 15.7%) and the risk of cardiovascular disease (10.8% to 25.7%). CONCLUSION: Observed improvement and worsening nutritional status, combined with inadequate intake of nutrients, which highlights the need for interventions that promote healthier food consumption.</p

    Características físico-químicas e sensoriais do queijo Minas artesanal produzido na região do Serro, Minas Gerais

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi caracterizar físico-quimicamente e avaliar sensorialmente a aceitação do queijo Minas artesanal produzido na região do Serro, Minas Gerais. As vinte amostras de queijo recém-produzidas foram enviadas diretamente da Cooperativa dos Produtores Rurais do Serro. Na análise sensorial foi utilizado o teste de aceitação com utilização de escala hedônica verbal de nove pontos, sendo que a média da nota atribuída por trinta julgadores foi 6,03±2,04, estando portanto definido como "gostei ligeiramente do produto". Os valores médios encontrados para os parâmetros físico-químicos foram: gordura-29,22g/100g; pH-4,98; umidade-50,84g/100g; cinzas-3,79g/100g; cloretos-4,39g/100g; lactose-0,55g/100g; acidez-0,28 (g/100g de ácido láctico); nitrogênio não-protéico-0,27g/100g; nitrogênio total-2,94g/100g; proteína verdadeira-17,06g/100g; profundidade de proteólise-9,18; diâmetro-13,60cm; altura-5,58cm; peso-927,30g. Não houve diferença (p>0,05) entre os queijos produzidos por grandes e pequenos produtores da região do Serro tanto para os parâmetros físico-químicos quanto para a análise sensorial (teste de aceitação). Percebe-se que os queijos não se adequam a denominação "média umidade" (de 36,0 a 45,9g/100g) definida para o queijo Minas do Serro pela Resolução nº 7 de 28 de novembro de 2000 do Ministério da Agricultura e do Abastecimento, caracterizando-se como queijos de alta umidade (entre 46,0 e 54,9g/100g, de acordo com a Portaria nº 146, de 07 de março de 1996).The objective of this study was characterize the sensorial and physico-chemical properties of the artisanal Minas cheese produced in the region of Serro, Minas Gerais. Twenty samples were analysed. For the sensory analysis, it has been used the nine points hedonic verbal scale acceptance test. The result was an average score of 6.03±2.04, wich was attributed by thirty judges, and so that it has been defined as "I like the product slightly". The physico-chemical parameters average values found were: fat content-29.22g/100g; pH-4.98; moisture content-50.84g/100g; ashes-3.79g/100g; chlorides-4.39g/100g; lactose-0.55g/100g; titrable acidity-0.28 (g/100g of lactic acid); non-proteic nitrogen-0.27g/100g; total nitrogen-2.94g/100g; true protein-17.06g/100g; depth of proteolysis-9.18; diameter-13.60cm; height-5.58cm; weight-927.30g. There was no significant difference (p>0,05) between the great and small producers, considering those physico-chemical and sensory evaluation. These cheeses are not adjusted to the following denomination "medium moisture content" (between 36.0 and 45.9g/100g) defined for the Serro's Minas cheese by the Brazilian Department of Agriculture and Supplying in the Resolution number 7 (28 November 2000). Thus, Minas cheese of Serro is characterized as a high moisture content cheese (between 46.0 and 54.9g/100g)

    Partial budget analysis of prepartum antimicrobial therapy and Escherichia coli J5 vaccination of dairy heifers and their effect on milk production and milk quality parameters

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    Abstract: This study aimed to determine whether prepartum antimicrobial and/or Escherichia coli J5 vaccination in dairy heifers influence the milk production, milk quality, and estimate their economic benefit. Thus, 33 dairy heifers were enrolled in four groups using a split-splot design. Groups were: (G1) prepartum antimicrobial infusion and vaccination with an E. coli J5 bacterin, (G2) prepartum antimicrobial infusion, (G3) vaccination with an E. coli J5 bacterin, and (G4) control heifers. Composite milk samples for somatic cell count, total bacteria count and milk composition were collected 15 days after calving and every 15 days until the end of the experiment. Bacteriological analysis was carried out at the end of study. The milk production and the incidence of clinical cases of mastitis, as well as the costs associated with them were recorded. The results demonstrate a reduction on clinical mastitis rates by preventive strategies, which implicated in lower volume of discarded milk (0.99, 1.01, 1.04 and 3.98% for G1, G2, G3 and G4, respectively) and higher economic benefit. Thus, in well-managed dairy herds the prevention of heifer mastitis by vaccination or antimicrobial therapy can reduce the amount of antimicrobials needed to treat clinical mastitis cases and the days of discarded milk

    Determination of the lactose content in low-lactose milk using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and convolutional neural network

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    Demand for low lactose milk and milk products has been increasing worldwide due to the high number of people with lactose intolerance. These low lactose dairy foods require fast, low-cost and efficient methods for sugar quantification. However, available methods do not meet all these requirements. In this work, we propose the association of FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectroscopy with artificial intelligence to identify and quantify residual lactose and other sugars in milk. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) were built from the infrared spectra without preprocessing the data using hyperparameter adjustment and saliency map. For the quantitative prediction of the sugars in milk, a regression model was proposed, while for the qualitative assessment, a classification model was used. Raw, pasteurized and ultra-high temperature (UHT) milk was added with lactose, glucose, and galactose in six concentrations (0.1–7.0 mg mL−1) and, in total, 432 samples were submitted to convolutional neural network. Accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, root mean square error, mean square error, mean absolute error, and coefficient of determination (R2) were used as evaluation parameters. The algorithms indicated a predictive capacity (accuracy) above 95% for classification, and R2 of 81%, 86%, and 92% for respectively, lactose, glucose, and galactose quantification. Our results showed that the association of FTIR spectra with artificial intelligence tools, such as CNN, is an efficient, quick, and low-cost methodology for quantifying lactose and other sugars in milk

    Partial budget analysis of prepartum antimicrobial therapy and Escherichia coli J5 vaccination of dairy heifers and their effect on milk production and milk quality parameters 1

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    RESUMO.-[Análise econômica da terapia antimicrobiana no pré-parto e da vacinação com This study aimed to determine whether prepartum antimicrobial and/or Escherichia coli J5 vaccination in dairy heifers influence the milk production, milk quality, and estimate their economic benefit. Thus, 33 dairy heifers were enrolled in four groups using a split--splot design. Groups were: (G1) prepartum antimicrobial infusion and vaccination with an E. coli J5 bacterin, (G2) prepartum antimicrobial infusion, (G3) vaccination with an E. coli J5 bacterin, and (G4) control heifers. Composite milk samples for somatic cell count, total bacteria count and milk composition were collected 15 days after calving and every 15 days until the end of the experiment. Bacteriological analysis was carried out at the end of study. The milk production and the incidence of clinical cases of mastitis, as well as the costs associated with them were recorded. The results demonstrate a reduction on clinical mastitis rates by preventive strategies, which implicated in lower volume of discarded milk (0.99, 1.01, 1.04 and 3.98% for G1, G2, G3 and G4, respectively) and higher economic benefit. Thus, in well-managed dairy herds the prevention of heifer mastitis by vaccination or antimicrobial therapy can reduce the amount of antimicrobials needed to treat clinical mastitis cases and the days of discarded milk. uma análise econômica do tratamento antimicrobiano no pré-parto e/ou da vacinação com Escherihia coli J5 em novilhas leiteiras, e seu efeito sobre a produção e qualidade de leite. Portanto, utilizou-se o delineamento split-splot em esquema fatorial, no qual 33 novilhas da raça Holandesa foram divididas aleatoriamente em quatro grupos: (G1) antimicroianoterapia no pré-parto e vacinação com E. coli J5, (G2) antimicrobianoterapia no pré-parto, (G3) vacinação com E. coli J5 e (G4) controle. Amostras compostas de leite foram coletadas para contagem de células somáticas, contagem bacteriana total e composição do leite 15 dias após o parto, e a cada 15 dias até o término do experimento. A análise bacteriológica do leite foi realizada ao término do experimento. A produção de leite e a incidência dos casos clínicos de mastite, assim como, os custos associados à antimicrobianoterapia no pré-parto e/ou vacinação com E. coli J5 foram registrados